Bail crushed her daughter in a massive bear hug, completely unable to believe his good fortune. His daughter, despite all the odds, was alive and here to rescue him. How did she get here? Did she find Obi-Wan? How were they getting out? And who was doing all the shooting down the hall? "Right, tell me later." Bail said as he left the cell. A stray blaster-bolt whizzed past his head, and the senator ducked down low, pushing his daughter to do the same. "Stay low, both of you." said a young blonde man with a blaster rifle in each hand, unloading them towards the elevators. Bail thought he recognized the man for a second, but he put it from his mind for now. "Now that you've got me out, now where do we go?" asked Bail, scrambling for cover. "Honestly, I don't think we excepted to get this far." said the young man, firing again at a stormtrooper out of cover. "We better think of something before they get the heavy weapons up here."