About at the same time as Marcus retrieved the Mad One's staff loud, rapid footfalls could suddenly be heard growing louder quickly, consistent with the sound of a heavy entity running toward them at significant speed. A mere couple of seconds after the first audible footfall, as the sound seemed to come from just the other side of the door barring the Hunters from the rest of the world, the same heavy mass slammed into the door [I]hard[/I], causing the door actually break in two, the top third of the door swinging slowly inward while the lower two thirds, which seemed to barely be holding together, wobbled unsteadily. One last kick from the assailant outside dealt the final bit of damage, shattering the part of the door that was still closed and sending a hail of splinters and wood into the room. [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/bloodborne/images/4/49/Large_Huntsman_%E2%84%9613.png/revision/latest?cb=20180404230043]The creature[/url] that entered through the doorway – sideways and in a light crouch to fit through it – was tall, broad and lanky, of a similar structure to the eldritch creature the Hunters had already fought but wider and visibly more muscular. It had features that suggested it had once been a man, walking on two legs and wearing the drab clothes of a Yharnam citizen, even though these clothes were all obviously much too small for it, wielding a meat cleaver in its right hand and the sword it had just taken from Marcus in its right. Even so this man was clearly thoroughly claimed by the scourge of beasts; aside from his size, the beast-man was also covered in coarse brown fur, his joints had started to restructure and become more bestial in nature, his fingers and bare feet – which now more closely resembled wolf-like paws – had grown murderous claws, just as his mouth was forced into a permanent scowl by the growth of over-sized fangs above and below. He growled hungrily as he scanned the room with his beast-shrouded eyes. “Hurt,” called the hoarse man from the outside, apparently content to wait outside for his fellows to do the fighting, “not kill. Take Hunters.”