[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CkHZy6X.png[/img] [sub][@BrokenPromise][@FamishedPants][@Ariamis][@twave][@Flamelord][@Crusader Lord][/sub][/center] In the shadows cast by Shane’s lightning, in the refuge of Rachel’s valor, Amaryllis shot out to the side, her Sliverlight scraping against the floor. Diving underneath one tentacle and flipping over another, she maneuvered through the main hall getting ever closer to the hydra that even now grew larger. It was a pity Tetrad wasn’t here, but they had enough. Lightning cracked in the distance, and in that brief burst of illumination, she saw the familiar sight of the Flying Dutchman. They had enough. Sliding on blood and alcohol, Amaryllis planted one hand on Trixy’s roots, vaulting over to grab one of the still-hanging cages up above. The girl inside was nothing but a fried corpse, and static electricity stung her palm as she did so, but the Knight of Rose brushed it off. She flipped to the top of the cage and then kicked off further, reaching the ceiling above Hyun Long. A flash of silver light, and chunks of rubble crashed down upon the monster queen. Not enough to crush, not enough to even damage. But just enough to serve as the spawn points for her chains. Magical energy burst out, vibrant and enduring, as ivies and roses bloomed out of the rubble, their vines and roots wrapping around the main body of the Monster Queen. It wouldn’t be enough to restrain her; it’d be foolishness to even try when she could spawn so many more heads. But if all they needed to do was prevent her from eating more of the dead? Dozens of chains continued to rise up, entwining into a thick braid. A beanstalk? A tower? No, an [i]anchor chain[/i], breaking through the fragile ceiling of the warehouse to stretch for the flying ship above. [color=778899]“Sophia! PULL!”[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Z9J2FSG.png[/img] [sub][@BrokenPromise][@Majoras End][/sub][/center] [b]“Vermillion."[/b] Fine smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. She knew the former Mint Broker back when she was still just a Mint Broker, and it was almost funny, to see her here now. Funny though, how Penrose was sometimes more of a nexus for curious magical individuals than the Overcity itself. [b]“Thought I’d get some R&R after my last mission in somewhere more…concrete. Luck turns out to be as shit as always though.”[/b] White smoke trailed out between her teeth, the smouldering end of her cigarette casting a dark glow over her face. [b]“Mimoku’s evacuating me. I’d suggest the same to you. The Ascendancy’s not gonna let this stand.”[/b] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/mrDMxNd.png[/img][/center] The car's horn blared down the tunnel, echoing deeply. [b]"C'mon Fine!"[/b] Myria called out, unnerved by how quickly everything was escalating. [b]"Gotta scram fast! There's literally three Horrors around! And the storm's not normal too!"[/b] Inside, Gerard was brewing some tea, using a nice, antique camp stove that his oujo-sama had ordered off Amazon a couple years back. It was definitely one of those nights, huh? He just hoped Fine didn't spill any cigarette ash on the leather again.