[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/449846710840066048/700276520194670612/SOGOOD.png[/img] Collab between [@Stern Algorithm] and [@Zelosse][/center] As Gil listened to Wisemon explain the books and who they represented, he commented to no one in particular, [color=ffff00]"Vulcanusmon, huh? Symbolized by an anvil? He sounds strong and tough, but it also sounds like he builds things. Sounds like a god I can get behind."[/color] But what happened next surprised Gil, and when Chessy pointed out Wisemon's instability, Gil under-reacted with an, [color=ffff00]"Oh dear. Umm, yeah, we can take the books since they're so important to you, but is there another administrator or librarian who you trust us to deliver these books to?"[/color] Taiji for his own part was completely out of his depth. The constant harsh speaking, the accusations, the sheer amount of people and things. It was all they could do to put hands over their ears and drown it out, repeating the mantra of his life on its customary endless loop, this time kneeling down beside Gilgamesh and putting a hand on their back. Watching Wisemon shred themself was painful, it was infuriating and frightening at the same time, but worse yet; it was familiar. They were having an attack of some sort for all Taiji could really tell. Which meant they needed help. Forget the threats of before. Maybe that was why they lashed out? their safe place was violated or something right. "Gil.. lets get this book somewhere safe. I'll hold onto it, but we need to help this guy don't we? Do you know if there is anything we can do." [color=ffff00]"I-I don't know what there is we can do to help,"[/color] Gil said, though he left out an important piece of information. The only thing Gil knew about data corruption was that the corrupted Digimon was usually put down so that their data could be reborn, but Gil wasn't sure if Taiji could stomach that bit of information. [color=ffff00]"His...condition...did seem to get worse when he tried to touch one of the books, so perhaps getting the books as far away as possible might be the only thing we can do to help? Who knows, he might get better."[/color] Doubtful, but there was never anything wrong with wishful thinking. Taiji couldn't refute the logic. This whole thing was beyond his depth to an unimaginable degree but Gil seemed to have the right of it. If these books WERE the problem, they'd get them as far away as possible and hope this Wisemon guy would get over whatever was hurting him. Almost as an afterthought, Taiji took one of the bottles of medication and siphoned out a half dozen pills, leaving them in a little cap on the floor as close to Wisemon as he felt comfortable doing and backed off with equal speed back to Gil, the last bastion of sanity around here. "Alright. Lead the way cause we're gettin' the hell out of here!" Noticing Taiji giving the distraught Wisemon his 'candy', Gil gave Taiji a thumbs-up, though it was a slightly awkward gesture for a creature standing on four legs. But as people began deciding which exit to take, the answer was clear in Gil's mind. He was pretty sure the portal led to the 'human world', since these humans, who knew nothing of the digital world, came from said portal. Though Wisemon had requested they take the books away, there was someone who Wisemon had requested they take the books too, and that individual sounded like a digimon living in the digital world. [color=ffff00]"We take the library exit,"[/color] Gil said to Taiji, though the message was intended for the entire group, [color=ffff00]"We have a promise to fulfill."[/color] Gil made for the exit, avoiding the portal.