[hr][hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/5BIHrbq.png[/img] [hr] [color=b71d5d]Location:[/color] George Washington University [color=b71d5d]Skills:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] It was cold. Andy wasn't wearing a warm enough jacket. She just had the leather jack that Jamie had given her for her birthday. Andy frowned thinking of him hurt still, and she doubted it would never stop hurting. Jamie had been like a father to her. She didn't have the paperwork to prove they were going to adopt her. That was lost when the shop had been lost. She shivered, less from the cold and more from the memories. Andy couldn't do anything about the memories, but she could at least get out of the cold. She saw the poster advertising free food and coffee. Caffeine. Sweet blessed caffeine. She changed the direction she was headed to make her way to the event. Andy didn't particularly care about the event itself, but she was not going to snub her nose at free coffee. Especially if it was hot. Andy didn't care for DC. It was cold, and there was a heavy presence of drama. The Purifiers were in force here. And those guys scared her. She wasn't certain how organized they were if they were she worried that maybe word of her had gotten from Rochester to here. Her time running from the school had made her hate staying in one place for too long. She had let herself settle in Rochester and it had lost her the first people who had ever actually loved her. To top that off DC had those scan things where walking through would set off an alarm letting everyone in earshot know she was a mutant. At least those scanners were mostly in the high-end places, and she avoided those anyway. Lastly, DC was where she had been when the disease hit. At least she hadn't caught it so it wasn't obvious she was a mutant if she kept to herself. Her power was only obvious when she got into a fight (and used it). She had been careful since Rochester and avoided getting into fights as best she could. But Andy knew herself well enough to know that could only last so long. The tension was high in DC. There had been so many incidents that had hit the news that had started in DC. It made sense though. DC is the Capitol. She didn't know what side she felt more for. She had been a mutant almost as long as she could remember, so she had been scared and hiding almost as long. Andy longed for a day when she didn't have to hide who she was when she could just be herself. But Jamie and Ash had taught her that other people mattered. Other people could care and love each other over the divide of human or mutant. Heck, they hadn't even known Andy was a mutant, at least at first. Jamie figured it out when he was teaching her self-defense. But he never made a big deal about it. He just sat her down and had Ash show her what she could do. Andy tried not to cry as she thought about them, but she failed, her make-up was now ruined. She wiped her eyes and scanned the crowd. Making sure no one was paying attention to her. She liked being near the college campus, even though she wasn't old enough, or enrolled in the school, or anywhere near smart enough to be if she had wanted to anyway, most people didn't look at her twice. She blended in better here. And blending in was important. She needed to find a bathroom to fix her make-up. The building with the event probably had one. She could duck in there, clean up her face, and then get coffee. Her attention stopped on the man with the night vision looking goggles, and a knife. A part of her brain said 'fight him, you could take him' another part, the Jamie part, said 'Get out of there, he has a knife don't be stupid'. She followed the Jamie part. And ducked into the hall she had been heading for. Andy knew he had seen her, but maybe she could disappear in the building. She hated crowds, but sometimes they worked to her advantage, and maybe she'd get lucky and he wouldn't follow her into the woman's bathroom.