[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=87d0f2]Callie Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/qqFnQxGx/image.png[/img] [i]Location: Old Mutant Underground HQ. Skills: Empathy,[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Callie relaxed somewhat when Max started to calm down, she knew that she needlessly escalated everything and she would take the blame for everything. [color=87d0f2]"He's calmed now."[/color] Callie said towards Veil, she looked over at the ice shards imbedded into Max's chest. [color=87d0f2]"Call James and get him here as soon as possible, or we take him back with us."[/color] Callie said looking over at Echo, and nodded slightly Sapphire was also medically trained but whether she would help Max or not was up to her. [color=87d0f2]"Sapphire could in the meantime if she's willing to.."[/color] Callie said as she felt the temperature was dropping really quickly, so bad that her fingers were hurting really badly from the cold as well. Callie turned and started to look around for Sapphire, and started to look for her finding her not to far from where she had made her ice slide to get out of the dome Max had made. Callie went and sat down next to her and used her empathy to calm her down looking over at her, she felt partly responsible for Max's actions creating the dome over them. [color=87d0f2]"I'm really sorry, I didn't think I would have ended up making Max freak out that bad it's my fault."[/color] Callie said softly. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=3CB371]Kristina Smith[/color][/h1] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0sncjcojV1qcc4g2o1_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: George Washington University -> Lisner Auditorium Skills: N/A[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Kristina had spent most of her time in class, the day had been really cold as she adjusted her winter coat over her shoulders and made her way down the campus to Lisner Auditorium. She wasn't really interested in anything to do with genetics, but there was some free food and coffee which she couldn't really turn down at all. Kristina looked at the strange girl who was talking to herself on a nearby bench and she wasn't sure what to think about it right now. Kristina had remained pretty low since tensions in DC started to get much worse now, she had been paying close attention to the news going on and the weird pandemic as well that was affecting mutants. She knew that her sister worked for SHIELD but she hadn't been able to get any replies back from her really either. once she entered the building itself Kristina made her way over towards where the food was, she was pretty hungry as Kristina looked around seeing her fellow classmates around chatting Kristina grabbed herself a cup and ordered herself a cup of coffee. She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the nice hot coffee after walking around in the cold as Kristina looked around the area wondering when the speech would actually start.