It is not in any way that Hornet's pictures are bad - they're extraordinarily skilled, flowing lines and liquid curves that transcend their hasty origins. It's more that Adila is strength and motion and momentum like a broken dam containing a lake of fire and she cannot process what she is seeing in the slightest. Her mind is sparks and lightning and there's no way that she could do something as serene as contemplate art in this moment. So she stares at the picture for two eternal seconds before letting out a disoriented +hmm+ and whirling off to wrap a Garthim in ribbons of fire. But this isn't like before where she'd just dismiss this as something irrelevant Hornet did, to be ignored amidst the drumming call of her heart. Instead she falls into step with Princess Dandy, the one mind calm enough to consider the abstract while slam-kicking overgrown crabs with hobnailed boots. For a moment they dance together, Adila casting aside her lines of fire like a cloak. It's not clear who is leading; perhaps they both are, and the rhythm of the moment is the flash-steam tension of burning haste and pacific calm cancelling each other out. Their minds touch as their lips do, a more direct link and line of secrets than what they've shared before. And then Adila is away again, carrying that drop of white in the depths of the black. She looks at Princess Hornet to show that she understands, and then she flashes across the room as a storm to interpose herself between her friends and the vengeful Oberon. She will defend them; none of this will work if they're not together. [Overcome: 2+2: 4]