[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/534494524039495692/641352536590254090/cretino.regular.png[/img][/center] [h1]Tribal party[/h1] As Tyrael went into the cabin area, he would notice most the vegetation had faded and the water had drained, but there was still residue from the spell. some mud and plant matter scattered about as well ad the wood being damp and holding water in some places. Lynn could be seen in the middle of the floor laying on her side and her eyes closed, her breathing seeming to have stabilized. Tyrael looks to Lynn, uncertain how to approach her. Somehow, she had been asleep this entire time. Suppose it's fair: Gossk did take some immediate action to stop the sand wyrm. But how would the little sylve react knowing that her protector was now gone? [color=00a651]"Lynn. Are you awake?"[/color] The sounds of Gossks struggle had nearly faded as the small ship sped away. Soon, either the growth spell would fade or they would be out of range of it's upkeep... Lynn's finned ears seemed to twich slightly to the sound of her name and her eyes seemed to crack open. Once again, they drearily scanned what was i front of her as she tried to make sense of what was going on, but it was too strange. One moment, she was trying to heal Tyreal, the next, she was in a swamp with Gossk, and now she was in some sort of cargo hold... was it the ship from earlier? [color=7FFFD4]"Tyrael? I... where are we? I remember a swamp.... where...,"[/color] she stammered as she tried sitting up a little. [color=7FFFD4]"Where is Gossk?"[/color] She asked rubbing her face with her sleeved hand. Tyrael's face harden underneath his wrappings. He supposed it was time to let her know the truth. He wasn't going to bother lying. [color=00a651]"We were being chased by a sand wyrm. Gossk jump the ship and to fight it. I gave him magic to make him bigger but... We didn't stay to see what happened next. But we're not being chased by a sand wyrm anymore. Because of him."[/color] He said coldly. [color=00a651]"He wanted to do this. Wasn't going to stay and talk about it."[/color] [color=7FFFD4]"A wyrm!? N-no! What was he thinking? I could-"[/color] and then she stopped as she seemed to realize something. [color=7FFFD4]"I failed him...,"[/color] she said as tears started to form, though she tried not to show it. [color=7FFFD4]"If I had looked after myself better, i wouldn't have passed out... I could have tamed the wyrm!"[/color] She exclaimed as she sat against a crate and curled up, drawing her legs in and crossing her arms so that she could bury her face. Tyrael was quiet. He wasn't sure how to talk to Lynn. He didn't know her, and he certainly wasn't the type to be sympathetic to others. Frankly, he wasn't sure why he even [i]cared[/i] about how she felt. He should just leave and let Lynn grieve but... In truth, he owed it to Lynn to at least console her. She did save his life after all. The least he could do is try and help her feel better about the situation. So Tyrael approached Lynn, kneeling before her to raise her face. [color=00a651]"You are kind to cry for Gossk. He did what he did because he wanted to protect you. I am certain that like me, you had saved his life before, and for it he owed you a great debt. And when you were wound like you were before, he did what any warrior would've done and returned the favor. Do not let regrets weigh you down, Lynn. If you had conserved your strength, I surely would've perished from my own wounds. You had saved both our lives."[/color] [color=7FFFD4]"I tried to tell him he didn't owe me for anything...,"[/color] Lynn started, [color=7FFFD4]"but he insisted on coming with me despite it being this desert.... I hope he makes it..."[/color] she finished. She reached out and embraced Tyrael as she tried to regain her composure. [color=7FFFD4]"Thank you,"[/color] she said as she started to let go. [color=7FFFD4]"I will do my best to make sure no harm comes your way as we make it to the town."[/color] Kneeling absolutely still, Tyrael really had no idea how to process these emotions. He was... Sad? Somehow? But also not really. It was a warm, sad feeling. It confused him. Scared him even. He just stayed quiet until Lynn was finished hugging him. [color=00a651]"I cannot say that I understand what you're going through, or what exactly Gossk felt about his debt to you. But I can tell that you are much stronger than you appear, and that I am willing to accompany you. You saved my life, and I need someone with your strength for my own quest. Just as well I'll make sure to prove my worth to you as well."[/color] [color=7FFFD4]"You don't have to accompany me. I'm not even completely sure I can accomplish what I set out to do...,"[/color] She started, thinking of how she has been struggling through this desert so far. [color=7FFFD4]"But if my efforts have brought help to anyone, I believe thats more than I could have asked for."[/color] She stretched, unaware of how alluring she could look while doing it, and then laid back on her left side, allowing her right sleeve to somewhat cover her. She was still tired, but awake enough for conversation as they traveled. It was comforting to have someone to talk to after all that has happened. [color=7FFFD4]"I.... sound sort of childish don't I?"[/color] she pondered, [color=7FFFD4]"as if I am quoting a character from some old tale told to starry eyed children."[/color] Her gaze broke away as she said the last part, as if remembering a specific memory tied to that statement. If only she could go back to those times, but even thinking of the good memories only seemed to bring up the bad, and the reason she started her adventure. She sighed, as if the reoccurring memories frustrated her that they kept coming back to haunt her. [color=7FFFD4]"Sorry,"[/color] she apologized for the long pause she had and the sighed, [color=7FFFD4]"Just my mind wandering a bit."[/color] She looked up to Tyrael and wanted to ask something, but then remembered that she never got a name. [color=7FFFD4]"I don't believe I ever got your name,"[/color] she recalled. Tyrael has no comment as Lynn spoke about herself and her doubts. Frankly he believed her: she was being childish. Which was dangerous, considering how she looked. No doubt if she was alone she would’ve been a target for slavers and scumbags. When she asked for his name, he spoke quietly. [color=00a651]“Tyrael. And I do not mind. You have done much in the last few hours.”[/color] Tyrael tightened his clothes a bit before standing up. [color=00a651]“Are you hungry? There was some food here I can prepare for you.”[/color] When Tyrael mentioned food, it dawned on Lynn that she hadn't eaten anything since they came to the desert. She had a little food with her as well, some died seaweed and squid for travel and sealed in a small waxy bundle, but if there was food here, that would allow the preserved food to be kept just in case an emergency. [color=7FFFD4]"That sounds wonderful, thank you, but I wouldn't mind if you and the others were fed first. You need your strength even after you are healed, and I doubt that those girls have been fed properly any time recently,"[/color] she explained, putting the other's needs before her own. [color=7FFFD4]"If there isn't enough for me, I have some dried food I can eat if I get too hungry,"[/color] she smiled reassuringly. Tyrael looked at Lynn incredulously. Just what sort of creature was she that she would continue to sacrifice her own well being for others? It concerned Tyrael greatly. Such a person was often a zealot with morals that could not be understood by even the most insightful of sages. He hoped Lynn was not ill still, or perhaps she is just still grieving due to Gossk? Tyrael extended his hand to pat Lynn’s head. He was trying to get a feel for if she was still feverish, but she seemed stable. Without another word he would leave the cabin to fetch the rations. He had already eaten so he wasn’t hungry. The ration was mostly lentil and bread, but he also found a glass jar of Marmalade as well. So taking a long loaf, Tyrael would prepare a meal with a spread of lentil paste under a layer of sweet orange marmalade, betwixt two half’s of a toasted loaf, and finally a large mug of cool water, which he brought back to Lynn. When Tyrael patted her head she simply smiled, though she wasn't sure why the woman did it. She was left in a bit of confusion as Tyrael left without another word. If Tyrael were to ask any of the girls they saved, they would have insisted that Lynn eat first, and to just pretend they accepted. After all, they could make it to Kalla fine, but were worried of the sea born girl that rescued them. Upon Tyrael's return, Lynn sat up, her eyes lighting up at the food. [color=7FFFD4]"Oh, this is interesting! What is it?"[/color] She asked. Having lived in the water only to walk land rarely, most of her diet consisted of fruits, a few vegitables and plants, and fish. While the orange color was familiar, she honestly didn't have much of a grasp on baked things like bread. She took a bite and savored the flavor for a moment, enjoying it. The bread itself was hard on the outside, but the interior was nice and soft, and was complimented well with the lentil and orange marmalade mix. [color=7FFFD4]"Mm! It tastes of oranges!"[/color] she stated happily, never seeing anything that tasted like an orange in this shape. [color=00a651]"It is bread, with bean paste and jam. The humans call it... Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches."[/color] Tyrael says plainly. He made two, but only one was for her. He lifted his sandwich up and Zastriel appeared on his shoulder in crow form. But suddenly, Zastriel would shift, her body twisting and molding into a whole new shape: an imp. "Thanks boss, I've been starving." The imp takes the sandwich and eats it on top of a table. Tyrael continued to focus on Lynn. [color=00a651]"We will arrive in Kalla by tomorrow morning. I'll be taking a few supplies on this boat, but otherwise I'll leave it in the hands of the women we saved. Is there anything you think you may need?"[/color] [color=7FFFD4]"Bread? Peanut butter and Jelly...,"[/color] strange, it wasn't much like any jellyfish she knew of. Either way, it tasted delicious, so Lynn tried to take her time with it to savor it. The one downside is that it made her thirsty as it seemed to try to stick in her throat, to which she used brought some water from the jug, to drink. A bubble about a cup in size lifted itself out of the water pitcher that was next to Tyrael and floated to her. She sipped a little from it and continued to eat, letting the bubble float next to her. When Zastriel appeared out of nowhere, it started Lynn a little, much more so when it changed into an imp. It seemed to call Tyrael 'boss' so it wasn't a hostile creature but it still left Lynn shocked. Was this creature tamed or her companion? She wondered about the creature, watching it eat before she realized she was staring and blushed as she looked away. She looked back up to Tyrael when she asked her a question. [color=7FFFD4]"What I may need?"[/color] she repeated in thought, [color=7FFFD4]"Anything that could help me get through this desert. It was the last clue I had to where the Tidal Trident may have went. My village was attacked and it was stolen from us, and legend tells of terrible things that could happen if it is taken. There wasn't anyone adapted enough to travel on land to go find them. Everyone is all merfolk except for me, who is also half siren, making me able to traverse land.... so I volunteered to go. I'm not even sure where to begin looking, I just know the ones that attacked carried these strangely shaped bladeless spears that spat all sorts of magic from them without a word or casting process. Have you ever heard of such a thing?"[/color] she asked. It was a bizarre sounding item, especially the thought of casting without a ritual or incantation. [color=00a651]"Hmm. Magic staves?"[/color] Tyrael would guess. Though he had more questions about what exactly Lynn was. he had simply thought her a sea Sylve. But some sort of half-merfolk, half-siren? He didn't even know what those were. Aside from being ocean based creatures, but that was obvious. Still now they had a goal to work towards, which was better than Tyrael's aimless wandering. [color=00a651]"If you're looking for an artifact, than we need to find thieves. We'll need money... Perhaps there is something on this ship that is worth money that we can take and sell. Coins to pay for bribes. If you're going to be in this environment, we'll also need to get clothing for you. Your current attire is terrible; were it not for magic, you skin would've burned under the desert sun. You need to wear something that covers, like me, but breaths easily. We will also need water. Lots of water. But I can handle that."[/color] Lynn nodded as Tyrael spoke of her attire. She didn't see anything wrong with it as it was her native clothing, but after seeing Tyrael, maybe it was the best. Though, it would make things a bit difficult for her. For her merfolk half, it would be fine, but for the Siren half, which basked in the sun and shallow waters quite regularly to draw power from it, it could be problem if over extended periods of time. [color=7FFFD4]"I would still need to balance some sunlight,"[/color] she started to explain to Tyrael, [color=7FFFD4]"It helps supply me with the mana to use my magic, as well as if I am not in the sun, I can start to become sick after a while. But, I should be able to go most the day with more covering as long as I'm not using too much magic. A-and don't worry!"[/color] she said, interrupting herself, [color=7FFFD4]"I'll be fine till next morning, I think I may have gotten a little [i]too[/i] much sun today already,"[/color] she said with a joking smile. [color=7FFFD4]"Though, as for water... I really do hope there is some here somewhere. If I am not using my magic, I can't summon any water either. But there has to be some sort of water source out here, or else nobody would be here,"[/color] Lynn theorized. [color=7FFFD4]"If we are going t a town, maybe its by a body of water?"[/color] [color=00a651]“I do not know. But I am certain there may be an oasis or reserve we could have access. I do not believe it will be free though; hence the need for coin.”[/color] Tyrael pondered some more thoughts. What else they could do to ease their journey. He had an idea but... He would need Lynn’s help. [color=00a651]“We should speak to the women who were captured. I do not care to have them indebted to me, but travel in these lands will be far easier if we could rely on them to transport us. Perhaps we can convince them out of good will, or even teach them skills so that they cannot become slaves again. If you wish to obtain your peoples artifacts, we must gather allies where we can. From the highest to lowest. Do you think you can I could convince them to continue aiding us?”[/color] [color=7FFFD4]"I-I am not sure. Maybe, but I don't want to burden more people than I have to,"[/color] She replied with her sleeved arm crossed and her other hand twirling her hair between her fingers as she thought. [color=7FFFD4]"As it is, they probably just want to be home with their families as well more than anything.... We will have to just play it by ear when we get to their town."[/color] [color=00a651]“Fair enough.”[/color] Tyrael says as he stands up. [color=00a651]“Rest up. I’ll keep watch. If you need anything simply speak to Zastriel.”[/color] The little Imp finished eating her meal and looked at Lynn. “Nice to meetcha.” [color=7FFFD4]"Thank you,"[/color] Lynn said with a little bow of the head. She then looked up to the imp as it finished its meal. [color=7FFFD4]"Likewise,"[/color] she said with a smile as she layed back down, her eyes heavy, [color=7FFFD4]"I don't think I will trouble either of you for much else, I'll try not to anyway. I still feel awfully drained. Let me know I am need for anything though."[/color] “No problem miss. Just don’t croak in your sleep, otherwise the boss will be mighty annoyed. Heh heh heh.” The imp says as she vanishes from sight. ----- A few hours pass and Tyrael would be able to see the faint glow of sunlight start to lighten the darkness on the horizon. However, on that same horizon was a large cloud of dust kicked into the air from something approaching VERY fast. He may even be able to make out a small point in the cloud, like an arrow pointed directly towards them coming right for the ship. It wpuld be just a few seconds before whatever it was that was kicking up the sands would be upon them. “Shrakh. Prepare for impact!” Tyrael shouts to the women as he braces himself for whatever was about to come upon them. This time he had his iron bow, as he had spent his free time crafting arrows to replace the ones he used up. “Zastriel, to the skies! See what approaches!” Zastriel would transform into her faster Raven form and fly into the air whilst invisible, keeping an eye on the scene below. The girls did as they were told. Getting low and holding on to something. There was a big blast of sand that ended the steady arrow of dust as whatever it was jumped into the air. It would fly by Zastriel nearly instantly, and something strange could be heard from the red and white blur. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVDYOTwX10Y[/youtube][/center] "HI HIIIIIIIII~," Kitchi greeted as she was landing onto the deck of the ship. Her momentum caused her to stumble forward and faceplant onto the deck with a muffled yipping sound. Nearly as soon as she fell, however, she was back on her feet and hopping up and down. "I'm Kitchi! Smell sweets! Smells orange! Please have?" She asked bouncing constantly. Tyrael had his bow still out, and to his surprise what hit the ship didn't cause it to explode or grind to a halt. Worse though, it ended up on the deck of the sandskiff and hardly seemed harmed by the speed or height it had jumped. If Tyrael had done the same without any enchantments, he would have broken bones at least, if not killed. He had his bow and arrow in hand, but did not draw on the stranger yet. Still... There was no guarantee that whoever this person was, wasn't hostile. "We've some jam on the ship... Who are you?" Telepathically Tyrael had Zastriel go fetch the jam. Maybe he could use it to lure this creature away. "Name Kitchi! Already say! No listen?" She said, a little annoyed, and continually hopping to burn off her energy. "I like! Jam good. Really good!" Tyrael was still at the ready. He looked to the women to see if they were still operating the boat. “Okay. You can have some jam. I was going to make sandwiches anyways. You... Want breakfast?” The girls seemed to relax a little but were still wary of the odd child that just boarded the ship, one of them murmuring about how it was kinda cute, though the sword on its back and the restraints had them a bit on edge. "Break fast? No no. Just jam! Is sweet! So good! Yay jam~!" she cheered, humming happily when he said she could have some. It was a good thing Tyrael was still fully covered in his desert robes, because he was starting to sweat. This girl... Not just her physical abilities, he could sense something inherently off about her magical aura. It was like an unstable magical ritual that would summon a violent explosion. He needed to deal with this delicately, less he catch himself at the epicenter of a major disaster. This person was childish, but by no means weak. He cannot underestimate her. "Just jam? You don't want... Pancakes?" "Aaaaaooooo~! Pancakes! I love pancakes!" she said hopping from toe to toe back and forth. "B-but, I really have to go! I can't be late! I must be fast!" she explained. "Maybe just jam?" Tyrael put his bow and arrow away. Soon a bottle of jam floated to his hand, along with some other supplies. "Fret not, Katala, I am a skilled practitioner of Shapitjani. Witness!" With Zastriel's help, Tyrael took out a wooden bowl. Using supplies he found from the ship, he poured a milky-white powder into the bowl, along with a cup of milk. He also added a few smooth round stones into the bowl, and using his earth shaping magic, manipulated the stones to begin to rotate, mixing the mixture together. "Observe... MY MIGHT!" Whilst still invisible, Zastriel took two eggs and cracked them over the bowl, adding them to the mixture that was quickly beginning to combine into a singular batter. Holding the bowl in one hand, a small green flame erupted from Tyrael's other hand as Zastriel put down an iron fry pan. She also drizzled a little bit of oil onto the pan, spreading it with her hands despite the heat coming from the pan. Being an Imp, she has a natural immunity towards flames. It was here that Tyrael showed his true prowess, grace, and agility despite being an orc as he poured the perfect amount of batter into the pan that would ensure for a full but thin pancake. The flames from his hand grew hotter by the second, quickly toasting the batter as it formed it's full round shape in the circular pan. A process that normally would take at least a minute, but with Tyrael's skills and magic, allowed him to have a fully cooked pancake in ten seconds. Both sides had a golden brown crispiness to it. When the pancake was done, he would simply toss it aside to a conveniently floating plate, were there was another application of oil onto the pan that would allow Tyrael to make another pancake. He was essentially juggling pancake batter onto a roaring fry pan, cooking a pancake in ten seconds, and skillfully tossing it back onto another plate. In a whole minute, he had created ten extra thin pancakes. Now out of batter, Tyrael put the pan away onto something that won't catch fire, since it was still hot, and set the bowl down. Finally he took out the jar of marmalade. "I know this is what you seek. But you have already come so far. Why not wait a few minutes more, for an even greater reward?" Kitchi was fascinated by the specticle, not able to take her eyes off of the orc while the meal was prepared. "Mmmmmm," she hummed in anxiety over Tyrael asking to wait just a moment more. "I will try, it smells good!" She fidgeted around inside her jacket, the restraints keeping her from moving her arms too much. For a moment the sword glowed dark purple on her back. "No, its fine, its just pancakes and jam!" she seemed to respond to a wordles question. Tyrael eyed the other women, hoping that they were still keeping the skiff on course. Taking out his blade, he dipped the tip into the marmalade. With a single swipe of his blade, he spreads the citrus fruit preserve onto a pancake. But this was not the end! Taking out a second, smaller knife actually meant for eating, he also took out the nut butter he had used with yesterday's meal, spreading that onto the pancake as well. When the pancake had an equal layer of jam and nut butter, he rolled it up into an easily held little snack. He did this for all ten, until there was a stack of rolled pancakes, still warm and crispy, filled with jam and nut butter. "And so it is done." Looking at Kitchi, Tyrael approached her. He would likely tower over her, but being this closed made him extremely nervous. "So... Do you need help eating them?" "Please!" she said in response to him helping her eat. Now that Tyrael was closer, he could see through the holes of Kitchi's mask at the eyes and mouth. She had white hair and fur paired with pinkish red eyes, an albino kobold. She nearly whined with anticipation as Tyrael walked up. She simply looked up to him and opened her mouth, as if it were obvious what her usual method of eating was. Someone must have regularly fed her by dropping or placing food in her mouth. Tyrael looked at this strange creature who seemed to be bound. Did someone else try to contain her before she arrived here? They certainly failed. Kneeling before her, Tyrael took one of the pancakes and moved it towards the mouth hole in her mask. "Satisfied?" Kitchi's mouth snapped closed as she began eating. "MMMMM~," she hummed in pure delight. She hopped twice before butting her head against Tyrael's hand like a pet dog. She quickly broke away and started running in circles on the deck. She then ran back up to Tyrael, bouncing up and down slightly higher and faster paced than before. "So tasty! Is sticky! Roof mouth! Need drink!" she cheered happily with more energy than she arrived with. "Hmm. I am aware. You must eat more slowly. However I have the cure." Setting the plate down, Tyrael poured water into a tin cup. However he looked at Kitchi with a slight glint in his eye. "Here is some water... But wouldn't you rather have something sweeter?" Kitchi whined a bit, looking in the direction that she needed to go and back to Tyrael. "Is fast?" she said worriedly. "I can finish it as soon as you say yes." Tyrael says, continuing to gauge Kitchi and trying to get an idea of her exact powers and abilities beyond super speed and vaguely canine features. "YES YES! YES YES!" She chanted happily. As soon as she said yes, Tyrael quickly poured a white powder into the cup, and sealed it with a lid. Flames burst from his hands again to boil the liquid as he shook it rapidly, mixing the powder and water together. As soon as he took the lid off her showed it to Kitchi. "Warm milk." Kitchi tried to sit still s much as possible to let Tyrael pour the cup to her mouth so she could drink it, though her body still seemed to shake wit energy. She would drank the milk, slowly at first, using it to clean her palette, but after that it was quickly sucked down. "MMmmMMmmMM!" she hummed, nearly squeaking in delight as her tongue hung out the side of her mouth. "Thank youuuuu!" She said happily. "You nice! Help a lot! Must go! Get gem!" she said as she hopped towards the edge of the boat, preparing to leave. "Hold there a moment." Tyrael calls out to Kitchi. "I do not know where you are heading. But perhaps you would like one more pancake to go? If so, there is a magic ritual I can preform. It is quick, and requires your participation. Doing so will... Strength your will." "Me want! But no! Must go! Go now! Krogan Soul! Must geeeet!" She insisted. Krogan Soul? Tyrael had no idea what that was. Something important no doubt... He needed more info. “You still need more sweet, do you not? I have something which may help.” Tyrael reaches into his robes and took out a small box with a small flap. He opened it and with her no doubt keen senses, she could smell what it is before he would even show her. [i][b]Chocolate.[/b][/i] “What is a Krogan Soul? If you let me know, I shall coat a little bit of the pancake with this sweet dark sugar.” Her foot seemed to tap rappidly on the deck. "N-NO! Uwah, muh- MUST GO!" she said, struggling against her desire for sweets and her duty. She whined pitifully for a moment until the ears under her hood perked up when the sword glowed once again. "St-stalling? Why stall? ... B-but chocolate!" she exclaimed, turning over her shoulder to look at the sword hilt. She then scurried over to Tyrael in an instant, the pads of her feet tapping on the deck as if it were a woodpecker. "Its treasure! For oracle. Shiny gem! Jeevak need. Chocolate chocolate!" she said, hopping up and down once more. Tyrael gritted his teeth. That was hardly an explanation. But he could also tell some other force was driving her to move. Perhaps it was the source of eldritch power that was putting him on edge? No matter. He couldn't risk provoking it into action. She at least told Tyrael that this Krogan Soul was a treasure for an oracle. A gemstone that a person named Jeevak needs. This information could be useful later. So he sprinkled the chocolate onto a pancake roll, holding it out to Kitchi. "For you." "Hehe-yay!!" she leaped up triumphantly, "Chocolate amazing!" She nearly drooled as she actually took the time to savor it, but then Tyrael would notice an immediate difference in her. Before when she stood still, she was shaking a bit, now she was practically vibrating and and would hop around at a bit of a faster rate. The eyes behind the mask seemed to glow a bit red from beneath the hood. "[b]ME GO[/b]," she said abruptly and she nearly bulleted off the deck, much faster tan she arrived, actually breaking a couple boards beneath her. There was a fluctuation in the air around her and a large clapping of sound as she rapidly blasted off, kicking up a large cloud of sand immediately around her, making her instantly disappear into the desert. Tyrael barely was able to save the remaining pancakes as Kitchi suddenly vanished into the desert. He didn't even get a chance to see her leave as the dust cloud that was her vanished into the horizon. "... What a strange one." He'd have to fix up these boards later. For now, he had breakfast to serve. Taking a pancake into his mouth he would walk up to the other women and offer them the pastries. [h1]Scout Party[/h1] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoKOhkJ7vIU[/youtube][/center] [color=D2691E]"DORRAN!"[/color] Hilde screamed as she saw the man who had been like an uncle to her crushed under Malkhad's hammer. There were tears in her eyes as the wind just around her started to pick up, small bursts of flame popping up here and there. She was ready to charge in until Chihiro moved in front of her, declaring that she alone wanted to fight brute. Such a claim in Varuk culture could not be contested. When a duel was declared, it was accepted, and only a coward would intervene or break the duel. When Chihiro started to change, a look of horror overtook Hilde for a moment, but it was more of surprise. The person she had known all this time ended up actually being a member of the naga tribe!? The townsfolk had simply thought she was a powerful sage, but this was completely different! Oddly, though, it made more sense given how long she has lived. Life sustaining magic was quite uncommon, though they never questioned if Chihiro didn't know it given her power. [color=D2691E]"Chihiro..."[/color] Hilde called looking up to her true form. Her eyes had the same fire her father had when he was defending the town, [color=D2691E]"make him suffer...,"[/color] she said as she looked to Malkhad. She then turned to Kistal and Allanon, [color=D2691E]"I'll help with this 'ambassador' person,"[/color] she said trying to gauge him. It was odd, it didn't look like much of a threat compared t Malkhad, and if its an ambassador, that job title wasn't particularly known for being able to fight. Malkhad laughed at Allanon's attempt to insult him, "I care little for your judgement you worm, I do as please, and crushing the feeble beneath my hammer is [i]quite[/i] soothing." He started to laugh once more before he was caught off gaurd by the reveal of Chihiro's power and true form, "Well, this will be interesting. Just try to keep that animal over there chained so I won't have to humiliate you further," he growled as he noticed Anrak. He then slammed his hammer into the ground causing a rippling in the earth. It was time t begin, "Come! face your death!" The curse Kistal cast seemed to at least get the ambassador's immediate attention, however, it didn't seem to change. Instead, the masked face turned toward's Kistal from afar, and he could instantly hear a voice in his head, that sounded all too familiar. [b][i]"That won't work on the dead, I'm afraid,"[/i][/b] The ambassador seemed to shamble a bit awkwardly as if to accentuate the point to make fun of Kistal as it drew it's weapons. A sai in one hand and a bastard sword in the other. It made a flourish and a bow before launching itself towards Kistal first. Kistal's curse not working was answered soon enough. The dead were simply puppets to Calabris. "You defile the dead and disgrace the living, yet you ignore the pain and suffering I shall be giving." The ambassador launching itself at him was almost comical. The lack of tactics and experience was evident. "Pathetic you charge a pike line, giving my pointed blades a reason to dine." He waited until the last moment before thrusting his spear forward and planting the butt into the ground. Any tactician or seasoned warrior knew that charging a polearm was at best risky and at worst suicidal. With it planted and set, the charge would simply provide momentum into hitting the head of the bident. Chihiro's eyes narrowed at the overconfident warrior. "You forget that Krogan was my darling friend. His soul rejects your dishonor and malice. If you dare try to use it against me in this duel, it will be considered a rule break and any and all can join in on my side. So says the honor of the Varuk." She had no intention of letting him use and defile Krogan's power, especially as it was not bound to him by proper ritual. As such, any attempts by him to use that power meant that not only could Allanon and the others join in to gang up on him, but it would simply further enhance the naga's power as her confidence surged. She hissed audibly and began to glow a myriad of colors. She used every bit of her innate magical power to enhance every aspect of her body and abilities. A magical barrier, thick and thrumming with power enveloped her. "A duel cannot use stolen power. You stole that which is rightfully mine to hold and love. My power comes from within. You face my wrath." Allanon gave Malkhad a wolfish grin as if the man had fallen into his trap. [color=50B1B8]"I see. You are truly as pathetic as I thought."[/color] His grin grew even further as Chihiro stated the rules for their duel. Her transformation earlier had amazed him. He had never seen a naga before and only had heard rumors about their existence. He put his awe aside quickly as he focused on the charging Ambassador. He was in a position to intercept when it launched itself towards Kistal, however he was aware the beastman was a spear-user. At the very last moment, he swung his sword at the lower legs of the Ambassador to cause it to lose balance and fall into Kistal's weapon. Malkhad ignored Allanon's comment with a huff through his nostrils as he returned to Chihiro. "Tell yourself anything you want to make yourself feel safer. I found this power so it is mine to hold, regardless of the hapless fool who left it behind. You want this power, then come take it from me. I'll crush that defiance of yours and teach you where you stand! But first, behold my own power!" He kicked Dorran's body out of the way before he punched into the ground. Fire poured forth into the earth, hotter than even seasoned firekin could bare being near. Parts of the earth cracked around him as parts of the ground seemed to break away into a shallow molten lake with some platforms of solid ground, taking even some of his own remaining men with it as they tried to scurry to safety only to be met by a wall of unsympathetic Kalla warriors. "I have adapted to the hottest fires this world has ever known, this terrain will not scathe me, but i wonder how well adapted you are to it?" he said as he started walking towards Chihiro hammer at the ready. "Now die!" he yelled as he slammed into a solid part of the ground that Chihiro was on, causing it to start shattering. True this was his own firekin power, but it was only able to stride through it so casually due to Krogan's own ability to do the same without being burned alive. As for the ambassador, the molten earth didn't reach where their fight was taking place. The ambassador ran forward full force, knowing that the spear would be deadly to just run into, but that wasn't the plan. As Allanon swung his blade, it was parried by the sai, and right as one would think it was about to be impaled on the spear, the ambassador's chest glowed through its clothes as it phased out fo existence for a split moment reapprearing in the same position it left in just behind Kistal. It then held up a hand, palm out but holding on to the sai with it's thumb as another light shone through its glove. it summoned an explosive ball of mana and shot it towards Kistal, even sliding itself back in recoil. "Kistal behind you!" there was a counter directional explosion that intercepted it it just before it made contact, negating the shot completely. It was Hilde as she rushed to join them to help deal with him first as she wasn't able to approach Malkhad. To say that Chihiro was surprised by the immediate breach of honor was a massive overstatement. She knew it would happen, but she had planned for it. He fell into her trap of breaking what little honor he tried to portray as well as allow her to have more people enter the fray. "I am not a firewalker by nature, but you forget that Krogan and I traveled together. We sparred often." Her barrier was prepared for this fight as Varuk were known for brawn and fire, so it was tuned for heat and kinetic force. The naga accentuated this point by leaping into the lava to his flank and taking advantage of his terrible footwork. His thigh was a juicy target and led her to do four quick cuts on it as she sinuously slithered behind him. The cuts were superficial, but they served the purpose of dosing him four time with neurotoxin. She then stayed in a defensive stance, knowing he would be overly confident and aggressive. "Your honor is broken, the duel breached. You have, in front of the people you seek to rule, proven to be nothing but an honorless thug. To walk within this lava, you must have used Krogan's power. As such, now you are nothing but a pack of evil muscles waiting to crumble." Kistal heard the ambassador behind him, ready to jump, but he saw Hilde counter for him. "Thanks, Hilde." He then turned on his hoof to face the ambassador, seeming to let his spear simply stay in place. "Allanon, Hilde and I can handle this. The duel already broke, so feel free to go help Chihiro take him down. That man deserves to die for his enslaving ways." With the grace afforded by long years of dancing and his innate sense of balance, Kistal advanced on the puppet, hands balled into fists and steps light and almost mesmerizingly springy. For a moderately bulky athletic man, he moved like a Sylve on a stage. His first strike was disguised under him advancing, his forward hoof sweeping up in an attack at the ambassador's knee at the absolute last moment. "A puppet has no will, but the feeling of pain it has still." Allanon glowered at the Ambassador when it blocked the strike at its legs. Such a movement from the angle he struck at was normally impossible leading Allanon to believe it was some creation of alchemy and thaumaturgy. When Kistal suggested he assist Chihiro he had a minor urge to stay regardless, but the odds were great that Chihiro could not handle Malkhad alone with Krogan's power flowing through him. He had to protect the young girl and Bidzil as well. Trusting that Kistal and Hilde would cover his back, Allanon dashed to rescue and move the two away from the fight between Malkhad and Chihiro before joining into the fight himself. He sheathed his sword as he closed distance so he could pick each of them up starting with Bidzil to sling the young man over his shoulder and then the girl. He dashed to the still clear archer's tower and placed them there. [color=50B1B8]"Bidzil, I'm not sure what that power you have is, but you have it in you to be a true hero. If we survive this... I'll do whatever I can to help you achieve that."[/color] He turned back preparing to charge at Malkhad and defeat this evil. His past was too stained with evil for him to be a hero, but there was still plenty of good left for him to do and create. Malkhad played a dangerous game, and he knew it. But making the lava pit only meant that the others, even if allowed to join now their useless honor system has been breached, they couldn't. The naga, unfortunately with whatever magic she knew, was able to slither towards him rapidly, unaffected by the heat. When Chihiro came in close, he took that moment to strike, knowing he couldn't chase her down, but instead holding his ground. If he could kill her, the other small fry should give up. What he didn't expect was the sped in which she closed in. Taking him by surprise, she was able to get a cut on him before his hammer came crashing down. Luckily for him, Chihiro's true naga form was a large target, like a snake, having to follow a bit of a trail. With her moving away from him, however, and with her movement faster than he was able to predict, the Chihiro took only a glancing low to part of her snake-like lower body as she was moving past him. Despite moving away from him, decreasing the overall impact, and the barrier, Chihiro could still feel a great amount of force from the hit when it made contact. The misaligned strike still had enough power make the barrier crackle in that spot before repairing itself. A good solid blow may be quite dangerous, but it looked like it may at least hold enough to keep it from being fatal, possibly even after one or two good hits against it. "Their thoughts of me will mean nothing as I make them bow under my power. That barrier won't save you forever, you viperous witch," Malkhad spat. He prepared himself for her once more, noting a strange new tingling sensation in his left thigh that he didn't remember before. When Allanon arrived to Bidzil, he would see something remarkable. Bidzil had begun get up on his hands and knees and started trying to drag the girl to safety as best he could. Luckily, Allanon was there to carry them both back before the area was turned to lava by Malkhad. He would notice there was an open wound on his back where he once saw the scar, as if it had reopened perfectly. It didn't seem deep however, as if it were a superficial wound if anything. Bidzil felt Allanon set him and the girl down, the girl looking like she had passed out. Having heard what Allanon told him, he chuckled lowly as he stained to sit up. It felt like all the energy in the world had left his body, making it incredibly difficult to move. He hadn't lost a large amount of blood or received much for physical damage, but unkown to him, the mana outburst that his transcendent form used to protect him from the blow nearly expended his mana reserves, knocking him out of the form and leaving him depleted and his soul in a weakened state. [color=F4A460]"I'll take that as a compliment, though I gotta admit,"[/color] he grunted as he planted a sword sheath in the ground to help himself back up, only to fall back down to one knee. [color=F4A460]"I'm not entirely sure myself,"[/color] he told Allanon, though he smirked when he heard a hint of uncertainty in Allanon's words. [color=F4A460]"[i]If[/i]? Alright old man, tomorrow it is,"[/color] he said with a confident grin. He looked over to where Malkhad was fighting and just now realized there was a rather familiar looking naga fighting him. [color=F4A460]"Say, when did we get a snake lady?"[/color] he openly asked as Allanon ran off to help fight the brute. Kistal's flourish seemed to work for him, distracting the ambassador enough that it didn't know where the attack would come from until it was too late, one of it's legs being swept out from under it. The ambassador fell on their back into the sand, and Hilde was quick to fill the gap with a piercing lunge with he sword, but it only met sand as the foe disappeared again, this time to the side of Hilde. The ambassador's left arm seemed to crumble away as it lunged at her with the bastard sword in the other hand. Hilde redirected the lunge safely to the side and then grappled the ambassador's arm under her own as she did a move that would remind Chihiro very much of Allard. She headbutt the ambassador, which dazed it, cracking its mask even, though it seemed to leave a scratch on Hilde's forehead. She then drove her sword into its side to try to finish it off. It shrieked in pain, its voice rather feminine. Normally an enemy would go down after such a wound, but instead the doll's hand briefly glowed as it released an explosion that sent Hilde reeling, hitting the sand and rolling a few feet. With this though, the other arm seemed to crumble away, the ambassador stood there eerily waiting for another attack. Part of the mask that was cracked fell away to reveal one of the eyes. There was a pale face behind it, the eye lazily open and tears visable, but it didn't speak a word.