As Zero headed to through the zone, she had been eliminating any and all evidence she had come across that may have tied back to her employers. Leaving a frozen radioactive art show behind her. She had long since given up trying to understand low impact, particularly as the secondary objective was to prevent others from searching the zone. She processed that it was impossible to do anything in secret if she was to be such a preventative measure. Particularly when she was instructed that any "supers" she would me where not to be killed....The looping flaws in her objectives becoming all to clear. [b]"Such a headache...."[/b] She had just froze a computer at the atomic level, making it break apart as if dust, when she noticed a distinct [i] yellow...its orange..[/i]hue over a building meaning someone was here that shouldn't be. Assuming the layout of the city, and the current speed, the Ice wielding swords swinger Jumped out the third story window! As she began to free fall she rotated, drawing her blade with a speed that would make it impossible for the human eye to see! Those augments at work! A wave of condensation seemed to harden into a ramp of pure ice.Landing on it, she was like a speed skater tearing down the lane before launching off the opposite side like a ramp! She had been able to jump above the speedster! Rather than announce herself she gripped her sheathed blade and began her rotation. Bringing a rather large layer of mist with it, her power more than made up for the stealthy approach she had been attempting.