[hider=Castaway] Kiseo bundled the worn coat to her furred figure. Though she could handle the cold, she felt presenting a normal front would help. Her paws crunched through the pure white snow and left impressions behind her. Yellow feline yellows glanced about the fish market as she walked up to the nearest stall. The young mao examined the fresh fish. She tapped it gently with a claw and inhaled deeply, a faint mixture of salt and age. Already it had started to break down. Kiseo sighed. She missed the Imperial cities some days. She attempted to barter with the seller. He waved off her first and lowest offer, explaining the fish's capture this morning. She didn't believe him, but held her tongue. A few days of age didn't spoil it enough to stop another offer. This time, the man didn't push his luck. He greedily took the coin then slid the fish into her hand basket. Kiseo thanked him as she turned away. About to head back to her small hut, her peripheral vision caught a commotion near the docks. Several fishing men were hauling up a furred creature. Her curiosity got the better of her causing Kiseo to move closer. As Ao tried to open his eyes he found the rays of sunlight that penetrated his eyes forcing them to close again. Salt water stung his eyes as he tried to make out the voices around him, though it was to no avail. They spoke Formarotian, a language that he didn’t know, nor did his master see value in having him learn it. Eventually he was able to open his eyes and started to take in his surroundings. It appeared he had arrived in a human fishing village, though he still had no idea where exactly he was. Nearest to Ao, a fisherman jumped at the stir of movement. His figure fought to remain crouched down as he briefly stared. Obviously he had never seen a creature like this up close. A few moments passed before he pushed his long curls from his eyes and looked to the collecting crowd. "Hey, it's alive! Does anyone know where that cat girl is?" Kiseo's lips pressed tighter, but she resisted speaking her pain out loud. Instead, she stepped forward and past the parting group. As she neared the other Mao, the man stood up then walked back. Relief seemed to pull on his expression as he continued to watch with curiosity. The female Mao placed her groceries to the side and met Ao's green eyes. A striking difference from her golden yellow ones. Her eyes brushed along his orange body with splotches of white on his lips, chin, center torso, and legs. Darker stripes were easily noted on his limbs and back. She admired the appeal of his coat a bit too long before she broke the silence. With a gentle voice, she spoke to him in Imperial common, [color=ed1c24]"Are you hurt?"[/color] Ao was taken by surprise as his eyes lay upon a sight, he had never thought to see in Formaroth; another of his kind. He hesitated in his response as he still came to terms with what he was seeing, unsure if this was real or a salt water induced hallucination.[color=ed1c24] “Who are you”[/color] he eventually stammered. Kiseo smiled. She attempted to look less threatening as she adjusted her posture. Her legs folded underneath and knees pressed into the hardwood, with her tail in easy view. It barely flicked, so he knew she didn't want to pounce on him. Kits often did that during play which some times carried into adulthood. Most slaves were trained out of such antics through harsh means. She exhaled to release her memories then focused on the Mao before her. [color=ed1c24]"Kiseo, and you are?"[/color] Ao paused a while as he composed himself [color=ed1c24]“Ao, I belong to master Felcen, a merchant of the imperium”.[/color] Kiseo's stomach churned a bit as she watched Ao. His posture retrained a meek and submissive behavior, indicating slavery. His words confirmed what she suspected causing her eyes to soften more. [color=ed1c24]"Are you hurt, Ao?"[/color] With introductions out of the way, she hoped he would be more open toward her. [color=ed1c24]“I...do not think so”[/color] Ao said as he tried to stand. However his legs were weaker then he thought as he stumbled and fell forward. Kiseo watched him carefully. She didn't rise too far upward before spotting him tumble. Her right arm shot out and wrapped about his shoulder, stopping him from plowing into the dock. With a bit of struggle, she managed to help him stand and adjust his balance. [color=ed1c24]"Keep a hold of my shoulders and I'll lead you back to the hut. I have a bed, drink, and food. You need to rest and recover."[/color] She told him then slowly leaned down to collect her basket before moving toward her home. The crowd naturally parted allowing the two Mao to safely walk through and toward the edge of town. [color=ed1c24]“Where am I?”[/color] Ao said as he leaned against Kiseo, trying his best to keep balance against her. [color=ed1c24]“How is it you are in Formaroth? My master told me I was the only Mao on this side of the ocean”?[/color] Kiseo ensured she kept a steady, but slow pace. Her eyes shifted to her tail, mindful of where it bounced. It kept low to the ground and out of the way. She hooked her arm through the basket's handle before she replied. [color=ed1c24]" You are in a village in Formaroth called Fishgrove." [/color]Kiseo's tone held a hint of pride in the village's name as they approached the mangrove fields. Some workers were already pulling out newly ready plants, potting, and storing them. Two men looked up after spotting, her hand held up. They stared another moment and returned to their work. [color=ed1c24]"I came with Híril Dyril Elian, of the Elian House. She has been trying to trade in Formaroth for some time now. Right now, she's away on business and left me in charge of the house."[/color] She pulled open the door then gestured for him to enter. [color=ed1c24]“Thank you, Kiseo”[/color] Ao said as he steadied himself and walked inside, greatly appreciating the feeling of warm air against his fur. [color=ed1c24]“You say your mistresses left you in charge?"[/color] Ao asked, confused as to why an elf would ever give their slave any position of authority. [color=ed1c24]“Yes. My mistress had to leave Fishgrove and visit the Summer Isles,”[/color] Kiseo pointed to a modest cot she had been using for a bed. The dwelling was unusually humid compared to the outside. Numerous plants had been potted, growing at a faster than normal rate as she set her basket near one. Her figure moved over to fire and stoked it once, stirring the embers again. She grabbed a bowl nearby then ladled some rich broth into it. Chunks of salted meat floated in the murky liquid as she served him some. [color=ed1c24]"Hungry?"[/color] It was only after the offer of food that Aoe realized he was starving. He took the bowl uttering a quick [color=ed1c24]“Thank you”[/color] before ravenously devouring the broth without hesitation. The food itself wasn’t anything special, but his current state of starvation made him feel as if it was the best meal he ever had. [color=ed1c24]"Slow down, you'll choke."[/color] Kiseo stated as she served herself, scooping more into another bowl. She gradually sipped her, savoring the broth and taste. It was basic, but satisfying. Her teeth sank into the meager meat as she chewed. The salt still very strong due to the preservation. Her thoughts turned to the fish she had purchased for her next meal, considering getting more. She had another mouth to feed after all. [color=ed1c24]"What happened? How did you wash up onto shore?"[/color] Kiseo asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. Her eyes studied him intently through the hazy interior lite by the fire. [color=ed1c24]"My master's ship was attacked on our return from the summer Isles. There was a fleet of pirates that destroyed both our ship and our escorts. Their flagship cut our ship in two. Its front was made of some sort of metal. I've never seen a ship like that back home. Are metal ships common in Formaroth?” [/color] Kiseo paled. It showed heavily in her body language and expression. Horror showed on her face and her eyes narrowed on him. Her first thoughts trailed to her mistress. [color=ed1c24]"From what I've seen in Fishgrove... no. I've never seen one. This is very worrisome. I hope they stay away from here. I do not think Fishgrove could handle another attack."[/color] [color=ed1c24]“You needn’t worry. It wasn’t fishgrove they were heading for, it was the circle”[/color] [/hider] By [@TheDuncanMorgan] [@Fallenreaper]