[hider=Restricted DNA: Test Subject: John Coffee aka "Tank" Medical file] Name: Tank aka John Coffee Age: 25 / 15 Appearance: (pic or faceclaim is fine but also put a short description of what they look like if the genetic modification changes physical appearance in any way ex: Octopus DNA modification and you get more arms) [img]https://jeffreyklyles.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/michael-clarke-duncan-as-roadblock.png[/img] Background check (backstory): Born in the ghetto, his life of disenchantment and disfranchised lead him to be a born “hustler”. Guns Drugs Fast women Bootleg music Counterfeit monies Knockoff merchandise Cars Fashion clothing Hustler Booster Con man Food stamp fraud Breaking curfews and video tapping it for youtube Tagging with paint He knew the game, followed the “G Code”, like his father before him and his various family members and half-siblings. His education wasn’t the best but he had “street knowledge” and muscle. His frame was big and heavy, but he could lift weight like a champ, He couldn’t fight well but he could take hits. But if he was able to get his “meat hooks” ( Hands-on you), he would use his weight and strength to disarm and or break bones. With fast money comes even faster troubles. At an early age he gained the ability to make/create lyrical masterpieces. So from common hoodrat to overnight celebrity, which was short-lived in less than 8 years. Being a celebrity, meant more people just wanted something from you. Use or be used.... Feed your Fam, Funk the fame. The correctional system was like a revolving door to him, till his last stunt on TV. After a simple stoplight was run through, he refused to pull over, a chase ensued for almost 45 before he leads the police on a foot chase into a bar and barricaded himself in for another 14 hours before giving up to a SWAT team. The county in his state refused to have him live in the county with this last stunt, He was going do for a long time but his lawyer was approached in a special plea deal, which... he took. He first thought that he was going to have to eat fish for 8 years or something as a punishment, little did he comprehended the Neptune Project and the DNA modification that they would perform on him. Out of the USA for the first time... Norway was cold. Personality: He was once the guys that you didn’t want to meet in a dark place, you not part of his group then you were “fair game”. If you showed weakness then, he would pick on you till you fought, if you fought and maybe beat him, he would hold his tongue till he could catch you in a compromising place and beat you into submission. Vengeful, foul-mouthed, and hateful as well as tattooed. Loves attention, money, and has a lack of impulse. Violence equals respect, anyone that is maternal is left alone, at most ages. Older males over 40 will be respected and looked up to. Genetic modification: Orcinus orca COMMON NAME: Orca (Killer Whale) SCIENTIFIC NAME: Orcinus orca Personality after modification: With his now increased intelligence, his behavior is of a wordsmith, he is more polite, smiles, and speaks well. He is now learning to be more cunning to get what he still wants or feels that he is entitled to. He is no longer loud in his past times in the sense of his actions, quiet and demur, he is now a lurker, a watcher of sorts. You can see in his eyes that he is also trying to figure something out about the environment or the person. He often speaks less but requires chat and will get short-tempered if he can’t find a group, being lone is “death” to him, this leads to the same behavior of Orcas in captivity, the swaying and self-mutilation. So these new “DNA” subjects, he gets along with, these people are his “pod, clan or community, no matter the sex, color or religion. They belong to him and he belongs to the pod, for they are one and nothing without each other. Before he wouldn’t stick his neck out for anyone but now he does and frequently. The DNA mods have given him a 180-degree turn. He has developed a “quirk” of toothpicks in his teeth now. Abilities: Smart They use echolocation to communicate and hunt, making sounds that travel underwater until they encounter objects, then bounce back, revealing their location, size, and shape. All pods use effective, cooperative hunting techniques that some liken to the behavior of wolf packs. swim up to 40 miles a day, They dive 100 to 500 feet They only close one eye when they sleep; the left eye will be closed when the right half of the brain sleeps, and vice versa. This type of sleep is known as unihemispheric sleep as only one brain hemisphere sleeps at a time. Orcas periodically alternate which side is sleeping so that they can get the rest they need without ever losing consciousness. When sleeping, orcas swim very slowly and steadily, close to the surface. good senses of sight. good senses of hearing they can hear better than dogs and even bats. Side effects: Anger Aggression easy aggro if cornered. Bargaining to avoid punishment. ( phobia - fear of being alone -”monophobia” Light sleeper ( sleeps with one eye open ) Sometimes “acts out “ if he doesn’t get his way Apex behavior He will establish a pecking order for his Pod ( Grouping) Obsessive behavior about his teeth ( toothpick ) Loss of smell... Stamina Strength Very thick skin ( like a shark, he will gain more keloids) Sonar ( effect negatively on his, causes madness) Likes: social (pods), talking ( communicative ), singing rap (Music), spending money, Power, violence ( respect), loud and being brash, Drinking ( hench the big belly). Additional likes since DNA mod: (All of these are traits of Orcas) Foraging Traveling Resting socializing Swimming Courtship ( Very respectful now ) Dislikes: Captivity makes them VERY aggressive and wants to kill. People that don’t communicate Loners Unweight people Staying in one place long ( inpatient ) [/hider]