[Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200312/08791badea4291da4bb29c6148deb5d2.png[/img] [Sub].:⋮Rally⋮:.[/Sub] [/center] Penny would waste no time handing off her passenger to one of the other girls that had followed her this far, gesturing off towards one of the corners that held some blankets. With that taken care of she would stride into the middle of the two girls arguing her extra limbs lashing out to grab hold of both of their weapons. [color=00aeef][u][i]“Enough”[/i][/u][/color] She would say firmly giving both of them a flat stare. [color=00aeef][u][i]“If we start bickering and fighting amongst ourselves now we aren’t going to last through the night.”[/i][/u][/color] [color=00aeef][u][i]“Yes, Elvira led everyone into a trap, but none of us knew that she was a part of the Mint”[/i][/u][/color] Penny would say deathly serious [color=00aeef][u][i]“None of us knew that the Penrose independent was going to make things worse and try to kick off a war by unleashing a WMD at the Rave either. Now, as hard as it might seem at the moment, is not the time to start tearing into each other. Now is when form up and learn who it is that we can trust”[/i][/u][/color] As Penny spoke her voice would slowly grow louder until she was addressing everyone present. [color=00aeef][u][i]“Some of you know me, some of you have likely even met my other half, but for those of you who don’t know me. My name is Penny, and I am the one who built the foundation of this safe haven”[/i][/u][/color] She would say gesturing towards the walls of the Sanctuary. [color=00aeef][u][i]“I am glad that it has proven to be the Sanctuary that I wanted it to be, but now I must ask for your help.”[/i][/u][/color] [color=00aeef][u][i]“Many of the girls that went to the Rave are still under the influence of Elvira’s maddening song.”[/i][/u][/color] As she spoke her drone would float above her displaying live feeds from the various street cameras of the riots currently going on in Penrose. [color=00aeef][u][i]“The number of them currently has Beacon stretched to capacity and I would ask for volunteers to go out and help quell these riots.”[/i][/u][/color] [color=00aeef][u][i]“Now I can already tell that many of you don’t see why that is a bad thing. But you are all missing a vital piece of information; Beacon is stretched to capacity, not the Ascendency. The Ascendency is a fundamentalist group within Beacon. They are the ones responsible for the wholesale purge tactics that have become common as of late. We do not want them to have any more reason to mobilize in force.”[/i][/u][/color] [color=00aeef][u][i]“So once again I ask for volunteers. I need people who are willing to go out and help deal with those that are currently tearing this city apart. I also need people who are willing to stay here and help deal with the injured. Who can I count on?”[/i][/u][/color] [hr] [Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200425/b0ccfb30035d0f879fa2698145d698c9.png[/img] [h3]&[/h3] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200425/b41e329a387cae138b2f744f0de73a0b.png[/img] [Sub].:Home sweet home:.[/Sub] [/center] [color=#FD0E14]“Shh... it’s okay, you’re safe now”[/color] Monica would say to Sharron softly one hand gently laid on the still recovering girl’s shoulder. [color=#FD0E14]“I’m sorry you had to suffer from that dear”[/color] She would go on to say as she quietly took the girls glasses and cleaned them before handing them back. As she returned the glasses there would be a notable glazed look to Monica’s eyes. With a warm, if vacant, smile she would stand up and look towards Ashlyn [color=#FD0E14]“Keep an eye on her won’t you honey?”[/color] She would ask her voice taking on a dreamy quality [color=#FD0E14]“I’m off to make soup for all the kids, most of them seem to have made it through that alright but I want to make sure”[/color] she would go on to say putting a finger on her chin as she spoke aloud, as if she was pondering what type of soup to make. Ashlyn for her part would quietly curse as she watched the changes start to overtake the rather petite Cowgirl. [color=#159D86]“Don’t worry about this one sweetie”[/color] She would reply with a strained smile after a moment. [color=#159D86]“I’ll sit down with her and make sure she’s good”[/color] She’d move to sit down next to Shannon as she spoke. [color=#159D86]“What should I tell her happened out?”[/color] Ashlyn would ask, as if Shannon wasn’t there. [color=#FD0E14]“Oh”[/color] Monica would seem surprised by the question and it would take her a moment to reply [color=#FD0E14]“Some vile wretch attacked our kids with a Psychic nuke”[/color] She would reply serenely [color=#FD0E14]“But no need to worry her with that, just tell her that Mom was able to rescue her from a bully okay?”[/color] She would give one last vacant smile before turning and walking off further into the house. Ashlyn would wait a moment, before punching the wall hard enough to crack it. [color=#159D86]“Damn it all…”[/color] she would mumble rubbing a hand over her face. [color=#159D86]“You get that?”[/color] She would ask after a moment, turning to Sharron [color=#159D86]“To answer you other questions. Yes, we saved you. Because it was the right thing to do. Not going to torment you, unless you find home cooked meals tormenting.”[/color] She owuld answer with a huff as she leaned up against the wall, her legs loosely crossed in front of her. [color=#159D86]“Name’s Ashlyn”[/color] The Oni girl would introduce herself [color=#159D86]“That was Monica”[/color] she’d go on gesturing towards the hallway that the Mino-girl had walked down. [color=#159D86]“Best get comfortable we’re going to be here for a while.”[/color] [hr] [Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180715/2faf224be0a0f6df351a8560c77e7562.png[/img] [Sub] -=Ǝ Night time E=- [/Sub] [/center] [color=57441E]“Kimble, Alicia’s not going to hate you, everyone makes mistakes.”[/color] Kyle would say to agitated girl as they awaited extraction. It was always an odd feeling, teleporting around, especially when one was low on magic; thankfully he had long since gotten accustomed to the sensation. [color=57441E]“Sadly not my first time doc”[/color] Kyle would say as he focused on the far wall as he waited for the first wave of sensation to die down, it was always a flashback of what caused the loss in the first place, or at least that was what happened to him at any rate. He would let out a slow breath as he tried not to focus on the tingling in his arm, it would go away on its own time after all. He would suddenly look very tired, but he would still wave at Sally as she walked away [color=57441E]“Go get ‘em tiger”[/color] He would say before collapsing back into the bed and letting his exhaustion take him into slumber. [hr] [Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191205/1259dabf7c97e732c0ddd286dc20d72f.png[/img] [sub] >>Incoming<<[/sub] [/center] Deep in whatever little suburbia Viva found herself in the quiet of the area would suddenly be shattered by the sound of an engine roaring to life. Moments later Viva could be seen astride her bike going at a furious pace a look of barely contained panic on her face. [color=#652DC1][i]'I'm coming, don't you dare die on me, I'm on my way'[/i][/color] She repeated in her head as she tore up the streets racing to where it was she was heading. For only a few moments ago she had received a vision from her Mother, Viva's family was in danger, and twisted as the dark nurse was Family still was the most important thing of all. [hr] [sub][@Ariamis] & [@Ariamis] & [@Ariamis] & [No one][/sub] [sub][sub]((I'm noticing a theme here))[/sub][/sub]