[center][h1][b]Old Souls, Fractured in Time[/b][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nCOR3Ql.png?1[/img] [sub]courtesy: Assassin’s Creed; Odyssey[/sub][/center] There is much conjecture over whether reincarnation is real or imagined. Regardless, fiction is a great medium for exploring the concept. I have been told that one’s soul fractures upon death and may inhabit a new life many years later. Any number of years could pass between death and rebirth. This roleplay explores this idea. Your character will not have a name, initially. I will ask for character sheets to include personality, skills, strengths and weaknesses the first iteration may possess. The character may acquire new skills during their youth, but these may not pass on to subsequent lives. In either case, I am more interested in the character’s proclivities, habits or behavioral tendencies than acquired skills. Some people have proclivities to work hard, while others would prefer to loaf around on the couch all day. We will also select a color to distinguish our character from others. I have 16 chapters or lives planned from antiquity to present that your character will live. We will only see a glimpse of their lives, maybe a half dozen or fewer posts per character. Then they die. Our [i]Cast of Characters[/i] will all be friends or family members and know each other very well. We all grew up together or served in a military as brothers (and sisters) in arms. I intend to displace the notion of gender discrimination (realistic history) in favor of including all characters, regardless of gender or race. Yes, a woman can be a warrior in this role play. Religion will be significant. We start in Greece and the Greek pantheon of Gods are in play. Then we move to Rome and the Roman Gods are in providing our blessings. Eventually Christendom is the preferred faith and at a later date we all may be Jewish or Muslim. If your character is a man in Ancient Greece in 425 BC, he/she may be a female in XX Roman Legion in Britannia in 60 AD. I am a student of military history and many of the chapters ask for your character to be a soldier in some historical battle, but not all. The Chapter on the Spanish Inquisition will ask you to create a character who is one of the oppressed, living in Barcelona in 1478. Your character is not a soldier, but a family member forced to fight for survival during the final Crusade of Christendom. If this role play is something you are interested in, please check out my In Character thread, when posted.