As promised, Byures took the boy and horse to the border of the forest. “From here, you should be able to find your way to the Human District,” the Hunter said, “I wish you the best of luck.” The pair gratefully thanked their alligatorman guide and were on their way. Byures watched them to make sure they made it safely inside the Boarman District, then spoke again. “Alright, you no-good Oceansiders, the boy is safe now. Come out and we’ll fight like men.” “Good, good,” a human man responded, coming out of the trees with 15 other armed humans, surrounding the Hunter on all sides. “[i]Real[/i] clever using a kid to figure out that we were blocking the magic,” he disdainfully added. “Oh, don’t worry, I’ve never needed magic to hunt my prey,” the Hunter responded with a nasty grin. Nine minutes later, Byures walked back towards his home in his usual way as if nothing had happened. The corpses of 16 gangsters were piled up where he was previously as a warning to the Oceanside Gang not to mess with the Smugglers again. ----- Thorn City was an incredible sight to see. So much activity with so many different races, all existing together in apparent harmony. And just like Rainbow had said, plants and trees were [i]everywhere[/i]. Caleb didn’t think there was a single building he saw without some kind of plant life on it. Plus, now that they were out of the forest, navigating the city was much easier. Between the signs and the helpful citizens of the city, finding their way to the Human District was fairly straightforward. As it turned out, 182 Blossom Street was in the nicest part of the district. Homes were on lots of at least a half-acre and there were nice parks within walking distance of the house. The house itself was also of fine quality; a dignified brick home that managed to be both stately and humble at the same time. Clearly, Captain John had done very well for himself. Caleb and Edward walked up to the front door, then the boy knocked on the door. Hopefully they would find what they were looking for there. Instead, a boy opened the door. He was maybe eight years old, with brown hair and blue eyes. This kid wore a sailor’s jacket and white pants, similar to Sara’s clothes. “Hi there! Who are you?” this new person asked. Caleb was taken aback, but he supposed he shouldn’t be surprised. Maybe they had the wrong address? “Uh, I’m Caleb and this is Edward. And what’s your name?” “I’m Jake! So what are you doing here?” he asked. “I’m looking for someone named Sara Nieve. Does she live here?” Caleb inquired in response. “You know Grandma?” “Well, not yet, but I know of her. We have, well, had her dog, Ribbon-” “Oh, you’re the ones who brought her back! Thank you!” the boy happily responded. “Let me get Uncle Roger, he’ll want to meet you.” [i]Did he just say Roger?[/i] Jake yelled inside the house. “UNCLE ROGER! UNCLE ROGER! COME HERE, RIBBON’S FRIENDS ARE HERE!” Caleb heard a voice in the distance, but it was too far away to make out any of the words. But what he saw next made him quite happy; a skeleton walking towards them, wearing a stethoscope around his neck with a white doctor’s suit with matching white pants. “Oh, how nice!” the skeleton said, “you brought Ribbon back?” Caleb happily answered. “Yes, well us and-” Roger looked over at Edward and interrupted the boy. “Waitwait, you, are you alright?” he asked the hippocampus. “No, I’m not” came Edward’s reply. Caleb had been grateful for his friend enduring being away from the ocean for so long, but it did hurt him to see his friend this way. “Let’s fix that. Jake, get your sister and tell her to turn on the hose. Then go get a bowl and the salt shaker and meet us in the backyard. You two, follow me.” “SKYLA! SKYLA!” the eight-year old yelled as he ran in the house “UNCLE ROGER SAYS TO TURN ON THE HOSE!” Caleb and Edward did as Roger told them, walking behind the skeleton as he opened the gate to their backyard. It was a quiet, peaceful place with a nice maple tree. What appeared to be homemade toys were scattered around as well. Soon after, they were joined by the eight-year old boy along with Skyla, a younger girl who was turning on the hose like she was asked. This girl was maybe five or six and was wearing a white dress. Her eyes were blue and her hair was brown like her brother’s, but unlike him, she was more quiet and shy; she didn’t do much more than wave at Caleb and Edward before hiding behind Roger. Jake handed the skeleton the bowl and salt shaker; he promptly set the bowl down and grabbed the end of the hose, which now had water running, and placed it on the bowl so Edward could drink from it. Then Roger screwed the head off of the salt shaker. “Here, open your mouth and take this, you’ll feel better,” Roger said. Edward did as instructed and the skeleton poured the salt into Edward’s mouth, explaining as he did so that “this salt and water will replicate the ocean water you’re used to. Take a salt tablet a day with some water and you’ll feel like you never left the sea.” The hippocampus indeed felt much better. “Thanks, Mister Roger! Rainbow was right, you are nice!” With that said, Edward started drinking water from the bowl. Roger then turned his attention towards Caleb. “So, young man, you came back here with Rainbow?” “Yes sir,” Caleb said, “thanks for helping my friend, by the way.” “No problem!” Roger cheerfully replied. “I was surprised when John wrote about getting a Rablin in his crew, but he’s always been unpredictable.” “Rablin?” Caleb asked. “That’s what he is?” “Yeah, that’s what we call them, cause they look like a mix between a rabbit and a goblin. Of course, they have their own name for it, but their language isn’t used outside their island. Their mouths and tongues move, [i]literally[/i], in ways yours and mine can’t. Well, yours anyway; I have no tongue!” he said with a laugh. “Their eyes are all different colors too, which is cool. Oh, that reminds me, where is he?” “I, uh, actually was hoping you’d know that. We got split up after something of ours was stolen. We don’t know where Ribbon is either,” Caleb sadly stated. Roger’s face lit up, as he realized what was going on. “Ah, I see. You all brought Ribbon back, only to run into trouble. Ribbon, knowing you’d need help, ran here and got Sara.” “So Ribbon’s alright?” Caleb asked. “Of course,” Roger reassured the boy, “Sara asked me to watch the kids while she went to see what was happening. She’s tough as nails; I’m sure if we wait here, they’ll be back in no time at all. Is the rest of the crew with Rainbow?” At this, Caleb looked uncomfortable and sad. He didn’t want to be the one to deliver the news, but there was no sense in lying about it either. “I’m sorry. Captain John and everyone else died two years ago.”