“You. Didn’t. Look. Up. My. Skirt….” Jocelyn replied, her stated punctuated with a sharp intake of breath to steady her quick rising temper. “Is that supposed to earn you points or something? You’re only half a pervert?” She was making a bigger deal about it than was necessary, especially considering that girls in her school wore clothing that was far more revealing that what she tended to wear. She certainly wasn’t used to having someone staring at her, which begged to question why she was so frustrated by it. He wasn’t suggesting anything that she should be offended by, and he hadn’t made any move to touch her, other than the touch to her face and hair, which was curiously innocent in comparison to his words. She managed to calm herself, and finally after a moment, she could walk away without the urge to inflict any more harm. “I hardly see how being leered at could be considered a compliment. I’m not an object, I’m a person. I don’t dress up to have people staring at me.” By the time she walked out of the room, Jocelyn was ready to forget what happened, but she could not let Tora live down his words. There was something there and he was keeping it hidden from her, which only piqued her curiosity to its fullest. She’d made her comment hoping to knock him off guard, but he had his own response in retort almost seconds after the words had left her lips. Her eyes widened at his comment, her lips parting in a sharp gasp of surprise. “You need to bleach out your brain!” She snapped, her hands settling on her hips as he stepped onto the stairs with her. “If you think for one second I’m going to be crawling on my knees, or that you’ll catch me in anyway other than fully dressed, you’re going to be crying yourself to sleep tonight.” Their bickering had changed forms, and for some reason Jocelyn wasn’t as flustered about it as she appeared, but then again, Tora didn’t really bother her in the same way that others did. She actually felt comfortable interacting with him, even if it was with a sharp tongue rather friendly banter. Leading the way into the downstairs hallway, Jocelyn paused, whirling around to face her guest. “I know what it is!” She blurted out as if she’d made some miraculous discovery that would forever change how they interacted. “You’re gay! You’re trying too hard to make it look like you’re interested in me, which, let’s face it, is impossible.” Jocelyn knew how brash her personality was, she didn’t kid herself that she was the epitome of charm and grace. She was rash, loud, and often times capable of cruelty when pushed too far. She could blame it on the fact that her mother had attempted to kill her. She could even blame it on the fact that she felt out of place no matter where she went. No one would ever be interested in her, unless they liked being verbally abused and kept at an emotional distance. She couldn’t offer a shoulder to cry on, because she could not relate to anyone that tried to get close to her, and she didn’t want to. Tora would obviously see the signs and know that she was not the type of girl he could bring home to mommy and daddy without first warning them in advance. He knew he didn’t stand a chance with her, but he was using her to try and keep up appearance because she wasn’t the type who could so easily fall for someone. “Admit it. It’s okay if you like boys. I don’t care. I don’t care if you like toasters, just keep your hands off mine.” Jocelyn proclaimed, her hands falling from her hips to drop her down on her sides. “I won’t tell anyone, but for goodness sakes will you stop hitting on me before someone really thinks that we’re…..something!” “Jocelyn, will you stop running your mouth and get in here and eat already? Leave that boy alone. He thinks you’re cute, it’s not a crime.” Aidan called out from the dining room, having already situated himself at the table with a slice of pizza and a Coke. He could only hear snippets of his sister’s conversation with Tora, and couldn’t stop himself from laughing quietly to himself. If Tora thought he was in for smooth sailing with his sister, the boy was sadly mistaken, but from the way they were back and forth, the two were perfect for each other. Tora was capable of dealing with Jocelyn’s insults, and Jocelyn gave him back everything he threw at her. In a way, it was almost too cute to see, but he’d keep that to himself; if Jocelyn knew he thought they were cute, she’d probably kill Tora. Huffing indignantly, Jocelyn threw her arms up in the air, shaking her head in dismay. “Fine…we’re coming.” Throwing one last glare in Tora’s direction, her voice dropped into a whisper. “Behave yourself, Tora. The pizza is to eat, not to hump.” Storming off into the dining room, she didn’t bother telling him to follow along. If he couldn’t find his way to the food, she sure as hell wasn’t going to wait on him. Entering the dining room, Jocelyn dropped down into her usual seat and threw a slice of pizza onto the plate her brother had set out. For good measure, she shot her brother a glare, growling softly in annoyance. “One word and you’ll be wearing your soda.” Aidan said nothing, but grinned broadly at the threat sent his way. He wouldn’t say anything at all. He was far too interested in watching the show he knew Tora and Jocelyn would put on for him throughout the meal, and secretly hoping she didn’t get the idea of slamming the food down over the poor boy’s head. If this was a foreshadowing of how the evening was going to play out, Aidan had the idea he was going to be entertained for the next few hours, or until Jocelyn chased Tora out of the house; whichever came first.