Well, that hadn’t been the evolution option he had expected to see, but the fact that a new option had appeared at all proved that his theory was correct. His transformation options were tied to the things that he had learned or done; each elemental variant of his original Pixie form was available due to his learning of various magical spells, while Hipixie was probably a generic transformation that all Pixie’s could get. The same was probably true of the others in his party, though he hadn’t seen what other options were available to them; Digbie evolved into a magically focused Demiblin because he was learning magic as well, whereas if he had focused on physical development he might have become a Hobgoblin or Orc, while Ash and Torrent had received or perhaps just chosen different evolutions of the Fanged Lizard because of how they had developed up until this point. Torrent would probably gain a transformation based on her breath attacks while Ash evolved into a Winged Kobold because of… whatever it was she was doing. In the end it didn’t change his mind about what to evolve into, but it was interesting to know nonetheless; he would evolve into a Sprite and gamble on the fact that he would receive at least one variant for his troubles. Digbie was evolving as well, which gave him pause; he didn’t want everyone except Ash to be evolving at once lest she be forced to watch over all of them with no help; Torrent seemed to still be focusing on her experiments however, so it should be safe for him to do so now. [color=f49ac2]“I’m going to evolve as well. See you soon.”[/color] Oberon retreated to the cavern they had dug in order to give himself some form of shelter from danger while he was vulnerable; he trusted the others to look after him, but there was no reason to take chances or make things harder on them. He settled down in more or less the same spot he had slept in last night and lay down on the dirt floor. [color=f49ac2]“System: Select ‘Adult Sprite’ transformation.”[/color] [hider=Action Report] Select "Adult Sprite" tranformation option [/hider] [@Zeroth]