[center][hr][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/W3Gm1YQH/Screen-Shot-2020-05-14-at-8-27-43-PM.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][@Natsu][hr][/center] Mary didn't say anything, at least Cass didn't seem to want to start any sort of drama relating to that sort of thing at the wedding. She didn't really know what was going through her head to even somewhat mention it right now. However, she was open to talking about it, but bringing it up at a wedding? That just made you seem like a self-centered person of all things, and sure, Mary knew that Cass wasn't that bad of a person. Actually, she had somewhat gotten over the whole situation a while ago, since that group she had joined did do [i]some[/i] good, it just did not reflect well on her to ask about that. Black Widow was drinking a beer and she raised the glass up at Cass. [color=9e0039]"I'm fine, Cassandra."[/color] Hawkeye gave Cass a friendly smiled. He missed the Secret Warriors, but his current assignment worked a lot better for the family. He wanted to be there for his kids and wife. [color=7851A9]"Good, you, Reed?"[/color] he asked. Lance looked at Annie and shook his head at her, [color=yellow]"Uh... I don't dance, like, at all Annie... No offense, it's just not something that I do... Especially if I can avoid it. Nope once a wallflower always a wallflower, just ask Guin, I never liked dancing despite the several times she's tried to get me to play different dancing video games."[/color] he responded to her, then another thought came to his mind. [color=yellow]"Also typically you don't want to start dancing before the bride and groom, who are currently talking with other people..."[/color] He glanced over at the group of kids from high school that Elizabeth had gone over towards. Of course, they really were mainly Guin's friends, but there was one person he did actually know and got along well with. [color=yellow]"Looks like Elizabeth is talking to the one person I actually recognize from that group of kids from high school..."[/color] Over in that area, [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9a/9b/18/9a9b18ff22e8a738fa937ae22a1d1ca6.jpg]Peter Parker[/url] looked over at Elizabeth when she spoke to him. "Oh, hey there! I'm Peter," he said, giving her a smile, before glancing at the others. "They are having a bit of an argument and a fan girl moment over the big name superheroes who are here... I personally still think Spider-Man is the coolest superhero and all, he takes care of the neighborhood that we grew up in, in Queens in New York City, so that makes him alright in my book... So, are you enjoying yourself?" he asked her. [color=A49C63]"Wanda became a member of the Avengers' West Coast team under the direction of Ant Man and the Wasp,"[/color] Vision explained. [color=red]"It's community service,"[/color] Wanda said with an eye roll. [color=red]"But saving the world is... different from trying to destroy it."[/color] Thor chuckled for a moment. [color=fff79a]"I pooped yesterday eve last, I am afraid, so I shall not be the thane of these cards."[/color] Mira just shook her head slightly, [color=8493ca]"It wouldn't be me going first,"[/color] she said softly, taking an empty seat at the table and looking around at the others as everyone else seemingly spoke up. [color=8493ca]"...So it seems like it might be you going first Allison..."[/color] she added with a slight shrug, not really too sure what all to say regarding this entire conversation. It definitely was a strange one in her mind, and not typically one you would really hear at a wedding. Tony glanced up at Guin when she came over and he gave her a smile. [color=f7941d]"Hey there Penguin, how are you doing?"[/color] he said with a smile, before he gave her a hug. [color=f7941d]"Are you enjoying yourself at the least? Cause I would hate for you not to be enjoying your own wedding..."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Well she did just excuse us from a very awkward conversation that seemed about to turn into drama,"[/color] Pietro commented. [color=f7941d]"Was it drama caused by you?"[/color] Tony asked, raising an eyebrow at the speedster. [color=f7941d]"Cause do you remember our conversation [i]before[/i] the wedding Pietro?"[/color] Pietro's already pale face somehow went paler, and he shook his head, [color=7ea7d8]"Nope, I did not cause it, and yup I do remember that conversation and I seriously doubt I'd forget it so no worries there."[/color]