Dragoon slowly opened her eyes, fighting the urge to yawn for some reason. She blinked as she beheld the real world once again, realizing at least some of what had happened before Diver and the techs started explaining. Well, shit. Hopefully they didn't screw up anything that Retra would take out of their paychecks. She'd hate to have her first payday be marred with something like that. A girl had crap to buy, damn it. [b]"Huh. So we bricked it. Whoops."[/b] Dragoon said simply as she pulled herself out of the pod, rubbing out a crick in her neck from being stuck in that position for some time. [b]"So...what now? You guys think the bosses're going to want us to go back in without slamming a glitch in the matrix this time, or have they seen enough? Because from where I'm standing, I think I've got a good enough handle on the squad now. We don't have any screwups yet, not that I can note, at least. Basically a thumbs up from me."[/b] She gave Thrones a look of concern as her...[i]condition[/i] acted up, but Vlad seemed to have things well in hand already. At least, that's what she told herself. Years of cultural conditioning taught her to keep her distance, even if she justified it with leaving things up to an actual medical expert. [b]"Really though, even if the wargame was designed for only testing infantry combat skills, it ain't exactly outside of the special ops playbook to hijack enemy vehicles and weaponry. How bad were you guys rushed for time on this thing?"[/b] She questioned the techs, legitimately curious.