Hellooooooo! I'm just gonna get straight to the point, m'kay? Thanks to the lockdown I've had [i]plenty[/i] of time to catch up on my shows and hooooooo boy did I fall back into the Walking Dead fandom like whoa. And I have [i]NO ONE[/i] to talk to about it, let alone someone to write it with. :') I have two potential ideas, one set in the TWD universe, the other is more of an AU, but before I get into that I should give you the basic need-to-know stuff. 🔅 I have about two decades of RP experience under my belt, I write third person past tense and my posts can range from anything like two or three short paragraphs to a full blown lengthy novel post. It really depends on what is currently happening in the RP, the amount of dialogue etc etc, you know how it goes. Either way, I'm looking for similar writing capabilities. Please don't give me one-liners, I will ugly cry. Put at least some effort into it and give me enough to work with and I'm happy. More is always nice but quality over quantity. 🔅 I am 33 years old and will only write with someone 18 years or older (or 21, depending on where you are I guess?). 🔅 I am a-okay with smut. I am a-okay with no smut. I am a-okay with fade to black and I am a-okay with all dem juicy details. Just let me know what you prefer, and what you absolutely don't like, and we'll go from there. I always prefer plot over porn, when it makes sense for it to happen, it will happen. That said, this being TWD it has the potential of getting very dark and violent, so be okay with that. I will not tone that down. Also, Negan's potty mouth will absolutely be a thing if I'm the one writing him. 🔅 PM and/or discord. Please be okay with OOC chat, because I love to plot with my writing buddies and talk about the things we both enjoy. I'm very friendly, I swear! I've met some of my best friends through RP, I'm definitely open to that. 🔅 I always try to do one post a day at the very least. I don't always manage depending on how busy my days are and how tired I am, but that's the goal. If I take too long and you haven't heard from me in a while, please do not hesitate to reach out and kick my ass to remind me. Sometimes my brain does that thing where it gets overwhelmed and I kinda shut down and withdraw. It's never on purpose and it's never personal. If I don't like the RP or need a break or stop for different reasons, I will tell you. [b]AND NOW ONTO THE GOOD STUFF![/b] So Rick and Negan are my all time favorite characters in the show. I have NOT read the comics btw, and I also haven't had a chance to see season 10 yet so please no spoilers, thank you. Either way, I love their clashing personalities and their relationship throughout season 7 and 8 with the war; I loved it when Negan had Rick under his boot and I equally loved it when Rick finally snapped and pushed back with everything he had. There's so much potential for fun writing with these two. I am willing to play either Rick or Negan, I honestly think I could have a lot of fun with either one so I'm not really picky there, other than that I do have a slight preference for Negan. But I will not write them against an OC, just putting that out there. I don't mind canon/OC pairings but it's not what I'm looking for right now. Check the hiders for the plot ideas I have (second one is my favorite). [hider=Idea 1: TWD universe] This would be set somewhere early season 7 when Negan still has full control over Rick and Alexandria. This could go any number of ways but I see this as a sort of slow burn kind of thing. Enemies-to-lovers, without or without the friend part in between or the friends part comes way later. Conflicting emotions, hiding what they're doing, angst, all that good stuff. It could very well end up deviating from the canon storyline, or only a little, who knows. I just think there is a lot of explore inbetween the scenes we did get. Optional bonus idea: if you're into A/B/O dynamics, that's something I'd be willing to include here. I'm usually [i]extremely[/i] picky about this and we'd have to discuss the finer details of how it works in this particular story, but yes I'm potentially open to it and yes, I'm willing to write the alpha character even though I'm usually not into writing pure dominant topping type characters. It's just that I know that most people seem to prefer writing the omega character from what I've seen. Just throwing it out there :) I'm perfectly fine with leaving it out.[/hider] [hider=Idea 2: the good ol' 'the zombie apocalypse didn't happen!' (yet?)] Another slow burn because I'm weak for those. Rick is his usual deputy sherrif with best buddy Shane. Rick is also a single dad of two; Judith is his, Carl is in his rebellious teenage fase and Lori died a few months back (a car crash or something), and Rick is just trying to keep things together while still grieving. It's tough, he struggles, Carl is always angry at him for something and it's all a lot to deal with. Then one day while out on patrol with Shane they end up responding to a drunken bar fight, and three guesses who's involved. Yup. An intoxicated Negan is arrested and spends a night in a holding cell, but not before he flings some scathing comments involving "your wife" into Rick's face. For Rick this is the drop that breaks the camel's back; he can't keep going like this, he needs help, help to let Lori go, to move on, if not for his sake then for his kids. He [i]needs[/i] to move on. So he decides to join a therapy group, for people who have lost someone close to them. And three guesses who is also there? Yeah, that rude bastard whom Rick arrested not too long ago. Turns out he lost his wife to cancer, that night at the bar was the anniversary of her birthday and emotions and alcohol don't mix well. Slow burn! Getting to know each other! Bonding! Going on a first date! Finding out that for all his bluster and in-your-face personality Negan is super cute with kids [s](Judith and Negan gave me life in season 9).[/s] Cue Carl freaking out because Omg dad, you are not dating my gym teacher! And some more serious stuff. Angst, because both of them have plenty of baggage to deal with. Negan is a trouble magnet. Rick could still get shot while on duty. The zombie apocalypse could still happen later on if we want to go that way. Lots of possibilities here![/hider] I'm also 100% open to other ideas you may have, so please don't hesitate to share them! Please PM me if interested and thank you for reading if you made it this far. :D