Alright, here is my application. I wrote much of it in a daze last night, so please let me know if there's anything I can improve. [center][hider=Self-appointed Monster][hr] [img][/img] [color=#DC143C][b]Name[/b][/color] Kirsty Ramaswamy [color=#DC143C][b]Gender[/b][/color] Female [color=#DC143C][b]Age[/b][/color] 20, July 29th, 1999 [color=#DC143C][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] Heterosexual [color=#DC143C][b]Nationality[/b][/color] Though born in the United Kingdom, Kirsty is three-fourths Indian [hr] [color=#DC143C][b]Appearance[/b][/color] With vivid skin, a full figure, lustrous white hair, and remarkable red eyes, Kirsty is not even close to as repulsive as her self-esteem tells her she is. One gets the impression she's too busy or modest to devote a lot of time to her appearance, and it can show at times, but her luck in the genetics department is undeniable and carries a lot of weight. Hers is a highly expressive face, reflecting her -typically sunny- mood without restraint, but her manner and body language suggest a fidgety restlessness, often on edge. It's hard for her to get comfortable. She wears rectangular glasses to correct her nearsightedness. Her [url=]usual outfits[/url] manage to be nice enough without being especially remarkable, and the fashion-minded observer can often tell that she could be doing better. Her favorite [url=]garb[/url] is simply a black sweater with gray pants. Her casual wear consists of a [url=]snug gray hoodie[/url], often paired with an unsightly hairband to keep her hair under control. In the World of Fog, she subconsciously favors a bolder look. Her kindly features harden, and she replaced her typically demure outfit with a tougher, more [url=]run-and-tumble sort of formal.[/url] [color=#DC143C][b]Height[/b][/color] 5'4” [color=#DC143C][b]Personality[/b][/color] Kirsty is first and foremost a perfectionist, and an altruistic one at that. Raised with an acute understanding of what is right and that it should be done at all costs, she attempts to live out ideal behavior. She does her best to be generous, trusting, conversational, kind, empathetic, always trying to avoid conflict and help out others, no matter the expense to herself. With almost no self-esteem of her own (in fact believing she is physically and mentally repugnant to most everyone around her) she is most happy when meeting (or better yet surpassing) the expectations of others. As a result she is self-sacrificing, self-effacing, and prone to cave into most anything. She believes that working hard to earning the respect of others is vital, and she is very unhappy when people are displeased with her. She'll accept criticism or punishment for mistakes without question, assured that it'll make her better in the long run—for what is life, but being better than yesterday? She's smart, thorough, and very responsible, which all aid in this mission. In short, she's a perfect doormat, yet that's hardly earned her the respect she thought it would. Of course, the extremes of her traits don't manifest all the time. Mostly, she's genuinely perky and pleasant, and quite talkative. It's tough for her to relax, but it's clear that she really enjoys any time she gets to do so, and whoever might want to keep her company while doing so. Aside from playing in her sister's band, going to different places to relax is her biggest hobby, and she enjoys being around other people. Mealtime, a period of relaxation in which to enjoy food, is particularly important to her, and missing meals tends to upset her. It's easy for her to come across to strangers as annoying, disingenuous, sycophantic, and that she's just trying to be better than everyone else. As time has gone on, however, Kirsty has evidenced a few changes. There's a certain forced fragility to her smile. She seems tired, distracted, and even dull at times. It's not hard to find her nodding off, even when she's supposed to be at some task. One can get the sense that she's trying to hold back a lot of stress. Kirsty's shadow, her other self, is not so restrained. Torn apart by pressure, she's a monster who forsook her ideals and betrayed the friends who relied on her so dearly. She is loud, crass, forceful, and self-assertive, someone who will not allow herself to be used, worn out, and thrown away like some tool. [hr] [color=#DC143C][b]Persona[/b][/color] [url=,h_816,strp/soultyrant_by_dewsh_lawnde_dcykaqp-pre.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xMDY2IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZTc3MWI5MzMtMTAxYi00NmIwLThjNTQtZjgwODg3MjdlMTIwXC9kY3lrYXFwLTgyNDZiODg2LTU5NjYtNDA3Ny04YWJiLTQ1MjE0NzA4NDNmYi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.gDVAfnusvGIFsbQsJ1uc-ce_sAYmzvITkSkNWF57_MY]Gregor Samsa[/url] [i]The story goes that one morning a normal everyday salesman, who worked all his days to provide for his family, woke up to find himself transformed into a hideous, verminous insect. Unable to so much as speak, he remained in his room, shunned and abused by most of his family as they were obliged to work for themselves. Only his sister cared for him, but she had her own life to lead, and could eventually stomach the parasite no longer. In the end, unable to live on as a burden to his family, and as a hideous thing hated by all, Gregor starved himself to death. After that, the sun shined on his family once more.[/i] [color=#DC143C][b]Arcana[/b][/color] Temperance [color=#DC143C][b]Skill[/b][/color] Curse & raw offense [color=#DC143C][b]Equipment[/b][/color] [url=,h_437,q_75,strp/scissor_katar_by_metatron87_d1yzo0c-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD00MzciLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9lYzA4NzFiOC1lNWJiLTQwMzctODhiYS0xMTQ4MGQwYjUwZGFcL2QxeXpvMGMtMDRmNzFmNDItYTBkYS00MDQ1LTg0NDYtMzFkYTM0M2YyMmRhLmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.NmjggsAtxjTLT3bZGIpKEtKS2WJ9kn8jtvw_3eXnXUw]Tri-blade Katar[/url] [url=]Beetle Bow[/url] [hr] [color=#DC143C][b]Education[/b][/color] Thames' Edge University Degree in Journalism [color=#DC143C][b]Biography[/b][/color] When Kirsty's family set out to raise her, they sought to raise her right. Her father, born and bred in Wales but landed in India as a business consultant, eventually returned to the United Kingdom with the woman that he loved. They enjoyed moderate success, sticking together through both highs and lows, and they were united in one belief: that the good life was earned, and that it would come to people in accordance to their hard work. They wanted more than a good life for their children, and for themselves in their old age. For that to happen in a challenging, unkind world, their kids would need to be raised just right. From an early age the twin sisters, Kirsty and Erin, were taught the very ideals of behavior. They learned to be kind and considerate, selfless and helpful, putting the needs of others above their own. They were taught to be perfect, as beautiful and flawless as diamonds in the rough, and their future seemed to glitter just as brightly. Erin's dream was music. She longed to play on the grandest of stages to the adoration of the public, and her passion received her family's full support. Kirsty drank in the dream and joined her twin sister in its pursuit, finding even greater talent than Erin did. In high school, they formed a band with a childhood friend -Carter- and two friends from school. After classes they played together, working to make their dreams come true. As the years went by, however, the band never rose above mediocrity. It struggled to find a foothold and make an impact on the public, and the passion that infected Kirsty began to fade. She never dreamed of abandoning her sister and her friends, but she knew in her bones that the band couldn't make it, and she couldn't bear the thought of letting her parents down. Without Erin knowing, Kirsty changed courses and started down the road toward journalism. In doing so she gradually gained a new set of friends, school-minded folks oriented toward academic achievement and success. Thanks to her drive, wit, and willingness to help, she quickly made herself a vital member of the group, relied on by all. Kirsty soon found all her time split between school and band, and the two groups of friends she purposefully kept separate. This divide persisted as she began at her university, and the pressure began to build. The band, whose members she knew and treasured for so long, needed her help. Their failure to gain popularity brought frustration, and the sentiment arose that Kirsty -their star member- wasn't pulling her weight anymore. When she tried to correct, however, Kirsty found resistance from her school friends, who needed her nigh-limitless support, goodwill, and help to keep on making good grades. Torn in two directions and unable to commit to either, Kirsty spent the rest of the school year fighting on both fronts, trying to please everyone. In the end, however, she pleased nobody, and she wore herself out doing it. Both groups of friends were suffering, but Kirsty, perennially tired and brain-fried, couldn't live both lives. No matter how hard she tried, her goals were getting farther out of reach, and her friends were slipping between her fingers. Gone was the perfect star whose light enriched all it shone upon; a liability had taken her place, and Kirsty's friends began to treat her accordingly. Their treatment hurt almost as badly as the feeling of failure that plagued her, and Kirsty neared her wit's end. She knew she wasn't happy, and she couldn't keep this up match longer. Was either road worth all this? What, she wondered, did she even want to do? Aimless and fraying, she reached out for purpose. [color=#DC143C][b]Affiliations[/b][/color] [list][*]Erin Ramaswamy – Kirsty's twin sister. Kindred spirits and the best of friends, they lived their whole lives with one another to depend upon. While Erin didn't have as the same musical touch as Kirsty, she was far more passionate about and dedicated to her craft, which placed her as the de-facto leader of the band. She believes that Kirsty is a vital element of the band, with her whole-hearted participation necessary for its success and her increasing inability to focus the primary factor in its lack of success. It's become increasingly clear that Kirsty's heart is not in it, and the two are growing apart. [*]Shrishti Ramaswamy – Kirsty's mother. An ambitious, go-getter reporter working for the most prestigious publication in New Delhi, she met Kirsty's father while he worked as a business consultant in India, and the two eventually married before moving to the United kingdom. Wants nothing but the best for her children, and endeavored to raise them ideally. [*]Harvey Ramaswamy – Kirsty's father. Born in Wales to an Welsh father and Indian mother, he grew up in the United Kingdom but maintained a strong connection to his mother's homeland. He eventually spent many years there himself for work. Wants nothing but the best for his children, and endeavored to raise them ideally. [*]Drew Whittney – a childhood friend of both Kirsty and Erin. Something of a nerd and wallflower, he benefited greatly from the sisters' compassion in his earlier years. Eventually he joined their band as the keyboardist, and hopes to make it big alongside them. Owing to his childhood friendship he's got a crush on Kirsty, and nowadays oftentimes butters her up. Citing her naivety and good nature, he's appointed himself as her guardian, and for her protection lets her know what others think about her. While the news is invariably bad, he stands firm as her rock of support, who appreciates her despite all her 'faults'. As such, he keeps her close and steers her away from 'bad influences'. [*]Annalynn Drinkwater – a good friend of Kirsty's, the closest to her among her school friends. She's funny and engaging, but while sharp-witted is also both lazy and pragmatic. In exchange for gratitude, praise, and validation, she's more than happy to let Kirsty do the bulk of her work for her. They spend a lot of free time together and enjoy each others' company. [*]Paula Navarro – Kirsty's professor. Though always somewhat helpful, she's really stepped up to give Kirsty a hand as her studies started to suffer. She gives Kirsty advice and tips, and assistance with difficult problems, and all Kirsty needs to do in return is help out with some chores now and again. This includes a part-time 'job' at Ms. Navarro's house, where the professor insists Kirsty dons attire appropriate to her 'profession' and for some reason films her as she goes about it. For her part Kirsty doesn't know why, but she trusts in her professor fully.[/list] [color=#DC143C][b]Relationships[/b][/color] N/A [color=#DC143C][b]Theme[/b][/color] [youtube][/youtube] [/hider][/center]