[h3] Ferd Smith [/h3] Ferd laughed at Dirk and Val. Hey they were funny! "Believe it or not Val this isn't my first time in the back of a cop car either." Ferd looked over at Val and smiled, "Though mine are all small offenses, you know breaking and entering, trespassing, that sort of thing." Ferd paused as he adjusted himself in his seat, attempting to achieve a greater level of comfort. "Apparently cops don't take kindly to my sort of investigating." Ferd kept his friendly smile front and center as he began chatting. His eyes darted to Dirk in the front. What did Dirk know? Ferd felt his curiosity peeking. It wasn't often cases like this were still open more than a day after their discovery. Yet here Dirk was, soldiering on. True he made it sound as though he was receiving support from his superiors but Ferd had his doubts. Ferd's hand made its way to his pocket where he kept his pocket knife. It wasn't much but he was tired of having no defense ready if anything went down. It wasn't that he didn't believe Dirk, in fact he felt quite confident the man was a legitimate cop. No Ferd's mind was outside the car. He resisted an urge to look behind them, feeling sure that they were being followed.