[color=darkgray]Before heading out, Lizbeth thought about putting Yena in her Premier Ball. The thought occurred to her that eventually she would have six Pokémon, as well as everyone else in the group, and some of them could potentially be rather large. Having all of them out at all times would be a bother. That would definitely impede her and everyone's progress through Kanto, though it would be quite a funny sight to go strolling around with 42 Pokémon spread amongst seven people. But as Lizbeth only had the two right now, it would probably be fine to keep them both out. Perhaps once she had four or more Pokémon, she'd have to pick and choose who stayed out, though most likely Ace would at least be out of his. Once outside, Hana handed all of them a blue-ish rice ball. [color=mediumvioletred]"Thank you very much."[/color] Lizbeth said to her when she was handed one. She broke off two pieces for Ace and Yena both, who gobbled it quickly. Ace gave Hana a thumbs up for it, while Yena wasn't as impressed, but still didn't seem to dislike it. [color=mediumvioletred]"I guess it's not something a Poochyena would normally have. Don't worry, I'll find you something else later on."[/color] Lizbeth gave Yena a pat on the head who in turn gave her a satisfactory bark. She herself took a bite out of the [i]ponigiri[/i], as Hana called it, and found it to be quite delicious. [color=mediumvioletred]"Yeah, I can see why Ace likes it. It's really good. Could definitely go for more later, if you don't mind."[/color] Lizbeth saw as Ezra approached Lilith, quite fast at that, who could be seen with a cup and a croissant. Seemed like it was coffee. Smelled like it was coffee when she got closer to her as well as she was wondering how Lilith in particular would react to her now red eyes. She kind of turned her nose away from the coffee as she didn't like the smell or taste of it. There was never any point in her trying it out, and she knew plenty of grown up people liked it, even if it was just to help them wake up. But she herself had refused to try it out, and thus still had a distaste for it. She did her best not make her nose turning be noticeable. [color=mediumvioletred]I don't think we've had a chance yet to talk, although I am aware that we haven't been that long on the journey. I believe I heard you say your name was Lilith earlier on route 1. As you may or may not remember from when we were being handed the Pokédexes earlier, I'm Lizbeth, and I'm from Galar. My partner here-[/color] She pointed her right hand at Ace, sitting comfortably on her left shoulder, who waved towards Lilith and Sia. [color=mediumvioletred]"-is Ace, an Impidimp. I must say, your Litwick is very adorable."[/color] Yena made her presence known by giving a single delighful bark and wagging her tail while standing beside Lizbeth. [color=mediumvioletred]"And this is Yena. The...Poochyena. I know it's a very simple nickname, but she liked it."[/color] Lizbeth said with a small giggle.[/color]