[@ReedeThe23rd]No problems with not following exactly to the sheet, Vance didn't either and his character is fine. Yours hits all the main beats and has all the information we/I need on there, and that's what matters. Really interesting character, I can see a lot of potential for him to get involved in some really interesting character conflicts, and the potential for some friction between him and other members of the unit, which could be good too. Also regarding the Nemo as an older mobile suit, that could be interesting in itself - a good pilot in an older unit can still be devastating and effective, as seen in Gundam Unicorn and the attack on Torrington. Plus there's always the potential to upgrade if you want to at a later date... and it's just kind of cool having someone use an older unit and keep up with the others as well. I think it's a neat character trait, and is very typically 'anime' as well.