It was a small mercy that the men around them were none-the-wiser to Sabatine and his past relationship, or the embarrassment he received from her throwing caution to the wind in a fit of rage and telling everyone who would listen that he was an unfaithful bastard. That was one of the major reasons he had been so loose with women since, never having a steady girlfriend. If any found out, they might break his heart in the same way and call him what any officer hated to be accused of. Disloyalty. Only Higgs and Enrique seemed to note she knew his name already, but they were wise enough to keep their mouths shut. They only glanced at him questioningly to find him staring daggers at her. Kaiden was very good at being professional and an asshole at the same time, though he tried to quell the latter, particularly in front of the men. "Lieutenant Hickoring, good work. I see you're still as active as ever. You look well, save for-" He looked at the mud caked around her. "-the trappings of your station." He ignored her glare, taking note of the gig. He had been satisfied with it earlier but something about the whole situation seemed displeasing to him. "I'm certain the Commodore will be enjoying the fact he can cruise as he wills. However, I'm certain there's more pressing issues to attend to." He said marked by an odious tone. He could not wait for this 'scare' with the Alliance to be at an end so he could go back to anywhere else, and she could live her life here or wherever in the hells she wanted to. Still, he glanced away for a moment and chastised himself. He might have left on a pitiless and enraged note but she didn't deserve his haughtiness in front of men. Or did she? He'd figure it out later, for now he needed to get back to business. "Myself and these fine men have been transferred here on the Commodore's orders. When will the Commodore be arriving?" [@Penny]