[hider=Sarah Marie Hall] Name: Sarah Marie Hall Age:24 Appearance: [img]https://em.wattpad.com/000623e4f0dc2e5a1417f9720bf80717a7998e2e/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f61543657325a4a714a316e5369413d3d2d3234363236303437342e313438633063323034363765383563393437383732323536373137392e6a7067?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] Has single dorsal fin and razor sharp teeth after genetic modification. Background check(backstory): Sarah Marie Hall was born in St. John, Newfoundland, Canada to two Federation Employees who worked in housing. She lived in moderately comfortable conditions for this reason, and was lucky enough to get a good education. She got the opportunity to swim for leisure, one of the few things she could do to relax, along with reading, watching powerful storms. Unfortunately all these factors led to her parents wanting her to join the Federation and follow in their footsteps, so Sarah could provide the same chances to her partner and children, but Sarah didn't like what she was seeing from the Federation and decided to go her own direction. She ran. She left her family to work with those looking to fight, those looking to escape from the Federation. As she saw how others lived, she knew she made the right choice, glad that she wasn't caught up in the fervor and oppressive regulations that most all Federation workers seemed to perpetuate. How could they live with themselves, knowing how the majority of people were being treated? How little humanity did they have that they were content to watch the downtrodden suffer as they were? Soon enough she made her way with some escapees to some Genetic Scientists looking for subjects for an experiment to live under water. They would get genes from sea creatures spliced in and have to survive underwater for a year. If they succeed, teams would be sent out to help those who want to escape to a new life to do so. She immediately decided she wanted to volunteer, in part because it was the right thing to, but also to spite her parents who would willingly back such an oppressive regime. She got selected for the Blue Shark modification, which improved her ability to swim swiftly, improved her strength and gave her razor sharp teeth as well a fairly noticeable dorsal fin. Unfortunately there were some side effects which made her more aggressive, less humorous, more sarcastic and more driven by her emotion than before. She also has found it more difficult to control herself when blood is spilled in close proximity to her, though with focus she can work through it. And she has also found that she has a greater preference for seafood, fish, some shellfish, and the like. However the most annoying side effect, in her opinion, is that she can't stand dry heat or prolonged exposure to direct sunlight as it makes her skin itch. Personality (pre-modification): Calm, Personable, Witty, Intelligent (with most people, non Federation). (Disgusted, Jaded toward Federation Goons) Genetic modification:Blue Shark Personality after modification: More aggressive, Less humorous, more sarcastic, more driven by emotion. Abilities: Increased Swim Speed, Improved strength (Bench Press 325, Pre-Modification 125), Razor Sharp teeth Side effects: Difficulty with control around blood (can control self with focus), increased aggression, greater preference for seafood. Sunbathing/Dry Heat makes her skin itch Likes: Seafood, reading, swimming, beaches, being able to protect her friends, storms. Dislikes: The Federation, being powerless, uncontrolled fire, sunbathing/dry heat (post gene-modding, makes her skin itch.) Extra: [/hider] Here is my initial character idea. More may be added to the backstory/personality as ideas come to me.