[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/456008279844192256/715845085157261332/Kawakami.png[/img][/center][center][h1][color=Gainsboro]Kawakami Gensai[/color][/h1][/center][hr] [color=Gainsboro][i]“Haaaai... Taicho!”[/i][/color] Came Gensai's lax but enthusiastic response, as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop. Gensai couldn't help but enjoy the new perks being summoned as a servant got him. Never did the Manslayer think he would be able to move as well as a Koga Shinobi nor be able to jump from each roof with a little sound or ounces of dust being displaced most of it already hidden by the rain. Even after the grail had uploaded him with all this knowledge of his abilities and the situation, experiencing this second life was something he was enjoying quite immensely as he silently landed on a lamp post a fair distance away from where Rider was trotting, Archer from what he can tell just shot a swarm of bats that flew pass him mid jump, his form very presence hidden by his skill and the rain. [color=Gainsboro][i]“Hehehe. You know Taichou, being a servant feels great! If I had these abilities we probably wouldn't have loss so badly against the Shinsengumi. But I digress Neko-chan is currently shooting at some bats and Rider still hasn't encountered anyone judging by how quiet it is, I'll go scout out the north-”[/i][/color] Gensai's words were cut off as he saw a speeding projectile fly pass him towards where Archer was positioned, his Eye of The Mind (True) quickly activating as he began to deduce all the possible nests for the enemy archer to hide, seeing as 2 more come for his ally he properly deduced their location being near the mountains. Upon seeing Archer's return fire. Gensai let out a sigh of relief as she probably deflected or avoided the attacks. With combat imminent Gensai moved quickly as the battle between the archers began, quietly leaping from the lamp post to avoid getting shot by a deflected arrow. [color=Gainsboro][i]"Taichou! The enemy Archer has just attacked our Archer from the Mountains. I shall go and warn Rider of the danger, the chances that the enemy's allies are near them is high. Archer is holding her own from what I gathered, I would only get in the way if I interfered in their battle.”[/i][/color] The Manslayer's words were suddenly devoid of all warmth, Gensai's skill having activated after realizing that combat had started. His experience dictating his decisions and imploring the man to get serious. The Assassin quickly began running through the streets at a break neck pace when his feet touched the ground his body disappearing as he went into his spirit form, his steps still not leaving a sound or trace as the drizzle covered his tracks while he traveled through the alleys. Considering how critical masters were in this war, Gensai could easily see Rider's combat efficiency would be impaired if she had to protect her master from such enemies his assistance would be needed if they were to encounter more than one. [@Scallop]