Fenris watches as all the new guild members grabbed their cloaks, well he knew they weren't all cloaks he was just feeling lazy and thus would call them cloaks. Suddenly he heard another [i]scratch[/i] and looked to see the big man tearing up his floor again. [color=violet] "Hi godsforsaken adan plural edain"[/color] he cursed in elvish then walked to the armory. A few moments later Fenris then walked out carrying a weapons rack which he put somewhat near the door. He then walked up to the man with a big sword and looked at him[color=violet] " I have a weapon rack near the door now so please stop tearing up my floor"[/color] he said trying to be calm about this. Fenris then grabbed the contract he had received a few days ago and unfurled it than began to announce to the guild. [color=violet] " Alright! We have our first guild contract we must def-"[/color] he stopped as he read the contract then stuffed it into his pocket [color=violet] " Ok he is way to strong for us right now we will instead take some smaller contracts first, you may now have free roam of the guildhall and choose any contract welcome to Angeli Pallidus. "[/color] he concluded. [hider=Translation] " This gods forsaken man" [/hider] Tizryn had stayed still with Alamir for a second to listen to his friends speech. [color=silver] " ehhh could of been better"[/color] he whispered to Alamir before climbing on his griffins back. Staying low to Alamir Tizryn hoped that he would not be spotted as he snuck out of the guildhall. Reaching the door Tizryn slowly pushed it open with a somewhat loud [i]creak[/i] and slipped out of the door. Once outside Tizryn breathed the fresh summer air and smiled, he knew his friend Fenris had taken a powerful contract Tizryn had even expressed his concerns on it.[color=silver] "that's why I grabbed my own"[/color] he said heartily to Alamir and laughed. Reading his contract to take care of some undead soldiers roaming around a village Tizryn figured he could take these monsters alone as they weren't known to be very powerful and there was only like three of them. Nodding Tizryn put away his contract and grabbed Alamirs reigns[color=silver] " Alright Alamir"[/color] he said as he readied himself [color=silver] " meitder"[/color] he said and Alamir began to flap his wings, Tizryn put on his vest with Angeli Pallidus's warrior symbol. [hider=Translation] "Ride/fly" [/hider] Isabella walked over to the mage who was giving out cloaks and smiled [color=lightgreen] " Mage, Druids cloak please "[/color] she said and watched the mage make her cloak. Thanking the mage once it was finished Isabella put on the cloak but left most of it unbuttoned. She then looked around and saw the scantily clad elf mage and a elf in armor. Walking up to them she smiled and waved as she looked up[color=lightgreen] "hello nice to meet you"[/color] she said smiling. She then noticed the messed up floor and wondered if she could use nature magic to fix it before looking back up at the elves.