[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/VuLUHbY.png[/img][/center][center][h1]Alba[/h1][/center] Atalanta's arrows struck several flying shadows out of the air, shattering them into hundreds of tiny black shards. Not quite bats after all, but winged obsidian golems, though they had certainly looked lifelike enough until their untimely destruction. The remaining constructs immediately scattered, fanning out over a wide area and diving between buildings to make themselves harder to hit. Alba was going for a scattershot approach, now: she couldn't know where the enemy's Servants or workshops actually were, but by separating her familiars and methodically combing through the streets she would inevitably begin to find them. Archer of Red's attack had likely been meant to distract her and divert her attention, but Alba wasn't going to fall for that one. It didn't matter how many golems she lost; information was a far more valuable resource than mere disposable familiars. Her mental landscape branched out into ten separate streams of thought, most controlling pairs of golems while one compiled their separate observations and mentally filled in a map of the area. It wouldn't be long before Rider of Red and Maeve Dóeltenga would spy a small shadow passing overhead, circling at first and then diving straight towards them. [i]"I've found them,"[/i] Alba sent to her Servant, with a hint of grim satisfaction. The drain on her mana had tangibly intensified, which could only mean that he'd found and engaged his counterpart. In the meantime, that left her with another unoccupied enemy Servant on the field... and their Master. She'd no idea what that girl thought she was doing out there, but such a blatant opportunity was not to be missed. Her pale fingers splayed open, and a long ivory knife flew across the room into her hand. [i]Time to wipe a player off the board.[/i]