Hey! So, I'm very new to this site but not new to Rping. I've been roleplaying steadily for the last ten years or so. The site that I've been using has mostly turned into a smut haven so I can't find any good story there anymore. Not that I'm against smut but I like some story to go along with it. I love character building. I enjoy all sorts of different genres and settings. My go to's are modern fantasy and medieval fantasy but I also enjoy steampunk and cyberpunk/sci-fi. I'm open to other ideas as well. I tend to stay away from group RP because in the past drama has always happened. I figure I'm an adult and not in high school anymore and I can't deal with petty drama's like that. So 1v1 is more my speed. I'm not against joining a small group if I like the idea enough but I'll make no promises if I will or not. This is also my first time using a forum site. I'll be honest it's kind of confusing to me but if the effort to find good RP I'm branching out. I'm used to a live chat type RP where the responses are more immediate. I also use Discord a lot to RP. I'm not totally sure how it works here yet but I'm hoping to find some new RP partners to get some good story going with! Thanks for reading!