[hr][hr][center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/I6mf9Ct4crxUqfPuGcRdA3g-s-RA--eXx7HnRAi9MIA/https/i.imgur.com/ZF1PQyX.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=darkgray]Location:[/color][/b] Galley -> Room 11 [b][color=darkgray]Skills:[/color][/b] [hr][/center] Cal's lips pulled up into a small, relaxed smile when Kyle spoke his piece, agreeing to go along with her to investigate. Her smile shifted to a frown when Manny began to give out assignments. She didn't much care for his authoritative attitude, taking up the role of leader without discussing it with the rest of the group. Though she also recognized that she herself would not make a good leader. She mentally added this pair of observations to the list of evidence to suggest she was simply anti-authority, right alongside the piercing holes she had seen in the mirror. When the pairs dispersed to investigate their given rooms, Team Names-That-Sound-Somewhat-Similar-But-Only-Share-The-Letter-L made their way to room 11. Upon entering, Cal, not being blind, noticed that it was exactly like the room she'd woken up with. The pair wasted no time in starting their search, turning the room upside down, with Cal occasionally making suggestive comments, non of which seemed to spark any interest in Kyle. Eventually, they'd thoroughly ravaged the room, and come out empty handed. [color=darkgray]"Don't think anything's here, mate,"[/color] Cal finally stated, her voice ever-so-slightly disappointed. A thought came to mind as she spoke, and she moved over to feel under the corner of the mattress, where she'd found her vial of liquid. Nothing was there, but checking reminded her that she should probably bring it up to the group soon. She stood to her feet, a lazy smirk on her lips as she looked to Kyle. [color=darkgray]"Best we go ahead and report our findings, or lack thereof, to the General,"[/color] she said referring to Manny, her voice sarcastic in tone. She gave with a faux salute as she spoke, to emphasize her lack of seriousness.