With the fighters guarding against the drake as the fight against it and Azzen pulling Ironbane from a far enough distance to be safe. Najila had a clear shot as the drake back was against Najila as it stood on its back legs angrily to find a spot to harm Aron with its weight against it. It was during this moment that Najila's blast flew through with success as its force pierced through the drake and causing to slump to the ground, dead. As silence returned to the room, all that could really be heard were the breaths of the party recovering from the just finished battle and the sound of faint, but heavy winds beating against the large wooden door in the very spacious room with four benches loosely placed on the sides of the room. Then there is the stone stair case leading further up this building. With the sound of combat finished, Celeste poked her head around the corner of the hall and softly asked "Are we safe again?" [hider=Rolls and Info] End of immediate combat [/hider]