A rather repulsive demi-human walked up to them, being almost pear-shaped and pudgy with short blue hair, cat ears poking up on the top of his head as well as a long narrow tail matching his haircolor extending out of his tailbone, clad in leather armor with a longbow strapped to his back and two daggers at his side. [color=133fdd]"Hmm... I don't know Chief. They should have Dryad to get the[/color] [color=gray][Nature's Child][/color] [color=133fdd]Racial feat. But i guess class selection could fix that"[/color] the fatcat spoke, appearantly of the Nekomimi race. [color=ce1919]"Well we have a stock of [/color][color=23c126][Essence Remodeling Fruits][/color][color=ce1919] if she joins. She can turn into a Dryad no problem to get their racial feet, as well as [/color][color=23c126][Forest Spirit][/color][color=ce1919]'s racial feat [/color][color=23c126][Nature's Bounty][/color][color=ce1919] once they evolve to the advanced class."[/color] The instigating hulk of bulky armor and bad manners spoke, shaking his head slowly before looking the modestly clad elf over again from top to bottom. The rangertype stroked his double chin and nodded slowly, [color=133fdd]"Yeah, that would work. They could be useful if they specced into[/color] [color=gray][Herbalist], [Druid], [Farmer][/color][color=133fdd] or later on advanced classes like[/color][color=23c126] [Doctor], [Field Medic],[/color][color=133fdd] if we are in a dire need for healers. We'll see about the rare, mythic and legendary classes once she gets few dozen levels under her belt[/color] The pair talked among themselves as if Totsurugi wasn't even there while the petite elf slowly leaned back, mentally and physically trying to distance herself from these people. She got a bad feeling that they guild was rather predatory, likely micromanaged to hell and having strong separation from new members to senior members, it was typical of charismatic assholes to want to consolidate power and prevent anyone but themselves from even having a voice. From behind the two large men came rather short characters, no taller than five feet at best, clad in sturdy bronze armor with large battleaxes on their backs with magnificent, immaculately kept beards that reached down to their belts, two twin dwarfs from the looks of it, both looking identical from each other in all but name. [color=aea18a]"Guys, we don't need another healer"[/color] Rhalgr, the left dwarf spoke, leading the second dwarf; Bhalgr to chime in, [color=835807]"Aye brother. We've got potions and self heal and regens a plenty. What i would like to see is[/color] [color=23c126][Parasyte],[/color] [color=2e7cea][Arcanovore], [Manaphage],[/color] [color=835807]for heavy damage, crowd control and denial, then later on[/color] [color=ca2eea][Blood Occultist], [Herald of Xan'thur],[/color] [color=835807]for the ritual and sacrifice spells to fit with the theme."[/color] [color=ce1919]"Oh god the herald... Do you know how bothersome their rituals are? They need special rooms, special equipment, materials, instruments, sigils and half of the time the spells don't work or it leaves the bound subject frozen, half mutated or blown out of propertions like you just turned bighead mode on and if none of that happens sometimes they don't have a collission mesh so they just fall through the floor as soon as they touch it... Though their rituals are indeed powerful, their thralls could be extremely useful for defending the base."[/color] The half-giant chief spoke up, holding the bridge of his nose between two fingers and shaking his head. [color=ce1919]"Though tests have shown that the magic works based on symmetry. If your magic circle or room isn't pixel perfectly symmetrical then the math in the code multiplies irrational numbers, causing buffer overflows that disable most other bits of code"[/color] The Rhalgr was about to speak up before a heavily armored bearded man with an axe walked up to them, Totsu was about to stand up and try to leave before noticing that this person did not share the other's guild and did call out to her, referring to her by name, seemingly the person who had called them here to meet, their friend and savior Usernames. He spoke up, talking about an "alt" and continuing, asking if she was trying to recruit the people in front of them. Thinking quickly, he probably meant to insinuate that she was a veteran of this game and was making a new character or "Alternatives" based on the term "alt". Cogs started to turn in her head before she just shook head head and spoke up in a soft voice, [color=45bd2a]"Oh, you finally found me"[/color] and looked towards the officers from the predatory guild, [color=45bd2a]"I wouldn't want to associate with these airheads. They are [b]still[/b] going on about the[/color] [color=gray][Naturalist], [Dryad][/color] [color=45bd2a]combo. It's like they have never heard that [i]multiple[/i] advanced classes of elves are much better suited since they have much more practical skills and magics for harnessing nature magic"[/color] The elf said before standing up and walking towards the axe wielding lifesaver, [color=45bd2a]"They probably are just following guides on the internet written by some teenager with too much free time instead of talking to the elite info brokers and it shows."[/color] Seeing as their potential fresh meat seemed to already belong to a guild in all but title they just huffed and turned away, [color=133ffd]"Well let's find someone else since they clearly don't want to join"[/color] the neko said, swatting the half-giant in the back of the head as they walked back further into the cathedral towards the new players, [color=133ffd]"This time don't pick on alts who say they already have a guild Althor, learn to listen once in a while, christ."[/color] Totsu turned her head towards the much taller, pleasant and beardier man in front of her and gave a wide smile, [color=45bd2a]"Thanks for getting those people away... it's scary how people act while anonymous and disconnected from real life"[/color] she spoke before blushing a bit, a feature she didn't even know the game could mimic, [color=45bd2a]S...sorry for... uh... Getting lost, i didn't know where to look for you. I am not used to these kinda games. I think i told you, right? This is the first game i've played other than some mobile timewaster... i couldn't even come up with name so i just went with what i know but... Looks like you're talent in making up names followed you in~"[/color] she winked and chuckled a bit.