This caused the frail looking man to pause a moment, nearly tripping over himself. To speak or not to speak? To be honest or to suck up? While he really didn't want anything to do with the group, the man brought up a point. Going alone was probably a poor idea. Not that he was really planning on going anywhere in particular besides away. Less headache with more distance. Speaking of headache, the girl who has been mouthing off earlier had returned. But at least she didn't seem to be pissy anymore. He turned to her, then back to the group, and raised his voice - something that clearly was uncomfortable for him. [color=yellowgreen]"Finding - not finding boars and stuff is pretty normal in the amount of time you were gone. Deer especially. Deer hide quickly."[/color] [color=yellowgreen][i]Especially from loud and reckless girls like you.[/i][/color] He kept that thought to himself, briefly wondering if the girl had ever been in a forest. But her words began to turn the rusty gears in his brain. Little pieces of information began to fit together. [color=yellowgreen] "But, uh, now that you mention it, it's quiet. Other than you guys, I mean, it's [i]very [/i]quiet. Wind, water, birds? Nothing. And no bugs. I've been staring at the ground almost this entire time, and there's not been a single bug."[/color] He still hasn't taken a step back towards the group, but he had been facing them the entire time. [color=yellowgreen]"I don't think wildlife is an issue, but I do think we should stick together if we're done doing, doing..."[/color] he make a vague hand gesture. [color=yellowgreen]"Doing whatever you guys were doing before,"[/color] he pauses, giving a sheepish smile, [color=yellowgreen]"No offence. My head hurts." [/color]