Kaze blinked when it seemed like everyone was about to go in different directions. Still, he ushered those in front of him to follow the busty elven woman, the jester, and horned girl. Vani picked up his own pace, chasing after the women and male ahead, but the girl asked him if he could throw her to the rooftops. [color=crimson]"Remember there are archers, girl."[/color] He said, but Vani positioned himself to act as the springboard she seemed to desire. More sounds were coming from behind, there was the unit ahead, and the leader of the squad ahead decided slapping someone full force would get him what he wanted. When someone was kneeling and defenseless, pretty much submitting, you didn't attack them because they said something you didn't like. A low animalistic growl emanated from the behemoths chest as his eyes widened. His pupils turning to slits as a red miasma started rising off his body, his barbaric Rage activating. Reaching over his shoulder he grasped the handle of his huge blade and drew it before blitzing down the alley-way. Despite his rage he did still move around the others of the group instead of bowling through them. It took a lot to enrage the reptilian man, except for certain actions. Like striking someone actually submitting since there was no reason for it. It honestly didn't even register that the woman hadn't taken any damage, just that she had been hit. Skidding while drawing his weapon back he swung the giant cleaver as if it were a great-club. A full body double handed swing as if he were aiming for a home-run combined with some of his skidding momentum at the man who had ineffectively slapped Serafaye.