[center] [CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200521/d39bab48d6b754ebf219efe0e8913596.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4V2mPNo.jpg?1[/img] [color=#807B84][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200523/f4b9d6773c62c40c55b57a80489f24b8.png[/img] [color=#807B84][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xfaqFVi.jpg?1[/img] [sub][COLOR=8c546f][h3]Reya Selvik[/h3] [color=#807B84]*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧[/color] 26 [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Female [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Bisexual [color=#807B84]*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧[/color] Estrye; Fruit Kingdom [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Pomegranate-Chocolate [color=#807B84]*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧[/color] Chieftain's Newest Wife [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] [color=8c546f]#8c546f[/color] [/COLOR][/sub][/center] [center][hider=▼] [sup][indent][/indent] [COLOR=SILVER]✧ [B]Height –[/B][COLOR=#8c546f] 5'3"[/COLOR] ✧ [b]Weight –[/b][COLOR=#8c546f] 125[/COLOR] ✧ [b]Build –[/b][COLOR=#8c546f] Small frame; lean[/COLOR] ✧ [b]Eye Color –[/b][COLOR=#8c546f] Icy Blue[/COLOR] ✧ [b]Hair Color –[/b][COLOR=#8c546f] Burgundy; at times appearing more red or brown depending on the lighting [/COLOR] [/COLOR][/SUP][/hider][/center] [/cell][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/BoiPhMU.png?1[/img] [color=#8c546f][b][sub] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/sub][/b][/COLOR] [sub][COLOR=#8c546f]✧[/color] Friendly [COLOR=#8c546f]✧[/color] Flirtatious [COLOR=#8c546f]✧[/color] Confident [COLOR=#8c546f]◈[/color] Impatient [COLOR=#8c546f]◈[/color] Thrill Seeker [COLOR=#8c546f]◈[/color] Stubborn [COLOR=#8c546f]✧[/color] Playful [COLOR=#8c546f]✧[/color] Optimistic [COLOR=#8c546f]✧[/color] Nurturing [COLOR=#8c546f]◈[/color] Sheltered [COLOR=#8c546f]◈[/color] Tease [COLOR=#8c546f]◈[/color] Noncommittal [/sub] [color=#8c546f][b][sub] S K I L L S [/sub][/b][/COLOR] [sub][COLOR=#8c546f]✧ [b]Crafting:[/b][/color] Reya is very good with her hands due to years of creating jewelry for her families merchant shop. She is usually able to pick up any sort of crafting fairly quickly. [COLOR=#8c546f]✧ [b]Actress:[/b][/color] She's fantastic at letting herself fall into a character role who is nothing like her true self. She thanks her mother for this skill, though at times she could consider it a weakness. Being a good liar isn't something she's particularly proud of and this "skill" can sometimes get her into trouble. [COLOR=#8c546f]✧ [b]People Person:[/b][/color] She's charismatic and can get on the good side of most people. [/sub] [color=#8c546f][b][sub] W E A K N E S S[/sub][/b][/COLOR] [sub][COLOR=#8c546f]◈ [b]Tease:[/b][/color] Though she has fun flirting, she often doesn't know what to do when someone returns her advances. When they do she withdraws and becomes rather shy and will freeze up. Most people shy away from her boldness so she doesn't deal with this often, but some people will catch her off guard. She has only ever had one genuine relationship. [COLOR=#8c546f]◈ [b]Fighting:[/b][/color] She is not one for physical combat as her mother sheltered her from most things that would have given her chance at self defense. [COLOR=#8c546f]◈ [b]Letting Go:[/b][/color] It feels difficult to be herself. She can't seem to let go of the act that she's been holding up for so long. Putting her walls down and letting someone know her true self feels impossible. [/sub] [color=#8c546f][b][sub] L I K E S [/sub][/b][/COLOR] [sub][COLOR=#8c546f]✧[/color] Meeting new people & learning about them [COLOR=#8c546f]✧[/color] Amethyst [COLOR=#8c546f]✧[/color] Rain / Snow [COLOR=#8c546f]✧[/color] Stargazing [COLOR=#8c546f]✧[/color] Animals; all kinds[/sub] [color=#8c546f][b][sub] D I S L I K E S [/sub][/b][/COLOR] [sub][COLOR=#8c546f]◈[/color] Her mother [COLOR=#8c546f]◈[/color] Arguments [COLOR=#8c546f]◈[/color] Narcissists [COLOR=#8c546f]◈[/color] Bitter or sour food [COLOR=#8c546f]◈[/color] Feeling embarrassed [/sub] [color=#8c546f][b][sub] T R I V I A [/sub][/b][/COLOR] [sub][COLOR=#8c546f]✧[/color] Reya actually has a nice singing voice, though she doesn't like to show it off. [COLOR=#8c546f]✧[/color] Her only true romantic relationship was with her best friend, a female whom she has not seen since being sold off to the chieftain. [/sub] [/cell] [/row][/table][/center] [table][row][/row][row] [cell][color=#8c546f][b][sub] B I O G R A P H Y[/sub][/b][/COLOR] [sub]Reya grew up with what she believed to be an average life. Born as a middle child, the only female, to a family of merchants. Her father would spend much of his time away in search of rare gemstones to bring back to her mother who would then turn the gemstones into beautiful jewelry. For many years this was the main source of their income. Her mother worked diligently while their father was away and much of the parenting would end up falling onto her eldest siblings shoulders. Over time Reya would learn to help her mother in creating and selling jewelry while the boys would get to spend time away on adventures with their father. Reya became increasingly envious of this year after year. Unfortunately, due to Reya being the only female child, her mother sheltered her from any sort of danger, much to Reya's dismay. Having grown up with two brothers, Reya was a tomboy at heart and she wanted to play like one of the boys; do what the boys were allowed to do. Nonetheless, her mother forbid anything of the sort. When gemstones became harder to come by, Reya's mother began to train Reya on a new form of income; fortune telling. At their merchant stall, Reya was expected to play the part of a seer for weary travelers to get their fortune told and convince them that it was true. This new lot in life was placed upon her due to a certain allure Reya had about her. A certain aura that most people felt when they were around her which her mother explained as her bloodline brilliantly showing through; the aphrodisiac pomegranate. Reya easily fell into this role, getting better with each traveler. At her core, she just wanted to make her family happy and proud. Sadly that could never be; Reya had become a source of tension between her parents. As she grew in age, Reya looked less and less like her father or her brothers. She had traits that no one could explain, like her blue eyes. Her father began to doubt her mother's faithfulness, often interrogating her upon his return from one of his "business trips." Her mother had always swore that Reya was his child no matter how many explosive arguments they got in. Reya believed her, though her fathers doubt hurt. The rift between them only got wider as Reya grew older and her father became colder, more distant. It was as if he knew something that she did not. Six months ago her entire life got turned upside down. Her mother had boasted to her about the Chieftain wanting to meet with them. It was supposed to be so that he could buy their goods, as he was clearly impressed with their families work. Reya was ecstatic. The Chieftain giving attention to their little family business would bring in so many new customers! Her family wouldn't have to ration so much once that happened! It was all a lie. The goods, it turned out, was Reya. As her mother and the chieftain spoke, Reya learned about her true past. She was not her fathers child, but instead the child of someone her mother had met in the kingdom of An'ell. One of their enemies. She was a hybrid bloodline of Pomegranate and Chocolate. Two aphrodisiacs, her mother made sure to note to the chieftain who was looking for a new wife to bear him many children. Reya couldn't believe what she was hearing. Times were hard, but how could her mother be offering up her daughters life as if she meant nothing? Was this the plan from the moment she was conceived? Reya had frozen in panic, unable to say anything as she tried to process what was happening. Before she could even react, her mother accepted the Chieftains large sum of money in exchange for Reya becoming his new wife; his property. That was the last day she has seen any of her family members. It was a difficult transition to live with the chieftain; she spent many nights sobbing to herself. Today, she is still rather uncomfortable in the chieftains household but she plays the role as well as she can for her own safety. When the opportunity of a masquerade ball came around Reya sprung into action and offered to escort the Chieftains children to the ball. Luckily for her, he accepted. Perhaps he wouldn't have if she hadn't played the wife role so well.[/sub] [/cell] [cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/8RL7vhS.jpg?1[/img] [color=#807B84][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DJYz89u.png[/img][/cell][/row] [/table]