[center][h1]Reaver[/h1] [@BrokenPromise] [/center] Reaver felt that blow with annoyance as he tumbled against the wall like a ragdoll. It was a better try, but still not good enough. His third eye took a notice at the attack. It was then when he frowned, as he tugged with the vines with no avail. He was scraping at his armor, trying to dodge… the blow having numbed his arms, or so it seemed. The fist colliding with him was inevitable. And that’s what Reaver wanted that thing to think. He would put more force on the blow, and would mean its own self destruction. Reaver… was not as battle-drunk as one would seem either. Each step of the way he was analyzing, switching battle tactics on the fly. Changing. Probing. Never stopping thinking. Abominations were known hard to deal with because they defied nature, and therefore it was extremely hard to deal with them as one did now know their weaknesses. The moment an abomination became close with reality and nature, the more mundane means could be employed. Plants had a definite structure, so did animals, even if amalgamated. Biped creatures anchored their muscles in roughly the same places. Wood was often made of longitudinal fibers alongside the direction of the growth, and since the vines were patterned all over Grosket’s fist… It was pretty much a telltale on how to hit it. And with what. The barrier flared to life at the last possible moment, creating a wedge in the shape of an axe head, positioned carefully lengthwise across the vine growths where it was weakest. The combination of forces would surely split the arm apart as if someone had tried to punch a circular saw. …But the frantic clawing of earlier? It was another rune painted. This time on Reaver himself. The thin membrane wobbled that ensured his oxygen supply wobbled as he set himself on fire, a painful, but effective measure to suppress any kind of vine towards him, the regeneration and sheer sturdiness keeping the fire from completely burning, however his face peeled off. He had also entered berserker state. “VALHALLA AWAITS!” He said, ecstatic at the self-inflicted pain, the mental reinforcerment reigning his sanity in despite the circumstances. His sword disappeared. Now, an axe created with reinforcement was on each hand. Possibly on fire as well. [center][h1]Helicopter Assault[/h1] [@BrokenPromise][@Ponn][@Card Captor][@FamishedPants] [/center] Sakura gritted her teeth, barely dodging the human cannonball of a certain magical girl. What was her fucking problem, anyway? She almost could’ve hurted her or Emily! She wanted to beat this idiot’s face in, but then again her two allies intervened. It was true, the angry jerk wasn’t their main enemy, and Connie seemed to have it covered, for the briefest moment. The glowing discharge of souls was the straw that broke the camel’s back. “ENOUGH WITH THIS SHIT, EMILY, BURN EVERYTHING!” She said, as she began to sprint towards the happy trigger idiot of a fellow girl, the tentacle girl known as Shoggy. She was stupid, but Umukamui had said she was reliable. Her blasts seemed to diffuse in a certain direction, where the beam was coming frown. His keen awareness senses were telling her so. “Oi Tako-brain! Springboard!” She said as she jumped on Shoggy’s face, feet first. The amorphous magical girl seemed to understand the command. Perhaps she had not been the first magical girl to do so, and launched Sakura high into the air. [i]All or nothing.[/i] Sakura gritted her teeth as she pinpointed the source of said wide attack. For all she knew, this kind of cocky, overblown attack left people open. She thought, and in a moment of rush, skipped her chant. The Justice Breaker Lance shone, splitting apart the air towards the source of the ghastly blade, the wolf’s head. It was no mere magical attack, it was killing blow. Lightning type. High piercing, and absurdly precise. [i]We can skip chants on Killing Blows???[/i] Sakura thought to herself as she felt the energy drain. It was a risky gamble but at the very least it would stop that sniping jerk from being so cocky again and give her teammates a breather. [hr] [center][h3]All hands on Deck![/h3] [@Crusader Lord] [/center] Kamy twisted her lip, as the abomination made vague threats at her and descended upon the trouble. Thankfully she had been brain addled as of late, otherwise the Beacon and the Puuchus would have had more trouble containing her. She retreated into the shadows. That was the way of the Puuchu. [hr] [center][h1]The streets, Riot[/h1] [@BrokenPromise][@DarkwolfX37] [/center] “Uh…thanks, whoever you are.” Dr Turned said, still flabbergasted. Had he witnessed a miracle? He did not know, but having seen that, he knew he was badly outmatched, so he made the wise decision to take his leave as the situation kept getting more and more and more entangled. He’d find out about his saviour later. Infernalia, however kept speaking at Tetrad’s chest. [color=f6989d]“You owe me a date for this info. You see, Banshee has a soul jar somewhere, also she’s physically weak. She has an instant death move though. Now if you’ll excuse me, I will refrain from fighting them, Buttercup is nice to me and Banshee is just a sad little girl.”[/color] Banshee wasted no time in proving Shion wrong about the effectiveness of the gun. The zombie she had just shot had only been momentarily staggered, and it flared back up to unlife, sustained by the wraith possessing it. There was a difference between a zombie and a revenant. Revenants would keep coming at you no matter in how many bits you cut them down unless you dealt with the ghost… and Banshee’s undead seemed of this latter type. Meanwhile Buttercup had gotten up, seemingly no worse for the wear, as she redoubled the attack on Shion. [color=a2d39c]“I DON’T WANT TO DO THIS, TRULY”[/color] She bellowed, creating a [i]Focused Assault of blows[/i] on Shion, the winged girl’s speed, agility and endurance being superior in that sense to the magically oriented girl. The damage was beginning to accumulate on Shion, as any defense she could have put in terms of close combat would be overwhelmed, despite Buttercup’s reluctance to clobber her. Banshee reacted with disdain to the thrown card, using one of her undead as literal meatshield to parry the blow. She eyed Infernalia with a look of sadness for a split second, then of betrayal. [color=7ea7d8]”I will offer your heads to Master Bulk, to pay the ferryman.” [/color]Banshee droned in a monotone, as she sent the remaining zombies to rush Tetrad. [color=7ea7d8]“Specially, you, transvestite traitor”[/color]. Revealing a holy symbol (or rather unholy symbol) of three interlaced moons, the spirit user then sent dozens of incorporeal vengeful wraiths, intent to cause mental and spiritual damage on her opponents. [color=f6989d]”I uh… I need to go to see a man about a dog, see ya!”[/color] said Infernalia, obviously fleeing the battlefield after this display. [color=f6989d]”My Glimmr is KingQueen34, get in touch, okay?”[/color] Jimmy waved at Tetrad. Those were nice boobs, but not boobs risked having one’s souls torn apart for. [hr] [center][h1]Overcity Rock Night[/h1] [@Card Captor][@Ariamis][/center] The spectacle continued as they traded blows. The Star Eater Groupies, as good as they were holding the rhythm while trying to fight, weren’t quite up to the level of Alexander and Lily, being pushed back almost one-sidedly while chunks and bits got loose of said human-like constructions. However, the lasers of Tenebra had been neglected, and peppered Lily with superficial wounds that started to bleed as she performed her attack. Not so much in Alexander’s case, having deployed a shield and leading a charge towards the stage. It was then when chains barred their advanced, protecting the stage, coated in a dark, corrosive like reinforcement, as Amy did her part to avoid the concert from stopping. Sadly, something else made SoulBurner stop, as the music died abruptly. If this was a vinyl recording, one could even have heard the scratch. Soulburner’s face was pale, her eyes resting on Alexander. Indeed, in his zealous charge, the mischievous but pretty much non-hostile fairies with glowsticks had been ruthlessly smashed against the shield, stunned and then stepped on, and no less than a dozen of the tiny cute creatures laid dead at Alexander’s feet. Tiny, ghastly shrieks were heard, as the rest of the fairies flew away like frightened sparrows, leaving their glowsticks behind. [color=f26522]"You… what did you do… you murderer! Those were my fans! They liked my music! It’s far worse than the electric tramp screwing the rhythm with that timey blimey dubstep shitty thing”[/color]Soulburner was quivering in rage. Trashing her minions was one thing… but the tiny creatures were just naughty fairies, still delicate and gentle. And among the few denizens of the Overcity that helped to lighten the mood of the trio of magical girls. “They’re…tough…” Said Tenebra, as she pulled a healing artifact. [color=ed1c24]"Aye… and real killers too… That’s kind of hot. But we can’t hope to match them, really.”[/color] She eyed the sorry remains of the Star eater groupies as she pulled her healing artifact too, healing the wounds of the damaged as long as their chains did not hold. “…We should give up?” Tenebra asked. Amy looked back. Soulburner, and duplicates tossed their instruments, this time to the Star Eater Groupies. They could do backup instruments if they were told to, as well. [color=f26522]"No. I will not yield to these assholes. We were a bit rowdy, what with the kid spooking and booze raiding… but defiling a concert… is a SIN! I will not allow it! Or die trying! I AM SOULBURNER!”[/color] The girl said as she, and her duplicates hefted their weapons, intent on taking things personally. “Friends until the end, Amy?” [color=ed1c24]"Friends until the end, Tenebra.”[/color] Both the other girls flared their powers up as well. The music restarted. [center][hider] [youtube=5I-2spVXmHs] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I-2spVXmHs [/youtube] [/hider][/center] It was then when the chains once again moved, this time like serpentine things of corrosive reinforcement towards Alexander, as Amy in a display of acrobatics and swordplay chose to close the gap and try attacking Alexander’s back. Tenebra stood still for a second, eyeing Lily. She was fast. Really fast. And had time magic. Probably nearly unbeatable. But she wasn’t the only one with tricks up her sleeve. With a huge, static sound, Tenebra blinked out of existence, space wobbling and ripping, and appearing at Lily’s back, the gravity creating a Warp that gave the illusion of teleport. And then… unleashing a barrage of powerful gravity attacks on Lily’s frail body. “Mariette can eat my panties…hehhehe” said in a slightly creepy tone. Meanwhile the assorted duplicates would just keep rushing either target, depending on the effectiveness of the other attacks.