[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/693456997844123747/704830526703534085/Oraelia_logo.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=gold]“Ah ha! You’re here!”[/color] A quick hand pulled back the blue curtain to find… Nothing… Again. Oraelia furrowed her brow and breathed out through her nose. [color=gold]”Genesis! This isn’t funny anymore! Come out this instant young lady!”[/color] she stomped her foot, wincing at the sound. Had it always been so quiet? Where had all the laughter gone? The joy? When she’d tickle Genesis, the entire house had drunk in her laugh. No more. Just the empty wind that ruffled her unkempt hair and worn down dress. How long had it been? A day? A week? Months? Years? She pursed her lips and looked around the parlor, then up to the second level. They were just playing hide and seek, right? Who knew how long it had been since she first began her search. She had first combed through the tall grass, then through the tulip fields, the forests, the streams, the meadows and on and on- Every inch of her realm, then the house. The house was always the last, for she never knew if Genesis doubled back or not. Oraelia walked up the stairs for the third time since her search started, sliding her hand across the wooden railing like before. Was she in her room, finally sleeping? Her lips pulled into a smile at the thought. Peacefully sleeping, just like before. Hopefully for not as long. Her shaky hand rested on the doorknob to Genesis’ room, before she opened it with a creak. Her shoulders drooped as her smile became a frown. No one was there. Head low, she shut the door and walked away. A familiar thought crossed her mind. [color=gold]”She wouldn’t have left… Not without telling me, right?”[/color] She doubted herself. Her walk became a brisk jog. Her hands became clammy as a chill went up her spine. [color=gold]”Genesis! Where are you! Come out! This isn’t funny anymore!”[/color] she shouted to the silence, her jog becoming a sprint as she flew down the stairs. She slammed open the front door, eyes looking every which way. [color=gold]”GENESIS!”[/color] her voice boomed across her realm. There was no reply. No childish laughter, or teenage angst. Just the wind. Even the birds had quieted. Oraelia grabbed her head with both of her hands and shut her eyes. Where had she gone! Where had she gone! Where had she gone! Her eyes snapped open to the portal. Of course! How could she be so foolish, she was probably in her own realm. The Goddess warped into her wisp form and shot off for the portal. Within seconds she was out into the bleakness that was Antiquity and made a beeline for Genesis’ portal. As she approached however, the once green portal that so closely resembled her own… Was gone. She shifted back into her human form, a large lump caught in her throat as she clutched her fists tightly. It was gone. It was gone! There was nothing there! Just a wall. [color=gold]”No…”[/color] Her voice returned. [color=gold]”No no no! Genesis!”[/color] she fell to her knees as the tears began to flow. She wiped them away and slammed her fist into the ground, cracking stone. [color=gold]”No! Come back! You come back! You promised! You promised you wouldn’t leave me again! You said- You said…”[/color] Her voice broke as she fell forward, her hair almost touched the ground. [color=gold]”Why-why didn’t you say g-goodbye?”[/color] She cried, body shaking as the floodgates were opened. [color=gold]”What did I do, daughter? What did I do?”[/color] [hr] A haze fell on her again. Worse then what Neiya caused. So much worse. It was like a part of her had been ripped out, torn from her very heart. Genesis was gone. Her daughter, her little plant. She reached out to her, but there came no reply- no connection. The worst had come to pass, she didn’t want to believe it. She couldn’t believe it. Her Genesis, she was dead, or so far lost within the lifeblood, she couldn’t be reached. The lifeblood... She cursed it. First it locked them out, kept them prisoners, and now it had taken her baby. What had she done to deserve such a fate? Slumped up next to her tree, Oraelia’s entire glow had faded. How could there be light? She turned her head to look down at her hands, the scars of her past standing out like never before. She shut her eyes, not able to bear the sight. She should have been a better mother, more caring and attentive. Why did they even call her ‘mother?’, she was terrible at it. One of her daughters ended up being alone for two thousand years and the other one… Was gone. How pathetic was she? She needed Gibbou. She would talk to her, make her feel something again. Anything would be better than the crushing weight upon her chest. It made her groggy, singular in focus, and very much tired. She couldn’t sleep, because she was so afraid of how long it would take to make the pain subside. She just needed a little warmth. A bit of pas- Her eyes flashed open and she lifted her hand up. She breathed and blew onto her hand. A red berry grew from seed to fruit in an instant and before she even had time to look upon it, she plopped it into her mouth. The sweet taste of the berry washed over her tongue and down her throat, but it wasn’t enough. She conjured forth a handful and mashed them into her mouth, with some of the juices running over her lips as she chewed. She didn’t care. Warmth blossomed outwards from her chest like an explosion, flowing into her limbs and returning her glow. A giggle escaped her lips and she sat up straighter, conjuring more berries and plopping them into her mouth one by one. Like a flower blossoming, euphoria began to replace the pain and sorrow, washing them away in a tide of blissful warmth. She stood up with a spring in her step, her skin having returned even greater in its luminescence. Another giggle escaped her lips as she looked around with large eyes, flickering to and fro from every little thing she saw. Was her realm always so beautiful? Oraelia began to skip down the hill and into the grass, laughing as she went with not a care in the world. Everything was just too beautiful and she was just so… hot. She picked up her speed, the cool breeze sending goosebumps over her skin. It felt divine! Wait, she was divine! She looked down and smirked, before flicking her hand. A large hole channeled itself into the dirt, swallowing the grass and flowers into its depths. A flood of water quickly filled the hole to reveal a sizable pond, which she then flung off her dress and dived into. The water was freezing cold, but the heat from her body quickly began to bubble about her. That tickled her and she swam into the colder depths. It was there the cold won, chilling her to her core with each passing second. Oraelia did not fight it, instead she let herself drift in the deep until she felt herself hit bottom in the murky black. Her giggles released air bubbles into the water, which she tried to poke but it was no use. Having cooled off now, she stood up right and knelt down, before kicking off. It was a powerful burst of speed that shot her out of the water and up into the air, where she free falled, laughing all the way. She landed in the grass, leaving a small crater, but she didn’t care, how could she? The clouds were beautiful! Genesis would love the- She shot upright and held her head, grimacing as her breathing became heavy. What was she doing? This wasn’t- What had Evandra said? Indulge too much and become addicted? A sharp pain erupted from her heart and she clutched at her chest. [color=gold]”No… Just-just let me be happy for once…”[/color] Her voice was small. She pulled up her shaky hand again, steadying it with her other and summoned more berries. She took one by the stem and was about to plop it in her mouth when she stopped, lowering it. She was a god right? Couldn’t she make her own? Downcast eyes looked upon the Evening Bell as it changed. Growing slightly larger, and pulsing with color and intensity now. She had infused it with the feeling of pure, unadulterated joy and without hesitating, plopped it into her mouth. She chewed, releasing the sweet juices and melted into the feeling of bliss that quickly swallowed her so. She laid back in her crater, lips curling into a wide smile as tears flowed from the corners of her eyes. [hr] [i]Ha-Dûna, 27 years AA.[/i] Ha-Dûna was blossoming. The population had simply exploded due to skyrocketing fertility and newly acquired farmland and resources, and the small town of Ha-Dûna could after 30 years of growth officially call themselves a regional power. With the acquisition of Grimholt to serve as their eastern bastion, they could rest easy knowing that the lands between were theirs and theirs alone to plough and reap. The Dûnans were saved from starvation for now. At least, that was the story the archdruids fed the populace, all of whom gladly emigrated to settle in the conquered lands and farm the lands stolen from the locals. The terrible temporarity of the overflow of food bothered the archdruids, too - at some point, they would run out. “We need more land,” Kaer Teagan commanded and tapped her staff on the crudely drawn “map” laid out on the table inside the main room of the Hall of the Weary. Archdruid Kaer Pier, son of Kaer Pinya, squeezed the bridge of his nose tiredly. Teagan had gone on and on about conquest for two years - it was damn near driving him insane at this point. “Kaer Teagan, please - there’s still time. We needed land before and now we have it, but we barely have control over the lands we’ve already conquered and if the harvests we pillaged from the villages were any indicator, I say we should focus on bringing order and stability to the lands we have and try to rebuild and--” Kaer Teagan’s fist against the table silenced the man. “We are -this- close to becoming the dominant power in the region and you want to stop now?!” Kaer Pier rose up slowly. “We already are the dominant power, can you not see?” He walked over to the curtain door and pulled it aside. The palisade walls of Ha-Dûna’s centre had had to expand to account for the ever-growing centralisation of offices and shrines of worship. Vast resources had been poured into building granaries and storehouses, and druid apprentices had been employed in logging the resources hoarded inside them. What 20 years ago had been small shrines had become altars to every druidic god, as well as the four other gods - Sigeran’s altar was still a work in progress. The marketplace in the centre of the palisaded section had exploded into a booming centre of commerce, through which were traded distant luxury wares and foreign specialities. The pilgrimage had suffered, however - and that was bothering Kaer Pier. “It wouldn’t surprise me if we’ve already upset the gods with our wanton murder…” Kaer Teagan smirked. “We haven’t upset the gods, pull yourself together! You see the streak of victories we’ve had - you heard what happened at Grimholt! We haven’t upset the gods - we have honoured the gods! They see us as the chosen people, and they know Dûnan rule over the [abbr=Clennic word for “the highlands”.]ard-tirean[/abbr] is in their divine plan.” Kaer Pier shook his head. “Save that speech for someone who believes you. We must stop now while the game is good. If we keep this up, we will--” “Will what? Lose everything we gained? Please, you sound like your sister.” “Well, Pinya was a mother who stressed the need to stop before the situation grew too great to handle. Please, Kaer Teagan, I implore you! At least pray for the counsel of the gods before we further the campaign! They will know what to do.” Kaer Teagan rolled her eyes. “Very well. I will ask for holy advice. Thank you for this little chat, Kaer Pier.” The other archdruid offered her a frown. “I hope they are kind today.” Kaer Teagan exited the Hall of the Weary, bumping into a flock of white-robed druids heading inside. They all offered her a bow before gently sidestepping and allowing her to pass. The archdruid sighed angrily and walked over to the circle of the gods, which by now was nearly a temple in its own right. The megalith statues had been further painted and improved with foreign pigments and precious stones and metals. Before them, there had been erected altars which were full of offerings and tributary gifts. Kaer Teagan approached the statue of Reiya, before which was a flock of druids offering their afternoon prayer. The archdruid’s presence made them all instinctively shuffle out of the way so she could stand the closest to the altar. There, she looked up at the statue, a megalith with a beautiful mural of the sun goddess, carved to resemble a yellow woman with hair sprinkled with gold nuggets, holding her pregnant belly. Kaer Teagan drew a deep breath and bowed down. “Great Reiya, goddess of the sun and the fertile land, I come to you with a request for aid…” She took a moment to choose her words - perhaps she should play it safe this time and not mention warfare? “I wish to know how we can best feed our people - no matter how we try, it seems we, under your most gracious blessing of fertility, always outgrow our ability to feed everyone. Ha-Dûna has always been home to civility - to the worship of the sun, the moon, the trees, the stones, the sea, the truth, the arts and the stars! We are your most loyal, great Reiya - all we ask is the ability to feed ourselves. Please, please, do this for us, and you shall receive our loyalty tenfold.” She looked over her shoulder and gestured for the other druids to repeat. They quickly dispelled their confusion and repeated, “You shall receive our loyalty tenfold.” A gentle warmth grew from the statue, slowly rolling into a storm of infectious joy, further rocketing the room as the statue erupted with golden light. [Color=gold]"Heeeeeeeey druids! Druids! I love you guys sooooooo much! Always so faithful and loving and caring and joyous and fertile and-"[/color] Reiya's melodic voice abruptly cut off. [Color=gold]"Do you guys like butterflies? They're so preeeeetty aren't they?"[/color] She said whimsically. [Color=gold]"Focus Orae-! Reiya!"[/color] she laughed. [Color=gold]"I love that name! I love you and you and you and you. Why am I here again?"[/color] She asked aloud, like a child asking a question. The druids present all gathered around the altar with no less than an overflow of confusion in their minds. Sure, they had heard Reiya speak to them before, but this was… Different. Kaer Teagan scratched her head and shook it. All reassumed their kneeling stances and the archdruid spoke, “Uhm… G-great Reiya, thank you a thousand times for gracing us with your sacred presence. A-are you alright?” [Color=gold]"Am I alright?"[/color] Came a low whisper. [Color=gold]"Am I alright!"[/color] She then shouted. [Color=gold]"I've never been better or felt more alive! Yep yep yep!"[/color] They could then hear soft sobbing. [Color=gold]"You're soooooo kind for asking! It means so much to me! Now,"[/color] she gave a little cough, [color=gold]"What can I do ya for?"[/color] she said in a deep voice before laughing. The druids around Kaer Teagan looked heartbroken as their illusions of Reiya were shattered. They fell to their knees and prayed loudly away whatever demon was muddling the connection to the goddess and making her ill. Kaer Teagan sighed and looked up at the altar. “Great Reiya, we’re, uhm, happy to know that all is well. We actually prayed with the humble request for you to see to our fields. Your blessing of fertility upon our people has granted us joy and prosperity beyond what can be achieved without it, but our mouths still hunger for food. We simply do not have rich enough lands to feed everyone. We understand that it may be a lot to ask, but we are truly desperate for your holy guidance and blessings.” [Color=gold]"Heeeey! Come on now guys, don't be sad. I'm still Reiya and I love you soooo much. Here here!"[/color] Bright berries that pulsed appeared on the steps before her feet. [Color=gold]"Eat these and you'll feel so much better my loves. I call them, uh… Evening joys. No- joys of evening. No um, joy… bells? Joybells, yeah! Eat, eat! It breaks my heart to see you so sad. Please, please, for me."[/color] she pleaded. [Color=gold]"And uh I'll- I'll make your fields super fertile! And... I'll make the statuette work even better! So you can make more babies in my name! Yeah yeah! How does that sound guys? Please don't be sad! Be happy for meeeeee. Oh! That bird is so pretty!"[/color] She said, yet there was no bird around them. Some of the surrounding druids eagerly helped themselves to handfuls of berries. As they consumed them, they were immediately sloshed with joy and spirit, skipping to their feet and running after geese and chickens in the market square. The remaining druids gave chase to stop them. Kaer Teagan had to collect her jaw off the ground and looked back at the altar in disbelief. In truth, while this wasn’t the first time her prayers had been answered, it -was- the first time that answer had been, well, tangible. She collapsed to her hands and knees. “Th-thank you, great goddess! Thank you! Whatever you wish for in return, Ha-Dûna will offer it to you with the utmost joy!” [color=gold]”Plant your seeds, spread your jooooooy to the world!”[/color] She giggled. [color=gold]”You’ll grow sooooo strong and live and no one- and no one will dieeeeee!”[/color] she gushed again. [color=gold]”Okay I gotta go! Reiyalovesyoubyeeeee!”[/color] the feeling of warmth and joy dissipated from the room, but not from their hearts. More druids and commoners around began sampling the berries and soon, the whole town was in gleeful chaos. So, now they had incredibly fertile fields, berries that made everyone extremely happy, and even greater prolificacy? Kaer Teagan cursed under her breath - now she needed to find an excuse to keep the war machine rolling. [hider=Summary] Oraelia is trying to find Genesis after years of playing hide and seek with no luck. She eventually realized that Genesis is gone from her realm and goes to see if she went to her own. She goes out into Antiquity in a panic and goes to where Genesis’ portal was but… The portal is gone. She can’t feel Genesis, nor contact her and gets angry before breaking down. Genesis had died, or become so lost in the Lifeblood she was beyond reach. This blow, far worse then Neiya’s attack, puts her into the worst bout of depression she had ever been in. She doesn’t want to feel that way anymore or ever again so she eats some Evening Bells and lets passion make her feel better. It’s not enough for her however, and remembering Evandra’s words about addiction, Oraelia does soemthing dumb and makes Joybells. Berries that induce pure joy. She eats one. Later we go to Ha Duna and the druids are going over the war plan and there is some talk against furthering it. Kaer Teagan is told to go pray to the gods for guidance and so she goes and talks to Reiya. Reiya answers, high as a kite and gives them a lot of gifts after they suspect something isn’t right with her. She just wants them to be happy, is all. Teagan, still wanting war, curses quietly after the Goddess’ presence is gone. [/hider] [hider=MP] Oraelia 5MP/5DP -2DP (Towards Fertility. 5/5) to bless the soils of Ha Duna with eternal fertility. Crops here will be over abundant in their yields, and grow mighty. -1DP to make Joybells. (1DP towards Joy) - These vividly bright berries burst with the sweetest flavors when eaten. Like Evening Bells, the Joybells work similarly, but unlike the latter, Joybells put a person in an extreme sense of Euphoria. So much so that any other feelings are swept away, devoured in a tide of bliss. Joybells make a person aloof, whimsical, and extremely joyous. However, people have a hard time focusing on one thing while under their effects, and are prone to talking too much. Joybells are also very addicting, for who would wish to return to a life so dull of joy? -3MP To claim the Fertility Port for Life. Fertility - The act of being able to reproduce or produce effectively. Fertility does not just cover the mortal reproduction cycles, but also of the land and other life. Reiya has sway over this life giving power and can easily make people have babies, as she can make the land overflowing with life. She can also strip away such gifts to those who abuse such privileges and make lands barren. Adding two free titles to the The Statuette of Prolificacy. (Baby Maker IV - Whoever touches the belly of this Statuette, be it male or female, will become incredibly fertile for the next couple of days and will usually produce multiple offspring with their lover. Twins, triplets, even quadruplets are not out of the question, or one really healthy baby. Pregnancy will be an ease if it is Statuette induced. It must be a conscious choice, and has no effect on those that are too young.) 2MP/2DP [/hider]