[@PaulHaynek] [quote]Neil sighed and took a moment to reply. "Look, I want it to stop too. I just don't know how." He shrugged. "I can't figure out what Bart's mad at. I mean on one hand he lets us do requests against Varjo but on the other hand, he hasn't forgiven me for... who knows what I did. It's like I personally offended him somehow." He sighed one more time. "I-I don't know what to do about this, Miss Gigas."[/quote] [color=a187be]"Please, just call me Kira. I never really cared for formalities."[/color], she replied with a reassuring smile. [color=a187be]"I don't think Bart is mad at you, per say. I think he's more upset at the idea that your actions are, unintentionally, causing Varjo to turn their attention towards us. He doesn't want to run the risk of having a maniacal nation come crashing down on our doorstep. As for not knowing what to do.....This is just a suggestion, but why don't you and Bart take on a quest together? It doesn't even have to be a hard one, just one where you two can relax, be calm and....well, maybe talk it out. It ain't much but, hey, it might prove to be the start you two need."[/color] [quote=Neil]"Anyway, I'm not joining you all at dinner. Better that me and Bart stay away from each other for now so as not to spoil the mood and all."[/quote] [color=a187be]"Oh, Bart actually isn't joining for dinner either....but, if you're really don't want to join us, then I won't force you."[/color], Kira responded before turning away and began walking down the hall. However, she stopped halfway and spoke again, her back toward Neil. [color=a187be]"You know....the others are worried about what's happening to this guild. Even I can tell and I'm the brand spankin' new member. And I'm damn certain, even as we speak, they're thinking up ways to help you two and the guild. Just some food for thought."[/color] With that statement said, Kira made her exit and headed toward the dining hall. [@13org] (ADA & FYR) [@Restalaan] (YNG & DIT) [@ShwiggityShwah] Upon seeing everyone sitting at the dinner, Kira made her way over and took her seat next to Freyr and Haley. [color=a187be]"Welp, you can't say I didn't try. I talked to Neil for a bit. He agrees that the feud between him and Bart needs to stop, but he doesn't know how to do that. And that's mainly because he doesn't know what Bart is mad at. Also, Neil won't be joining us for dinner as well."[/color]