I've been working on some preliminary material. I'm glad so many people are interested. I'll start working on an OOC some time soon, which will have material on the Free State, the Apaches, the Courier, and everything necessary to understand our world. As for now, enjoy this: [hider=The Cult of Mars] [center][img]https://drunkard.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/blood-and-wine-a1.jpg[/img] [i]Mars favors the bold, does he not?[/i] [h2][b][color=FF0000]The Cult of Mars[/color][/b][/h2][/center] As the Legion beat a hasty retreat from Fortification Hill and the Hoover Dam, the cracks that had begun to rupture after Caesar's death turned into chasms. When Legate Lanius - the Butcher of the East, the Bane of Eighty-Six Tribes - declared his intention to lead an assault into the untamed south, into Mexican territory, the other Legion officers turned against him just as the eighty-six tribes had turned against the Legion. Vulpes Inculta, Lucius, and other high-ranking staff of Caesar did what eighty-six tribes could not do: they brought death to the Legate. As he choked on his own blood in Flagstaff, they left to reform the Legion. And so, the Cult of Mars was born. Rallying what little tribes they could, and what scattered cohorts they could find that were still loyal to the ideal, they set about cementing their rule in Flagstaff. But they were quickly driven off by the local tribals, who banded together to expel the Legion's remnants into the desert. Without a central base of operations, the Cult of Mars has become a roving band of warlords, each under control of a different officer as they ostensibly seek to reform the Legion and return the territories to Order. Each of the warlords view the Cult of Mars differently. Some see it simply as a means to gain power, to be more than just another raiding band. Others look at it as the last vestige of the Legion, a lifeline to a time when things made sense. And others still view it as a portal to the future, to where the excesses of Caesar and the Legate could be tamed and tempered, and the ideals to which they fought and died for could be purified in the spirit of Chaos. All that is certain though, is that when the War Horn bellows, terror is struck in the hearts of the Eastern Tribes; a reminder of the not-too-distant past. [/hider]