He's done! Feel free to use mine as reference [centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200530/f8b1d7272683e2b68923791fa7e9fbca.png[/img] [hr] [/centre] [centre][hider=Laurence Newman] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [right] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/546802855076429824/715714259853770813/Laurence.png[/img] [/right] [/cell] [cell] [color=87F64F][sub][h1]Laurence Newman[/h1][/sub][/color] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup] [color=Silver][i] 6'3" | 77kg | 20 Years Heterosexual Midhurst, Sussex - United Kingdom 3rd September, 1999 Anglo-Polish[/i][/color] [/cell][/row][/table] [color=87F64F][sub][h2][b]P[/b]rofile[/h2][/sub][/color] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup][indent][color=87F64F][b][u] Appearance [/u][/b][/color] [indent][color=Silver]Clean shaven, well-kept and presentably dressed, it's not uncommon for Laurence to be singled out as an uninspired, behaving student that sinks into the crowds. Aside from a near perfect posture, that's about where his usual appearance ends. Physically, he isn't built too well and, although semi-athletic, he's rather lean, scrawny to the distant eye. With dirty-blonde hair that raggedly drapes down the back of his skull and over his neck, his relaxing natural expression helps amplify his appearance of a loose composure. His eyes are rimmed with a misty blue iris. Laurence tends to wear [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/716340726249685067/716340745644277810/unknown.png]loose-fit clothes[/url] both in and out of University hours, most of which were purchased in either charity shops or from family members no longer wanting them. As such, much of his wardrobe is similar in all but colour and the occasional plaid pattern. On the colder and wetter days of London's climate, he's likely to be seen in heavy [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/716340726249685067/716341575432667176/unknown.png]grey-drab[/url] and scarves, favouring them over coats and shorter jackets. However, upon transition to the World of Fog, his [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/716340726249685067/716343695347286057/unknown.png]attires[/url] generally remain minimalist in colour and baggage, anchoring on ht ideals of practicality over stylistic looks. [/color] [/indent] [indent][color=87F64F][b][u] Personality [/u][/b][/color] [indent][color=Silver]First and foremost, Laurence is a young man fluent in the world of art. Showering himself in creative pieces throughout his childhood has brought out a strong desire to create, or to be creative in how he looks over daily obstacles. To those outside, he's well-versed in the medium of film and visualised storytelling, a level-headed and down-to-earth individual who doesn't fall victim to being pretentious. Aptly tempered on the surface, some could say he's pleasant to be around. In conversation about art is where his passion tends to show, with a clear mindset as to what he wants to do and a flexible sense of improvisation to combat obstructions along the way. Such personality traits venture into his tendency to host collaborations between courses, opening up his social circle just that little bit more. And that's where the problems begin. See, when you're everyone's acquaintance, you're no ones actual friend. Laurence is well aware of his lack of friends and does struggle with the idea of long-term relationships. The concept itself is a desire, something he wants to pursue in the hopes of finding a figure to take pride alongside. Instead, he found himself alone, liked by all but loved by none. True, one couldn't guess of his loneliness from meeting him. A standout guy with a name for himself; it's almost as if he lived a perfectly comfortable one. But depravity has taking its toll throughout his childhood. When alone, he talks to himself as if a friend is there. Easily embarrassed and all around low on self-esteem. He could hold any conversation he wanted, there was just no one to have them with. And without the family he wished for, his purpose falls. From house to house, foster parent to foster parent, Laurence struggles with a starved life lacking love. He began to lose interest in his own work, recently. In dire need to reconcile with what few blood-related family members that are still left, he continues to hide his all that he does by living a life in wordless frustration. [/color] [/indent] [/indent] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup][indent][color=87F64F][b][u] Persona [/u][/b][/color] [indent][url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/bd004519-bfc3-44cc-bee4-024a11a1e1f8/db41l2f-ebbe9985-6feb-4eb6-bc88-af3c1278ed4b.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYmQwMDQ1MTktYmZjMy00NGNjLWJlZTQtMDI0YTExYTFlMWY4XC9kYjQxbDJmLWViYmU5OTg1LTZmZWItNGViNi1iYzg4LWFmM2MxMjc4ZWQ0Yi5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.Fve62UQPzLxsfHexHqBT1m12wKF0rd1tvoL26DwcQ1g]Desdemona[/url] [color=silver][i]“She loved me for the dangers I had passed, and I loved her that she did pity them.”[/i] Loved, betrayed, murdered. Walking in beauty and with a perfect image, the sweet Venetian lass moved along a path of excellence alongside a lover she once gave her name to. When deceit and the cruel workings of the world took form, she suffered, losing her purpose and willingly allowing for her strangulation as to appease her ex-lover. In death, she sought a purpose of being loved. In legacy, she faded into tragedy. [/color] [/indent] [color=87F64F][b][u] Arcana [/u][/b][/color] [color=Silver]The Star[/color] [color=87F64F][b][u] Skill [/u][/b][/color] [color=Silver]Aqua - Agility[/color] [color=87F64F][b][u] Equipment [/u][/b][/color] [url=https://www.historynet.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/w-1200x480.jpg]Martini-Henry Rifle[/url] [url=https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lvjF6xS9AYI/VxZhZqgw5uI/AAAAAAAABag/uSM8EjaFdCY0Gg4ZC2eVQvqWTiZMrUkxQCLcB/s1600/QUARTERSTAFF.jpg]Quarterstaff[/url] [/indent] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup][indent][color=87F64F][b][u] Education [/u][/b][/color] [color=Silver]BA (Hons) Filmmaking - Thames' Edge University[/color] [color=87F64F][b][u] Biography [/u][/b][/color] [color=Silver]How does one live a childhood without a parent to lead the way? The orphaned may look up to the owner of their orphanage, or the parents that adopt them in the coming years. There's always the chance that won't happen. Those who don't get to cherish the comforting realisation of continuing a legacy fall short of happy. Memories so familiar to others, learning to ride bikes, taking rides on cheap holidays...those are inconceivable to some. Laka Adamcevski was one of those children. A mistake. An accident. The product of someone's poor life decision. And within a month of his birth, an abandoned plastic bag left drifting in the gales of sorrow. A dysfunctional relationship left him bastardised. Off went the mother, and away she went into the mist. At first, things weren't all fog and darkness, the father took their son as he should have: lovingly and with care. Times change though. People change. Intents change. Judgement begins. Careers were locked out of, even so as Laurence outgrew infancy. Mr Adamcevski could no longer pursue his life goal. He was anchored. His small business fell apart with his absence. Debt began to rise up. Unprepared to shift into complete paternity, he began to hate his son. Laka became a nuisance, a naive husk that treated life as an innocent playground. When he couldn't emotionally lash out, he turned to drinking. Neither can remember how far he truly went. All that was known was that shortly after, he couldn't handle his own burden anymore and signed Laka up for fostering by the age of five. His name was subsequently retrofitted into something more [i]British[/i] by his father's decision. And so, the child Laurence Newman was eventually fostered into his first family. Laurence didn't talk that much as a child. He'd primarily heard polish and adjusted to it, but muted himself out of fear for his father's depression. Moving to the other side of Midhurst, out of his small yet predominantly polish community, left him blindsided and isolated. He entered a public school and was immediately subjugated to special educational needs to accommodate for his lack of linguistic development. One such method of communication that was adopted early on was art. Association of images to words - a tool to teach and to tell. This was his first step into the future career he'd fall in love with. At aged 7 he moved to his second foster parents after disputes and communication issues with the former. He joined a Polish family this time and stuck with them for 4 years. There, he continued his studies and honed in on his English whilst rekindling his halfhearted native tongue. It was at this age he dwelt more upon his childhood. The family he lived with already had children. They, much like several classmates, enjoyed bullying him. Between the childlike harassment and the struggles at school, he finally became far more fluent through the use of entertainment; specifically, he fell in love with film. Its combination of visuals, language and storytelling helped him develop his linguistic skills drastically. He recited scripts in his bedroom alone, looking up the meanings and actively partaking in online discussion forums. Albeit, in his early years much of his time was spent reading others than actually engaging in conversation. At age 13, he moved to his third foster home, getting a change due to the bullying getting to him. The third family was the shortest lived. Eight months. Halfway through secondary school, Laurence fell out with his foster parents more, unwilling to accept them as some sort of replacement to his father's separation. A blend of puberty and genuine anger led to many household disputes. To cope with each argument's aftermath, he'd draw, watch online series and actively talk online about film. He started writing scripts as a way to help with his English GCSE understanding, only to fall in love with the practice just as he had for film. By the eight month of putting up with the worst household yet, he was finally moved to his last place of residence. At the age of 15, he fell into obscurity. Laurence didn't love his last family. They were nice. They were hardworking and consistently busy. They knew their duty to look after Laurence in his late teens and gave him a space to be looked after. None of them really admired what he did nor did they look to see what he'd created. His amateur filmmaking he'd do for tiny online communities were ignored by those close to him, pushing them away further than ever before. It was also at this time, during his GCSEs, that Laurence tried to reconcile with his father. The two had seen each other on the very rare occasion, their chats being reduced to nothing but few word sentences and stares of sadness. Laurence would never believe his father when he said that he was sorry. He convinced himself the two didn't love one another, even if they did in their hearts. And with that, Laurence shoved himself down a pit of inadequacy. He felt inferior when he created things in his spare time. Appraisal from peers and teachers didn't feel like much. He breezed through sixth form in detest for his own creative output. Clouding his own hatred by showering others in idolisation solved nothing but to satisfy his generosity and desire to make others happy. He grew into a peer to go to for help, to learn from and to improve from. All the advice he gave helped the others develop not only as writers and filmmakers, but as people. He lacked the final component they received. And so, he joined University. Moving to London, he separated from his foster family, though this time only for education. Still under their guardianship, they helped fund his time as a student through the wealth of their growing chemical engineering enterprise. He was given enough to help with maintenance as the student loan he received was minimal. The first year went by. He felt worse than before. He saw relationships blossom, a new form of love that permanently rivalled that of familial bonds. Laurence faded once again into obscurity. In his loss of purpose, he almost forgot of his origins. He forgot about why he loved making films, only continuing to do so for an inexplicable enjoyment. He needed something to give him [i]meaning[/i]. And that something was the appreciation of someone he loved.[/color] [/indent] [/indent] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup][indent][color=87F64F][b][u] Affiliations [/u][/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Filip Adamcevski[/i] - Filip moves around the country, now that he's joined his new business and begun to fix his life's debts. Very little contact has been kept between the two and each time it occurs its met with painful melancholy.[/color] [color=87F64F][b][u] Theme [/u][/b][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM7ALFsOH4g[/youtube] [/indent] [hr] [/hider][/centre]