Kaiden had to endure another run in with the Commodore by this point, who explained to him for, what is it? The fifth time, perhaps, of how he would receive no special treatment on this rig. It truthfully enraged the young Lieutenant more than [i]nearly[/i] anything else. He had never received special treatment from his birth in his life. It was why he loved the military, because he had to work for his position. Hell, the only time he'd received special treatment in the service was when he slept with his superior officer during his training as a cadet (before he met Sabatine), and all he received from that was the pick of the meals in the bloody messhall. His family was no exception. Certainly not his father, who used him as an extension of his own will. By the mercy of the Gods he found the room he had been assigned, and after Harwen had received his equipment for him he unpacked his things, as little as he had. It was a spartan room as to be expected on a cruiser, but it suited him. As long as he could sleep comfortably he wouldn't complain. Among his possessions was a picture of his mother, and the officers' badge of his eldest brother. Both were deceased, and still it was hard to imagine living in a world with such a truth. Kaiden was already dressed smartly, though it wouldn't hurt to iron his military jacket. It was times like these he missed Ferbose, his old servant back on the estate. Perhaps one day he could send an offer for hire, but at the moment he would make do without. He searched around the room, and with a relieved sigh he found the ironing board behind a cabinet. He opened it from the top, letting it slide down to touch on the floor gently. He wondered what his father might think, seeing him do such a mundane activity as ironing a jacket. Halway through the chore, there was a knock at his door. Three knocks in quick succession indicating the newcomer was of inferior rank. He didn't turn around when he called "Come in!" Hoping to God it wasn't Sabatine. There was indeed a feminine gasp that accompanied the opening of the door, but it wasn't her voice thankfully. He turned from the ironing board to see one of the local spacers, a cute young woman with short, black hair and green eyes. Kaiden wasn't indecent, wearing his white button down closed. But without his jacket and with his sleeves rolled up, he had the look of the romantic lead on the cover of one of the classic romance novels. She looked around, clearly not wanting to admit she had been the one to gasp even if there wasn't another human for about 60 meters. Clearing her throat, she saluted him. "Spacer Burke, sir. I've been commissioned by the Commodore to present you with your standard issue firearm." In her offhand was a black box he took, and opened it to find the Mig 52 Sidearm he was expecting. He grinned openly, having awaited such an honor for four years. Finally, he felt as the ranking Lieutenant should. Placing the box near the photos of his family, he turned and gave the spacer a salute, who returned the gesture. "Thank you, Burke." He said to her. "You're dismissed. Oh and if you're impressed with me now, perhaps once my position here is secure I could make you gasp again after a few bottles of wine. Far louder I suspect." She left the room with her face as red as a cherry, one part embarrassment, two parts shyness. He didn't suspect he would ever make good on that offer, but it was fun to tease sometimes. Lord knows it was the only time he felt he had the control of any situation, at least recently.