[img] https://www.humorandmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/65161969.jpg [/img] Wait... You notice that [I]now[/I] [@Penny]? If I had known earlier that this game is run using an approve first, read later strategy... [hider][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/15c77774a0b93b2649e5c6de32bbb004/tumblr_oi8z0iANMS1vfwsneo1_400.jpg [/IMG] [/hider] Aside from that I'm confident that the statement in the character sheet holds true at least for the part of the world I live in (western Europe). It doesn't make people turn their heads often in the public. And this is a paranormal world with computers capable of some magic and horrible nightmares from distant space times.