Yeah, Wooloo would probably be the biggest source, unless they wanted to source it from other areas they could go Mareep line. Yeah, but I bet they'd also use Cotton Pokemon to help plant the cotton plants and then probably get bird pokemon/flying pokemon to help collect all of it to use. But yeah, Silk would probably come from Bug-Pokemon. Yeah, it's something I really like to think about honestly; it's a bit morbid but hey, so is going out and catching wild animals to make them fight for your amusement and companionship but /shrug. But yeah, there are hints towards Pokemon eating other Pokemon, which would happen given a wild scenario. But I have always wondered if there are Pokemon they actually farm to eat, cause there is Fruit-based Pokemon and there's a shit tonne of berries and stuff that they can eat. But they [i]do[/i] include eating Magikarp and Slowpoke tails and stuff like that so maybe they do eat Miltank after they fail production standards or maybe even all of the 'meat' we see is just tofu or other meat-looking substitute?