"What? No, I... what? What?? That's so st-- where do you even... what? Rinley, this is serious!" This is all coming out as high-pitched yelling. Sorry about that. She doesn't mean it! She's not gonna [i]say[/i] that, but it's true! This is just... kind of one of the worst days of her life, at least in recent memory. She really wanted to wear this turtleneck and feel cute today! She spit in the face of probability and had the audacity to hope for once! And look where that got her! She's sweaty and sticky, Rinley! Her eye shadow is running so badly it looks like she's starting to cry tar! Her hair is... ugh. Ugh! It's so bad right now! She's going to need a [i]shower![/i] Do you have any idea how dangerous that sort of thing can be? What if she drowns? Oh jeez, she's probably going to drown and die and that's just going to ruin her entire weekend! And she just had a bunch of people staring at her! Which is awful, ok? A cafe owner just asked her if she was alright! A cafe owner, Rinley!! "Listen, just... first of all, ok? The glass dragon story is [i]obviously[/i] a metaphor for nuclear war. It's a reference to dragons being really hot, like atomic... no, the other way around, whatever. Like bombs, ok? And the classic slang term 'glassing' for dropping them. And nobody here has any nuclear armaments. I know because I've checked several times. So put that out of your... and I mean, even if there [i]was[/i] a glass dragon, it would not be controlled by a glass remote. You'd need a scepter or a tiara, or... or... anyway! It's an inherently fragile design to begin with, so that's the kind of problem that solves itself. Cool? Cool, moving on. Second of all! The sun is not going to 'stop being a sun'. And even if it did, there's... that's already taken care of, alright? There are, you know, contingencies for that sort of thing." She brushes her fingers across her chest where her heart used to be without really meaning to. Her whole look goes super wistful for a second. Then she sneezes, which sounds like if a kitten got into a helium supply, and the whole thing passes. "Third of all, you need to stop cutting to the front of the line on your conclusions. Haven't I told you a dozen times? Premature theses are dangerous! Possibly the most dangerous thing in the universe! All we know for sure right now is that today, uh... um... Th-Thursday? Is it Thursday? I'm sorry I was trying to get my calendar to work inside my phone and my calculator together. You know, like an app! But I used too much wolf and now it's kind of gone fer... you know what, you don't need the details. The point is, days of the week are hard right now. Regardless! We know that on this day, the sun began exhibiting Overly Sun-Like Qualities, such as being too darn hot, and getting hotter after getting cooler for a period of 22.7 repeating minutes. There's simply not enough data to make such a strong concluding statement, all right? And [i]that[/i] is why... we're going to take measurements! For GRAPHS!" And the way her face lights up, she sincerely believes this is the most exciting thing that's going to happen to anybody today.