[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200403/86a03f169e5f776a56136c9464b0a41f.png[/img] Blake watched in amazement as Rumi translated the pamphlet into some nice, normal English with ease. it was pretty cool that Rumi was able to switch between Italian and English with so much fluency. Blake could hardly pick up Spanish in high school, and to this day he still only held a rudimentary knowledge of the language, and a good portion of his Spanish lexicon was insults, which while fun are not of much use on secret missions (except when dealing with Latino gangs, he supposed). Blake listened to Rumi's speech intently, taking the info in. So there was some sort of evil cleaning organization on the loose? And they specialized in...wine stains? It was only until Rumi reached the last point that Blake realized that they entire pamphlet was a (very bad) front for some sort of operation. Blake nodded with a grin as Rumi noted the address. [color=CC5500]"Sounds like a plan! They won't be ready for us at all."[/color] Blake reluctantly followed Jamie out of the warehouse towards the car. [color=CC5500]"Hey, Jamie, small piece of advice? [i]Don't[/i] go over the lines in the road that divide traffic, please. Also, if we miss an exit, we can go to the next one! It's not a problem! You don't have to, like, turn around and go [i]back[/i] into traffic."[/color] He looked at Rumi warily as he entered the car again, making sure to cross his fingers before Jamie hit the gas. [hr] 15 Running River Lane was an establishment only a short jog away from the current Gugliano fiasco, and unlike the gigantic compound located a ways away, the establishment wasn't much to talk about. Located in the more suburban area of Watervale, the house was a small brick townhouse, large enough to support a family for sure but not so large as to be viewed as a luxurious establishment. The building was the current home of Emilio Ranucci, Vinnie's top advisor and consigliere and one of his most loyal attendants. Ranucci was currently inside his office, a large room on the first floor that looked just like any other home office. The key difference, though, was a classic bookcase lever that opened up a hidden passageway. The passageway led underground to the Gugliano compound, allowing for quick communication, transportation, and potential escape for both locations. Ranucci had come to the location instead of attending the meeting, as he had much more important issues at hand. He looked down at his phone idly, waiting for the important call to come in. At exactly the time it was scheduled, his phone rang, with Ranucci immediately picking it up. [color=gray]"Dr. Osberg?"[/color] Ranucci asked, phone against his ear, as he paced the office. He looked up at the taxidermized elk head on his wall. [color=gray]"A pleasure to finally speak with you."[/color] [color=MediumTurquoise]"As for you,"[/color] the voice, cool and collected. [color=MediumTurquoise]"Please, though, Peter will do."[/color] [color=gray]"I'm really insistent on formalities. Family things."[/color] [color=MediumTurquoise]"Well, then, I will accept that. Now, Vinnie has told me quite a bit about your work. Says your a very loyal asset."[/color] [color=gray]"Oho, well, I appreciate the compliment from Mr. Gugliano. I've worked for him for a long time. A lot of experience."[/color] [color=MediumTurquoise]"So I've heard, so I've heard. Now, onto business. The Commander promised your organization financial resources, something my colleagues and I have access to in abundance. I've wired a large payment to your chosen bank account just seconds ago. More payments as needed will be delivered in increments."[/color] [color=gray]"Thank you, Doctor."[/color] Ranucci paused. [color=gray]"Before you go, though, your boss told us that we would be getting your assistance...we have some heroes at the Compound, your presence would be greatly appreciated-"[/color] [color=MediumTurquoise]"No thank you,"[/color] the phone man said, cutting Ranucci off. [color=MediumTurquoise]"I try not to align myself with the classic Italian mafia types. Especially the type that leads the enemy...right to their base. Good day."[/color] The man on the phone hung up. Ranucci squinted at the phone, before walking over to the office window, parting his blinds. An old, beaten-up car was pulling up in front of the house. [color=gray]"Well, shit,"[/color] he muttered, opening his desk drawer and taking out a handgun. [color=gray]"Hero bastards Just my luck."[/color] [@canaryrose][@Scarifar][hr][hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200427/12e716eb3fcde6923781cf99dc1a0a73.png[/img] Grace listened intently as Tom described his own plan of action, as opposed to Grace's (highly pragmatic) plan of leaving and phoning for backup. [color=SteelBlue]"Okay, okay, here's what we do. We hide out until the lockdown is over, then we come back out and bust everybody out. Okay? Okay, Angie can probably use her power to make herself look like somebody who doesn't need to be ID checked, or some shit, and then she can cover for Patty. Fuck, if they hurt Patty they're absolutely getting slammed into the ground..."[/color] [color=DarkOrchid]"Believe me, I'll help you there,"[/color] Grace responded, her face stern and serious, as she looked dead-on at Tom. [color=DarkOrchid]"Alright, I know you want to stay and help them, I do too, but I'm just not sure we can pull it off. We'd be better off looking for backup instead. I mean, what type of place can we hide-"[/color] She yelped as gravity suddenly decided to flip, with Grace launching towards the ceiling, stopping herself with her feet as she watched Tom, who was also upside-down, open up a ceiling hatch and crawl through. [color=DarkOrchid]"Yeonglihan,"[/color] she muttered, looking at Tom with approval, as she crawled over, taking Tom's hand and crawling into the attic space. It was quite dirty up there, and her clothes would get dirty, but she frankly did not care that muuch about that at all. At his request for a flashlight, Grace rummaged through her pockets. [color=DarkOrchid]"Nothing, but I can do this..."[/color] She opened a small swirling portal in her palm that cast a small amount of magenta light in the area. As Tom closed the hatch, Grace stood, looking around the room, guided by the small light from her palm portal, until she found a ceiling-mounted lightbulb. She pulled on the chain next to the bulb, casting much brighter lights across the attic space, as she clenched her palm, closing the portal. [color=DarkOrchid]"Good idea. I guess we'll wait here for a few minutes until the coast is clear,"[/color] Grace said to Tom, before looking around the area. It wasn't a large space at all, and was mostly storage, with several trunks, chests, crates and boxes lying around everywhere, with most of them covered in thick dust. Grace's eyes returned to Tom. [color=DarkOrchid]"Thanks for the assist,"[/color] she said, her voice at a quiet whisper, as her violet eyes locked onto him. [color=DarkOrchid]"I feel so bad for them. They're...they're probably going to do terrible things,"[/color] she said quietly. [color=DarkOrchid]"Awful."[/color] [@Danvers][@KaijuBaragon][@Amethyst][@canaryrose][@Infinite Cosmos] [sup]1. [i]yeonglihan[/i] (영리한): clever[/sup] [hr][hr] [/center]