[hider=Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind][center][hr] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/099e931c-0cc0-4f5e-981b-1626be5e324f.jpg[/img][hr] [color=bb8f4c][b]Name[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Leo Gremminger[/color] [color=bb8f4c][b]Gender[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Male[/color] [color=bb8f4c][b]Age[/b][/color] [color=Silver]20 - May 24[/color] [color=bb8f4c][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Homogay[/color] [color=bb8f4c][b]Nationality[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Swiss[/color] [hr] [color=bb8f4c][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Leo is a narrow-shouldered and unimposing boy with a lithe frame and below-average musculature. His dirty blonde hair is tussled into a deliberate bedhead in all but the most formal of occasions and he usually has a blank, innocent look on his face, as if completely unbothered by his surroundings at all times. Trying to call his attention to something will typically elicit a futile squint on his part, and as such he typically adopts a pair of rectangular-framed glasses while in class or when painting, though they're strictly absent in most other contexts. He dresses in expensive, but simplistic clothing, preferring plain colors and quality fabrics to anything explicitly flashy. His attire isn't very formal outside the relevant occasions, favoring mundane long-sleeved T-shirts or even tracksuits despite him being far from athletically active.[/color] [color=bb8f4c][b]Height[/b][/color] [color=Silver]5'10"[/color] [color=bb8f4c][b]Personality[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Leo generally maintains a sunny and affable demeanor to those around him, with an infectious excitability about his hobby - namely painting - that he tries to spread to anyone who will listen; willing or otherwise. He has a particular fondness for painting sunsets, but he's constantly hoping for new muses to catch his attention, and he has no problem pestering people that he's formed even the bare minimum of a relationship with to help him seek them out. Ironically, he often misses these scenic vistas he'd otherwise enjoy painting by sheer lack of attention. He's sociable and friendly, though it's usually evident that he wants himself and his interests to be at the forefront of the discussion at all times, and extended conversation can quickly reveal traces of typical upper-class personality flaws and general obliviousness to how the world works. Likewise, this naiveté can make him come off as very inattentive or careless, especially when coupled with his tendency to be astoundingly unobservant of his surroundings. Unless he's actively focusing on or interested in something, it may as well not even exist to Leo; which is at least partially a consequence of him being fairly nearsighted yet rarely deigning to wear glasses. Underneath all the layers of optimism he outwardly portrays, Leo is a deeply torn individual, caught between the expectations of his father that he doesn't find appealing and hobbies that he's been taught to consider frivolous as much as he does interesting. He's unwilling or unable to accomplish all that his father asks of him, and he selfishly refuses to compromise or deal with his issues, instead simply ignoring them in false hope they'll just go away in the end with no effort on his part.[/color] [hr] [color=bb8f4c][b]Persona[/b][/color] [hider=Sol][img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/624/122/large/michael-sugianto-helios-victorius-v2.jpg?1514011121[/img][/hider] [color=bb8f4c][b]Arcana[/b][/color] [color=Silver]The Sun[/color] [color=bb8f4c][b]Skill[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Fire, Nuclear[/color] [color=bb8f4c][b]Equipment[/b][/color] [color=Silver][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/41/b9/39/41b939a7021c90af1f56049eebdbc692.jpg]Renaissance Era Saber[/url] - You know what they say, 'When in Rome...' [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c4/SIG220-Morges_two_sides.jpg/900px-SIG220-Morges_two_sides.jpg]SIG Sauer P220 Pistol[/url] - Standard sidearm of the Swiss Army and a symbol of yet another obligation Leo is avoiding.[/color] [hr] [color=bb8f4c][b]Education[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Second Year Finance Major[/color] [color=bb8f4c][b]Biography[/b][/color] [color=Silver]As the sole heir of a wealthy Swiss financier, Leo lived a fairly privileged childhood. He grew up in an upper class area in northern Switzerland, attending prestigious schools for almost the entirety of his educational career. Despite this, typical academic pursuits didn't interest him. His father owned a modest art collection, an eccentricity the man cultivated as a status symbol he could subtly boast about, and it had always captivated young Leo. When he was eight, his family took a vacation to Rome, which Leo found even more fascinating than the oil paintings hanging around his house. Every grand mural and impressive work of sculpture was a talent he hoped to match. He wanted to be a painter like all the famous Renaissance people and artists of antiquity. When he got home, it took little time before Leo was signed up for art classes and practicing regularly. His parents were about as supportive of the interest as any parent is in their child's passing fancy, though his father continued to dismiss Leo's hobby as a pointless diversion no matter how committed or interested he was in it. It was made very clear he'd be expected to inherit the family fortune and that business schooling should be his primary concern, which initially didn't bother Leo in the slightest. After all, he could certainly maintain a mere hobby alongside cultivating his family's wealth. Though, as he grew older, he became less and less enchanted with the idea. Obligations of how to behave, who to associate with, what he needed to do with his life, not to mention a wife and kids; it was stifling, and yet Leo had no alternative. Art wasn't exactly a lucrative career path, and he could only skirt by on his inheritance for so long. After deliberating on what he really wanted for so long, it eventually grew to the point where he didn't want to do [i]anything[/i]. Everything in his life thus far had been handed to him on a silver platter, and the notion of having to put genuine effort toward something he didn't want to do offended his spoiled sensibilities. Thus, he chose to selfishly cling to an illusion of always getting everything he wanted. To that end, he simply chose to put as much distance between himself and his problems as he could in hopes he could ignore them forever. Outside the country, his parents wouldn't be as overbearing, no one would be hawkishly watching his decisions, and nobody would be trying to conscript him into the Swiss Army. Leo applied to foreign universities, knowing his father would fund it regardless as long as he was studying in a field he approved of, and was eventually accepted by Thames' Edge. In his first year, Leo came to embody the essence of 'ignorance is bliss'. He was never a very perceptive boy when he wasn't trying to paint something, and it was only a short leap from there to shutting out anything he didn't want to hear. Problems, people; he wanted nothing to do with anything that threatened his optimistic delusions. As far as Leo was concerned, he was perfectly content skating by as an average student and gaining cheap validation from Twitter comments about his posted art.[/color] [color=bb8f4c][b]Affiliations[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Berhtram Gremminger[/i] - Leo's father, a wealthy Swiss businessman from a line of old money. While he does have very strong ideas about how his son should conduct himself, he's not truly as uncompromising and cold as Leo might describe him as and merely wants the best for the boy. He sees steering Leo into a career in finance as the easiest and best life he could provide for his son, as he'd have a comfortable job at Berhtram's firm and be more than prepared to inherit the company. [i]Anna Gremminger[/i] - Leo's mother, an upper class woman from the canton of Schwyz, was more engaged in Leo's life than his busy and somewhat distant father, as Berhtram was easily rich enough to allow her to not work a day in her life after they married. As such, she spent her days at home watching little Leo's art projects and encouraging him as any good mother would do, though she still ultimately sides with his father on matters of Leo's prospective career path.[/color] [color=bb8f4c][b]Relationships[/b][/color] [color=Silver]TBA[/color] [/center][/hider]