[center][h1] Brutality [/h1][/center] [hr] At first, being selected to serve in Aveira’s honor guard had been both a comfortable and easy job - and one that elevated you almost instantly in status to rival that of the Saints. The truth was that Aveira simply did not need guarding. She did not seem to sleep, aside from fleeting moments of inactivity. She did not eat, at least never around her honor guards, and as long as you stayed out of her way, she was even pleasant to be around. Standing by her side was powerful, other Neiyari learned to fear not only her, but her chosen few. It was a life of being hand-fed the bounties of the Luminant, taking any consort you wanted, and escaping any responsibility. Aveira did not care, so long as her will was carried out, and so long as she was not bothered in her enigmatic rule. For the ten that served, it was a paradise. There was a plan, and that plan was never shared with anyone, but it meant travelling all over the Luminant to put Neiyari communities in their place, spreading death to the lesser beings, and enjoying the occasional skirmish with cowardly sun-kindred. Few Neiyari had any more than rags and basic tools, but the honor guard had clothes fashioned from the small ones’ designs, bark and bamboo armor, and spears of light that Aveira had forced them to construct. None had ever failed to maintain their spear, and no one wished to find out how Aveira felt about failure. The life of an honor guard was not particularly demanding, and for a time, it was even better than being a Saint; what was a leader, next to the guardian of a god? But all things change. Almost two full years after their ascension to guardianship, Aveira’s plans carried her above the trees beyond the Luminant. Now, she had said, their real mission began. So their wings carried them away from the forever-glow of the luminous landscape. They flew north, towards trees and mountains barely visible on the horizon, even from afar. The sun had time to set and return, and before long the Luminant had become a memory rather than an observable phenomenon, even from the skies. After Azera complained about being tired, getting a few hums of agreement from some of the others in the honor guard, Aveira finally descended to the trees - and the ground below. Exhaustion was immediate, food was low, water was scarce. Flying for this long without preparation had been taxing, extremely taxing. Physically and emotionally draining, with nothing but other terse and violent degenerates to keep any sort of company. Aveira, who had been unusually quiet, watched the group file out on the ground, and then simply stared up at the sky. It was a ruddy brown haired man, a dark expression on his eyebrows mixed with exhaustion and the tell tale signs of anger, who spoke up. "Where are we going?" He spat. His name was Malri, and he was the newest member of the guard. A man who was as arrogant as he was cruel, always demanding a great amount from the lesser races and doing with them what he pleased. Aveira lowered her gaze to examine the man, as though she had never bothered to do so before despite having picked him for the task herself. [color=paleturquoise]”To push a few pieces into place.”[/color] she answered, and before long she glanced back up at the sky, content that her answer would satisfy even the most curious of souls. "But that doesn't mean anything to me. What pieces? What place? We were perfectly comfortable in the Luminant before you decided to fly us off to gods know where!" Malri said angrily again. "Oh shut up Malri. Ever since we left you've been complaining about everything." Said Tulara, a black haired woman with a painfully impassive face. She didn't even look tired. "If I wanted to hear you speak, I would have addressed you, Tulara." Malri shot back. "I'm talking to Aveira." Tulara scoffed and opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by Enzari. "It doesn't matter where we're going, it is her will and we will follow it." Malri crossed his hands as he gazed daggers at the rigid posture of Enzari. "Always one to kiss up, aren't you En?" He mocked. "Are none of you curious what we're doing here? Or am I the only one who can think about the future? At the rate we keep going, we will die of exhaustion. She will have us drop dead and for what! She's not even paying attention to us!" He shouted now, pointing at the avatar. [color=paleturquoise]”I suppose you are right, Malri,”[/color] Aveira offered with a calm voice, lowering her gaze from the colourful sky. “So where are we going?” Azera cut in as she sat leant back in the grass, emboldened by Malri’s rebellious words. Aveira once more refocused on the group, eyeing first Azera, then Tulara, and finally Malri himself. Her eyes were cold, conspiratorial, and calculating. Even before she spoke again, Malri knew he would not like the reply. [color=paleturquoise]”I suppose you can go home. It was a mistake to assume you were ready for this.”[/color] "Ready for what?" Malri asked in disbelief, his left eye twitching. "Ready to travel? Ready to move the pieces? Go places?" He took a deep breath then said, "You still won't tell us why we followed you here and now you tell us we can just leave? Is this some sort of sick joke? Why did we leave our positions in the Luminant just to travel with you!" [color=paleturquoise]"Leave, stay, go back. It doesn't matter to me,"[/color] Aveira returned with an even, dispassionate tone. Azera managed a brief gasp but was undercut as the avatar of the War Mother continued. [color=paleturquoise]"Be happy that you were recognized for your talent, and served a purpose beyond your kin. Catch your breaths. We leave again shortly. Those who cannot keep up can go home."[/color] "This is-!" Malri started but was cut off by Enzari who said, "At your command." Malri looked at Enzari in disbelief, as others took both sides of the argument. Some began refusing outright and others were hesitantly agreeing. "You can't be serious! You would follow this… this bitch!" Malri shouted, and the entire party quieted immediately, all eyes on him. He puffed out his chest after a moment and continued, "Avatar of the War Mother or not, she continues to lie to our faces! She does not and will not care when we drop dead from exhaustion! We are not Godaris! I'm going back, all of you be damned." He spat. Tulara, who at first had looked deeply disturbed by the unfolding events, decided to vent her frustration at Malri, who swiftly became a target for her, and those among the group that considered the senior Neiyari an authority. “Figures you’d turn tail and run at the first sign of trouble, Malri. Crawl away like the snake you are.” she spat out, and Terani, who had been quiet until now, gripped his spear a little tighter behind her. There was no chance to reply, as Aveira unfurled her wings to beat a single time, a gust of wind rocking the clearing enough to ruffle feathers and demand silence. The avatar lifted into the sky, eyeing the near dozen Neiyari on the ground. [color=paleturquoise]"If you are unable to keep your thoughts on your divine mission, you are not necessary. Pray that there is enough worth left in your frail forms to garner the War Mothers’ favor.”[/color] the avatar spoke, with a dismissive and matter-of-factly tone, lifting further into the sky. Most of the Neiyari were awestruck, confused, or furious. Only Enzari lifted off of the ground to immediately fly after her. Malri gazed upon the two, fists clenched tight. "Good riddance." He muttered under his breath before turning his back on them. He rolled eyes as he looked upon those that remained. "That's what I thought. Better to be alive, than a simple tool." "I'm camping here for the night and tomorrow I'm heading back. Do whatever you want." He intoned sarcastically. He knew they would stay as well, tired as they all were. The tall Neiyari set his spear next to a rock and slumped down in front of it. A sigh escaping his lips at last. High in the sky above, the two shapes vanished out of view, sealing the fates of the nine who remained. Azera stared up at the sky anxiously, holding a hand to her temple. "She really did it. She really left us. She's coming back, right? Right?" "Azera, you spineless harlot. Think for yourself for once. You traded one master for an even worse one. Congratulations." Tulara cut in with an aggressive grunt, gesturing to Malri and his comfortable rock. A few of the others exhaled sharply. Worried eyes shifted between the sky and the gathered. "I'm going back as well." Tulara concluded, and moved to find her own place. “Ah, that’s what I thought.” Malri twisted the corners of his mouth into a smile as he set his hands on top of his head. “I can’t be so bad. After all, I’m not getting you killed by exhaustion, now am I? Better get some sleep you lot, long day ahead of us tomorrow.” Many grumbled, postures tense and expressions impassive as always, but it didn’t stop them from finding their own spots and before he knew it, night approached. [hr] He lost track of time. It seemed the belief that their path had been a straight one, was false or some other force was at play. It had been days since that fateful night and the Luminant was still missing. They couldn’t even see it’s glow in the night and many were beginning to doubt him. He, who had saved them from death, who had stood up to an avatar, who had decided to lead them home. They were ungrateful, petty, and beginning to annoy Malri. Even Azera had turned tail, to join Tulara’s ranks of malcontent. A dam had been filled, threatening to burst and Malri grew paranoid. But paranoia would have to wait, for he was hungry. From his height he wound back his arm, muscles bulging under sunlight, ready to erupt. There, foraging in a small clearing, was a foraging animal. Brown matted fur, small tusks used for digging and a ripe body full of flesh. Sustenance. When the animal turned to its side, Malri threw his spear. It struck the creature in the side with a tremendous THWACK but the creature did not die immediately. It ran, squealing as if it was being devoured alive. He cursed under his breath, giving chase so that he didn’t lose both his spear and the sustenance. He landed before the edge of the clearing, his gaze rather annoyed at the dense thicket before him. But hunger had an odd way of pushing. So he went in, following the blood trail. The thicket was dense with biting barbs and stinging plants and Malri cursed again. “This better be fucking WORTH IT!” he yelled loudly, swinging madly at all the plants in his way. After several more minutes of this, the thicket widened and he could follow the blood trail more easily. It was a straight shot, only veering once through a small gully before he came upon the dying creature. It had landed on it’s side, breathing heavily next to a down tree. Malri leaned down over it. A victorious feeling swelled up inside of him. “You see, even running only delayed the inevitable.” he gloated. Yet the creature still had an ounce of strength as it thrashed it’s head up, cutting Malri on his cheek with a tusk. The man howled in pain, clutching his cheek, but his pain quickly turned to rage and he took the spear out with a squelch and began stabbing the creature over and over again. “You filthy creature! You inferior-!” he screamed, before kicking at it’s head. It eventually caved in and exasperated breaths came from his lips as he looked down at the carnage. Most of the meat was now wasted for in his anger he had not spared any of the beast from his wrath. He cursed again, grabbed his spear and took off. He arrived back at their makeshift camp to uncaring eyes. Tulara and Azera looked him over with their disappointed eyes, their mocking eyes. It drove him up a wall. He had had enough of their treatment. He had saved them! They should be kneeling at his feet! “I’ve made a decision!” he said, thrusting his spear into the ground and holding out his arms. “You all look at me like some sort of failure! That I didn’t save you from certain death! You were all too blinded to think for yourselves and you're still blind to my greatness! Therefore, I shall call upon the WAR MOTHER herself for guidance!” he said madly. “Do you really think that wise, Malri?” Tulara spoke again. Malri snapped his gaze to her and he snarled. “Do not question me, Tulara! I see how you look at me, how you’ve always looked at me! Just remember, you would be dead if you had left with her and instead, now all I get, your savior, is scorn. Your place is on your knees.” he spat with malice. Tulara began to walk forward but Azera caught her arm, shaking her head at the taller woman. “That’s what I thought.” Malri said, “Now is there anyone else who wants to voice their opinions!” he waited, but no one said anything. Many turned their heads away from his gaze, folding their arms across their chests. “Good, then let’s begin.” Malri looked up at the sky and exclaimed, “War Mother! Neiyara! Answer your faithful!” Silence. It lasted much longer than imagined, though not all had imagined anything would come of his attempt. As those most disinterested began to turn their attention aside, the wind appeared to grip onto Malri, and brushed through his hair. The air grew tight and cloying, and he could have sworn someone was behind him, breathing down his neck - staring at him. It was hot, hard to think, and imposing. Something claimed the air around him. In the distance, he saw Tulara speak again, yet her words did not reach his ears. The others did not seem to feel the change in the air. Then, breaking the barrier of growing silence filled only by his own breath, a soothing and honeyed voice crooned from the ether. [color=8493ca]"You call for me and I listen, my sweet. Such spirit, it demands to shape the world."[/color] the voice offered gently in his ear, though no one was there. Malri’s eyes went wide and he laughed maniacally. “She’s here! She speaks to me because I am worthy! Mother please! I need your help to return home!” A few eyes turned back to him among the group, confusion rife among them. [color=8493ca]"You were put on the world to make it yours, my love. If you lack a path home, why not make another?"[/color] the voice carried on the wind, lining up almost perfectly with Azera's moving lips in the distance, despite not being her voice or spoken in any place but his mind. [color=8493ca]"There is a word for those who expect love and aid to come to them, instead of acting. Oraeliari."[/color] Malri’s words caught in his throat. What did.... No! No, this could not be! “You do not understand Mother! The Luminant is m- Our home! Our seat of power! We must return to it if we are to serve you properly!” he said, slightly angry. A brisk wind tussled his hair with a hollow warmth. [color=8493ca]"You understand better than a goddess, my one and only? To fight, you must be allowed to be lazy. Safe. Sated. Is that not so? You wish to be a lamb, playing at being a predator."[/color] “N-No! I am a predator! I have slain so many in your name and for survival! I am not a lamb like those Oraeliari!” he clutched his fists and furrowed his brow. “I understand now that divine words can hardly be Trusted! Your avatar showed me that! I should never have contacted you if all you’re going to do is toy with my emotions and offer hollow help!” The others now stared at him, a few having taken a few steps forward. Terani spoke, but instead, the goddess voice filled the air. [color=8493ca]"I will not debase my great warrior so. To offer you help would be like caging a wolf. You are owed the world, my sweet. So take what it is you want. You don't need to be gentle with me."[/color] “What are these words you say, they make no sense but to only aggravate me! Why do you mock me so, I only asked for help! But I see now, you will give no help willingly, it must be taken, is that it? How does one take from a god!” He snarled, before looking at the other Neiyari coming closer. “I spurn you! I should have known better! Urgh!” he screamed, going over to Tulara and slapping her. “Give me what I want! Neiyara! The power to god home so I can do whatever I want to these ungrateful beings! They do not see me for what I am, but what they think I am! I am a warrior! A champion of Aveira! I shall take from them everything!” Tulara toppled over like a leaf gripped by the wind, cast aside and to the ground as his slap connected. One of the cowards behind her shouted at him, and it briefly broke through the cloying haze around Malri; a muffled and angered expression of exasperation. [color=8493ca]"Aveira left you, beloved. You are nothing to her. Perhaps you are nothing to me, too. They are better than you. Perhaps everyone is better than you."[/color] the voice claimed as Terani came running at him. He said nothing, but waited for him to arrive and when he did, he deftly dodged to the side and struck him with his elbow right in his back. He went down and Malri blew up again, “No one is better than ME! Without me they would have died like sheep led to the slaughter, I saved them!” Another voice came into his mind it, was nothing like the mother’s, it was more jaunty and strange, [color=DAA250]”Saved? Oh that's what we’re calling this now? Come now you can’t truly believe that.”[/color] “Who… Who is this? Another Godari come to poke fun? Is that all you bastards do?” Malri tightened his fists, looking for another fight. He wanted to attack them, make them suffer! For now… His kin would do. He descended upon Tulara again and began to punch her face. The woman tried to in vain to shield herself. Before he knew it, another body tackled him, sending them sprawling. It was Azera, who clawed at him angrily. He kicked her off with a powerful push lunged at her, swinging but missing. This only caused him more anger. “Azera! I saved you from your own stupidity and this is how you repay me? This is how you all repay me!” The others began to pile upon him, using their numbers to try desperately to hold the mad man back. The jaunty voice chuckled in his mind [color=DAA250]”Now what’s this about repaying? It's not like you did anything of worth, can’t even beat these upstarts now can you?”[/color] No more words came out of his mouth. He ran for his spear, tripped by another Neiyari into the dirt with a grunt. Something hard struck him in the back and he growled before rolling onto his back and shielding himself from another blow. Malri then swung his legs and knocked over his attacker, who was none other than Yevara. She fell on her back and he wasted no time to scramble for his spear, desperately clawing at the dirt towards it. Someone grabbed his foot and he looked back to see Yevera again and several others racing towards them. “Get off!” he roared, kicking her in the face with a resounding crack. Blood erupted from her nose and she howled in pain, letting go. At last, Malri grabbed his spear and began to get up but before he could turn around another sharp rap hit him in the side. Something broke and he screamed in pain, finally turning in his fury. He began to see only red and Terani sneering at him. In one labored move, he thrust his spear, only for it to be blocked by Terani, who then rapped him in the chest. He bit his lips, drawing blood and Terani came forward, lifting the spear high, but this time, Malri was ready and with a scream of pain, thrust his spear into his fellow Neiyari. There was a sickening squelch and the tearing of flesh as he pulled back. Terani’s face was a mix of shock and fear before he crumpled into the dirt. There was a quick moment of silence, as if the world had paused, allowing him to stand up and get into a defensive position. Barring his teeth he said, “Come on then you ungrateful fucks! Come and die.” The jaunty voice came back again, it was starting to get annoying [color=DAA250]”Now now, that's no way to fight,”[/color] Within an instant the spear had turned to dust in its stead a mace with a rotten wooden handle and a sickly green head [color=DAA250]”Use this, it’ll be far more fun.”[/color] He felt his chest swell and his muscles tighten, an odd itching sensation as his body became enveloped in a flurry of red, black and white. It pushed against him, weighed him down, like waves of energy crashing against his body. His makeshift armor changed under the assault, warping into something entirely different - something metallic. Heavy, powerful. A small ache rung through his head, an urge to hurt the others. A haze of fury and determination. [color=8493ca]"The God of Tragedy has spoken, and sealed your fate; but do not forget that you are mine. Die for us, Malri. It is all you are good for, is it not? Even backed by two gods, I doubt your odds."[/color] He no longer listened. What came next was a flurry of movement and the tearing of weak flesh. His rage was overwhelming. His pain was gone, replaced by a strength he never knew. The others hesitated and that was their mistake. With renewed vigor, he attacked, beating Yevera’s head in with a single blow, reducing it to nothing. Her now headless corpse crumpled like a doll to the ground. Others screamed, and a brave few attacked. Thrusting their spears into the armor. If they were even wounding him, he did not show it. He broke the spears in half, and then swung again, pulverising someone’s arm and then caving in another’s chest. He fell upon Unari and Hekatra with berserk rage. They tried to plead for his forgiveness, that they were sorry, but it fell upon a visage of blind malice. He swept Unari to the side with a single blow of his guantled hand, and then grabbed Hekatra by the throat. Her eyes went wide as she struggled to break free, but Malri could feel her windpipe crush against his strength. She too, fell to the ground in the agonizing reality of her own despair. He moved on Unari, who struggled to stand, only to be met with a spear in his back. He shrugged it off, and stomped on the man’s head, crushing it against his boot. Then Malri turned to see the newest attacker- Azera. Her face was enraged but in her hubris she had miscalculated. He pulled the spear in close as she attacked again, and head butted her with a sickening crunch of metal on skull. She caved over and for good measure, he used his mace to smash her chest in. He looked around to see Tulara and Aermri escaping through the sky. Cowards! He hefted Azera’s spear up and then reeled back, aiming for Aermri. He flung the spear, and it’s mark was true, hitting the man in the chest. He plummeted to the ground with a scream. That just left Tulara. He gave chase, beating off from the ground in one heavy motion. She was faster then he, that was true, but she was not carried by his all consuming rage. He had to have her. He needed to make her suffer! Thus like a hawk, he flew higher and higher until she was far and small away, and then he dove like a madman, something all Neiyari and Oraeliari knew not to do. His speed increased tenfold, only dragged down by his armor, but Tulara neared, oh did she near. With sick glee, he tackled her out the air, Tulara yelping by the surprise. They slammed into the ground, both dazed for a moment before Tulara made a mad dash to get away from him. Malri managed to grab her by her leg and trip her, he then used his bulk to pin her to the ground as he got on top of her. Through his helmet, his voice now diluted by terror he spoke, [color=maroon]”Did you really think I’d let you run away? No… No… Now you’ll see… You’ll see that you shouldn’t have ridiculed me.”[/color] he paused, [color=maroon]”Or perhaps, you won’t see at all.”[/color] He placed his hands upon her face, and set his thumbs over her frightened eyes. Tulara struggled, screaming, “No! No! No! I'm sorry! Please! Please! Mercy!” [color=maroon]”There is no mercy.”[/color] And Malri applied pressure. [hr] He staggered out of the hole, his wounds were real now and the pain was unbearable but it was worth it. He clutched his fists, looking over the mace and becoming revolted by it. He threw it to the side and wandered off, he would not use some weapon given by a bastard Godari. He then took his helmet off, and looked upon it. It was heavy in his hands, and bore the visage of some demonic looking skull. The eyes glowed with molten fury and the horns were twisted like a ram’s. He looked down to see the same regalia patterned on the armor he now wore. Now this… He reluctantly found fitting. It would be a useful tool to enact his revenge upon Neiyara. He knew what he was going to do. Return to the Luminant and kill them all. Every man, woman and child. None would escape his wrath. For to hurt Neiyara, it was the only thing he could feasibly do. He donned the helmet again. The cloying presence clung to him yet, like a humid cloud pressing down on him from above. In the aftermath, it had been easy to forget, but with nothing but stillness and pain, it was just as easy to feel watched again. It was confirmed when a honeyed voice rang in his ears again. [color=8493ca]"You are every bit the monster I expected, my sweet. And such admirable thoughts. But as expected of such a simple creature, you think too small. The only way to hurt me is to find me, my love. I'll be waiting."[/color] Then, came a sadistic chuckle, the jaunty voice [color=DAA250]"Aww, you abandon my gift? Well, suppose we can't have you go about the climax just yet, so I'll make this a bit harder on you."[/color] Suddenly, Malri felt his body surge in an unexpected direction, flung like some mere puppet, the force made his stomach churn and his body ring out in pain, landing with a large thud in the middle of a vast plain of nothing, freezing cold with icy winds howling. The mace lay at his side. Malri quickly scrambled to his feet and screamed in rage at the land around him. [hr] Meanwhile a continent away Tulara was returned to the Luminant, flung too, but this time to safety, somewhat. [hr] [hider=Summary] Aveira leaves the Luminant after two years. She maintains a royal guard that mainly serve as royalty to the other Neiyari due to their status. They aren’t really told where to go, only that they are going somewhere and Aveira doesn’t much care who survives or not. They take a break and a discontented Neiyari named Malri speaks his mind and accuses Aveira of not caring. Which is true, lul. After a heated argument and Aveira’s uncaring attitude, he decides to head back to the Luminant and most agree as well, except for one guy who likely dies. We jump forward and Malri hunts a boar and ends up getting pissed once he gloats over it and it attacks him. He goes back to the others empty handed because he tarnished the meat with his violent attitude. Things in camp are weird, because most are turning on him even though he saved them from certain death, but at the same time they are lost af. So Malri asks Neiya for guidance and surprise, surprise, she’s just like Aveira and another argument ensues, with Yamat joining in the fray and Malri is turned to the breaking point, as they use his anger against him. He lashes out at his fellow Neiyari. A struggle ensues and he ends up killing someone, then the gods give him gifts and he basically murders everyone, except for Tulara, who he blinds. He is then yeeted far away. Yamat Yeet Counter: +2. [/hider] [hider=MP/DP] Neiya Start: 5/5 Hero - Malri 2 DP - Endless Fury II: (This hero is able to sustain injuries and fatigue that would send a lesser being deep into unconsciousness, or even death, without immediately being incapacitated. As long as they are consumed by wrath and anger, they can push on past mortal limitations.) (2 towards Wrath) 1 DP - Wrathful Pride I: (This hero can barely take a joke without something digging at the back of their mind for issues to get angry about. They will seek out conflict and look for issues where there are none.) (3/5 Wrath) 1 DP - Fists of Fury I: (This hero hits harder the more they allow their anger to control them during conflict.) (4/5 Wrath) Pale Goddess' Regalia - Artifact Free - Reign of Terror II: (Wearer instills a primal terror in onlookers or those nearby. If the wearer experiences fear or terror themselves, the effect is broken until they are in control of their emotions. ) (2 free with Terror.) 1 DP - Indignant Armour I: (This equipment is stronger than regular armour. Each strike that hits the armour sends feelings of rage through the wearer.) (5/5 Wrath) 2 MP - Add title to Yamats artifact; Returning Curse II: (This weapon always returns to its original owner, even if tossed away, broken, shattered, or otherwise lost or destroyed, it takes half a day for the weapon to return due to reforming or finding the owner.) 3 MP - Acquire Wrath Portfolio while creeping on Malri. End: 0/0. Yamat Start: 2/3 God’s Spite - Artifact DP Vorpal Withering III: When a person is struck by this weapon, the site of the strike begins to wither and decay, making it become blackened and shriveled, the area loses its ability to function and will spread across the entire body unless healed by magical or divine methods. MP 2 mp-Yeet two angels End: 0/0 [/hider] [hider=Prestige] Malri: +5 [/hider]