Kaiden attempted to be nothing if not well informed. He had not been privvy to the Commodore's whereabouts, but he was well acquainted with the Marengo debacle. One of the delegates of the planetary assembly had made an aggressive move on the local stock market, having bought out over half of the forest planets timber production plants in an attempt to fluctuate prices to suit his bid for chancellor. The acting chancellor responded with increased tariffs, and the average man and woman were caught in the middle. Marengo was soon embroiled in riots and Cinnabar hostages were taken, though Kaiden would not have guessed it was a worrying enough proposition to bring in the Commodore himself or a full blown cruiser. "I've been assigned to the Vicount, as have my men." He told her, wondering if she had the same misfortune of sharing a ship with him. As if on cue, the Cadbury arrived just as Sabatine was informing the prince on matters, setting down 100 meters away to the north on one of the much larger hanger areas. Once the ulti-thrusters were into play, causing a gust of wind to flow over the immediate landscape, they all knew it was safe to look just as the ship was landing. Kaiden turned northward, hands behind his back and face as neutral as he could manage (and again, he was quite good at it). The Commodore, an easily recognizable man to anyone in this section of the military, was the first to step off the Cadbury, followed by his aids and what looked to be a amanuensis penning a memoir. Behind them, column after column of crew and soldiers filed out, and from the base a cadre of what looked to be spacer crew members outfitted for engineering/janitorial work hussled over to the aging vessel, likely needing as much constant attention these days as ever. The Commodore was around thirty years Kiaden's senior, and while he wasn't large or overly imposing, there was an experience to him that made him formidable. He wasn't unhandsome either, his chin covered by a salt and pepper goatee, and he had iron eyes the color of the scratch marks on the Cadbury. Everyone saluted when he was within twenty meters of his gig, and he seemed none too pleased with the grime atop it. "Who is responsible for this?" He asked once he eyed his mud-caked gig, and before anyone else could answer (particularly Motorman First Class Gregor), Sabatine stepped forward stiffly, steely eyed. "Sir, I am." She declared, and his iron gaze fell upon her form. For a moment Kaiden wondered if he had arrived just in time to see Sabatine's demotion, but after a few seconds the Commodore softened and even gave a smirk. "Thank you for saving my gig, Lieutenant. You and your men will be compensated with an extra bottle of your choice tonight." Kaiden felt relieved, and then he questioned why that was? He wanted her gone, dammit! "Sir, may I ask-" The prince began, but the Commodore made a cutting motion with his hand and he spun on him. "Ah, you must be first lieutenant Caladwarden. I see there isn't an ounce of mud on your pristine suit, nor on any of your men's. I suppose you convenient got here just in time to attempt to take some glory, eh? Be silent." The ranking officer approached, sizing Kaiden up. "I called you here because you have an exemplary record on paper and at the behest of Captain Harkin's recommendation. However, your family's name has no sway over me or my fleet, and if I catch any foul play or scandal that has your scent on it, you'll be scrubbing the boots of my midshipmen before you know it, is that understood?" Kaiden did his best not to blink. "Aye, sir." [@Penny]