[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200208/11ab2a550904b962041573fbfc392a1d.png[/img] [Color=mediumpurple]Time:[/color] Late Afternoon [Color=mediumpurple]Location:[/color] Roshmi Grand Hall [Color=mediumpurple]Interaction:[/color] [@Tae] Azriel [/center] [Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/O6vqgQo.png[/img][/center] Azriel's words were familiar. Perhaps it was what her words meant. [Quote][I][color=lavender]"Most if not all will have their heads filled with lies of his inability to do so. They will flee, fight, and even attempt to kill you."[/color] [Color=darkgray]"...every day you fail to separate your kind from these desperate rebels, the less likely they are to leave." "Those that choose to stay… I'll leave that up to you, but they will continue to fight if there is a rebellion to fight for."[/color][/i][/quote] Kol, Malgormuun, and now Azriel. There was no need for them to go into detail of what they meant, but maybe it was because of that, he mentally pushed it aside. He was attempting to be optimistic so he wouldn't have to think about it, but it was a fantasy he tried to sell to himself. That every single person has a life they want to go back to. Malgormuun stated himself that this world was enticing and that the life on Earth Darius knew might not be anywhere near as pleasant as someone else's life. [Color=mediumpurple]"Well that's why I'm here, Azriel."[/color] His smile returned. [Color=mediumpurple]"You said I was the charming one right? Or did you actually admit that you found me handsome?"[/color] He joked before his smile started to die. He was going to speak seriously again. [Color=mediumpurple]"I think they'll hear me out… I don't even know if I'm prepared to do what I'd need to if they don't. Am I supposed to actually… Azriel, I've never even done [i]that[/i] before. To anyone… If I'm being honest, I hope I don't ever have to cross that line. But it's also foolish to believe it's impossible."[/color] [hr] [Img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190909/a5c38c2717b4a85142ab69dbdfa0a23d.png[/img] [Color=silver][b]Time:[/b][/color] Late Afternoon [Color=silver][b]Location:[/b][/color] Roshmi Grand Hall [Color=silver][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] [@Tae] Torvi [hr] Umber was a bit surprised by the human he now danced. She was a great actress, or perhaps just a master of hiding herself. Unlike her companion, she kept herself cool… most of the time. Torvi did not wear her nervousness, but it squeezed its way out at the front and end of her attempts at deceiving him. [Color=silver]"Powerful? Oh, Vaeril is an elf of wealth, influence, and sure he's passionate, but he's… He's more of a scholar."[/color] Umber chuckled seemingly in jest at making fun of Vaeril. In reality, he was having quite a bit of fun speaking so freely about Aklenroth. He enjoyed the Lich King's rule, but he would also enjoy the rule of a blind crippled troll if he was permitted to indulge in his [i]hobbies[/i]. Torvi's response to Umber's line on fear bore interest. For one, she was being completely honest. No nervousness, no deceit. Her beliefs fell in line with the orcs, which made him wonder how these humans were so randomly packaged. So many different beliefs and temperaments, and there were more to discover. [Color=silver]"Death? As precious as you may be, I have to disagree. [I]Everyone[/i] fears death. You could see it coming and even make the best guess as to how it will feel. You could be confident in your belief that things will turn out more prosperous after facing it…. But you will fear it all the same. And sure, you can say that you don't fear your own demise, but death is not limited to just yourself. You could love someone with all of your being, and death can snatch them away with no limits to its reach or cruelty… I believe it's natural to fear it and we should be aware of those that fear it so much they seek to escape it. It is not the power over death that makes a Lich King… It's the fear of it."[/color] Umber had gotten more intense than he sought to. The talk of death pulled him in too much. If only his face could display regret. [Color=silver]"Anyway, that is the kind of [i]thinking[/i] Vaeril is interested in. Those that seek to make [i]one's[/i] fears a reality."[/color]