[h3]1[/h3] [b]LOCATION:[/b] [url=https://www.google.com/maps/place/33°40'16.2%22N+84°20'26.9%22W/@33.6718424,-84.340423,980m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d33.6711667!4d-84.3408056]33°40'16.2"N 84°20'26.9"W[/url] [b]DATE:[/b] Sunday, 3rd of May 2020 [b]TIME:[/b] NOON [b]WEATHER:[/b] HEAVY RAIN [hr] As Jane stepped out and left the protection of the roof, she was greeted by a cold barrage of the falling rain. She had not been in the building for a long time, but in that short period the rain had only intensified. Beautiful and majestic as nature could be, and terrifying when it decided to flex its muscles, today, it seemed the sky was hellbent on flooding the Earth in a record time. Visibility was bad before, now it was even worse. You could barely see the road that was only a stone cast away from the door of the gas station. The otherwise silent and abandoned traffic station was fully enveloped in the roar of the falling rain. Wind had entered the picture now too. Increasing gusts made the trees sway and the water droplets that were thrown around by the wind turned into a watery mist as they crashed into each other. A second later there was a flash. It was followed by a distant roar from a violent crack of lightning not too long after. As if by a result, the roof of the shelter in the parking lot, a few meters away from the door to the station building failed. Years of corrosion, neglect and the weight of the water made the structure break and a mixture of rotten wood and other materials crashed down leaving only the pillars and the metal frame of the shelter standing. No one would find solace under it anymore. Instead, the rain and the water collected by the hooks and nooks by the structure streamed down through the gaping hole onto the pile of rubble that now spread at its feet. The scenery was everything but inviting. Today, the world around seemed to remind anyone who was lucky enough to be still alive of the destruction and collapse that cast the once vibrant civilization to the edge of annihilation. The ones that were alive, were a special generation. This world was not for the weak, or the faint of heart. Every day was a battle and every time one closed their eyes, it could be the last time they would sleep.